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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. No, they did not, they were there - applauding him.
  2. As did Biden and "Bidens" while he still had power.
  3. "Biden expressly stated that he would never issue preemptive pardons..." That's just what crooked, serial liars do.
  4. For what does he need to pardon himself?
  5. There was no insurrection, you're the one attempting to rewrite history in some peoples' minds by suggesting that there was.
  6. Nothing else but what, from which criminal... pardons from Biden, presumably?
  7. Of whom are you asking that question...a poster here or AseanNow?
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 222 seconds  
  9. They do for those arrested here who are not on the way out at the airport! What do you reckon the police do with arrested overstayers? He wasn't in prison , he was in police cells and then IDC.
  10. "Police, alerted to his visa status, arrested him and dragged him to court, claiming he had overstayed by a few days".
  11. The Canadian's pickup is illegal?
  12. Seems to be the standard end of Teslas. No, it does not. You showed a photo of one, what about the other approximately 6,750,000 cars that have been produced?
  13. Thanks for that support! Don't know how you got away with posting a link to the Bangkok Post, though, that is not supposed to be permitted here*. *EDIT: No longer applies, apparently.
  14. Please create a link to the article. Of course you will create excuses as to why you cannot. No, you can go to Bangkok Post yourself easily enough and read the article, this forum does not permit us to link to the Bangkok Post but, of course, you will create excuses as to why I should, regardless.
  15. I have better things to do with my time other than having to twiddle my thumbs and unable to do SFA else for a good hour or so while being "serenaded" with irritating muzak to boot until a real live IPC human being can be bothered to answer my call, thank you very much! "I have better things to do with my time... Me too, my entire call cost B40 so there was no "being serenaded with irritating muzak for a good hour or so until a real live IPC human being can be bothered to answer my call". At 8am the call was answered almost immediately.
  16. Subscribe to Skype's "Skype to UK landine service", less than £3* per month. Works perfectly. Unlimited call time. Not everyone needs unlimited call time, my Dtac call worked perfectly also for less than a quid (95p), no need to give Skype three times that every month!
  17. With due respect, I know he was not responsible for the fire BUT...........! "BUT" what?
  18. Where was it reported that he wasn't wearing a helmet?
  19. No, possession of small amounts of meth was not legalised. Even if that had been the case. driving while under the influence of meth is illegal and I'd guess that being in charge of a child while intoxicated under the circumstances of the OP probably wouldn't go down well with the courts, either.
  20. ...and yet, there is the buggered-up safe or all the cynical AN Chinese-bashers to see.
  21. Even though the evidence of it clearly being possible is shown in the OP?
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