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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. That is not true. The wallet can be topped up with a payment from your bank, that's the only way I top up mine. What cannot be done by a foreigner is to directly link that bank account to the wallet.
  2. What details have they given that makes it sound like a genuine tragic accident ? What details have they given that makes it not sound like a genuine tragic accident ?
  3. And a wake ...and for airline tickets to, and hotel charges in Thailand!
  4. The vendor doesn't incur that 3% fee for debit card purchases, either, only credit cards.
  5. In the specific case reported in that link he was scammed by voluntarily responding to a dubious phone call, nothing to do with Revolut.
  6. All that is provable fact, is it? Or just your opinion?
  7. Does it? What is so "unexplained" about most of the deaths? Or, perhaps I missed your sarcasm as the "Bermuda Triangle" has also been confirmed to be a myth.
  8. Or could there be conspiracy theories at play? What is "mysterious" about drownings or drug overdoses? Apart from the one disappearing girl that the OP references, which deaths have been "unexplained" as opposed to nothing more than "we don't like that explanation"? Perhaps the deaths that are determined to have been accidents were just accidents? Sad, indeed, but the family have not made any mention about any "mysterious" or "unexplained" circumstances in the case of the Irishman.
  9. How does the opinion of some people regarding its reputation have anything to do with this incident that does not, apparently, seem to be causing any concern to the family?
  10. They all also have a tendency "to light up every room they go into" and always "put others needs before their own".
  11. It's not just for a funeral, it's for repatriation and a funeral in Ireland.
  12. "abolition of U.K. pension plans". Fearmongering nonsense. That does not refer to an "abolishment of UK pension plans", it refers to a possible change from a basic state pension to the new state pension giving most people more money!
  13. They can also be contacted on the phone. Cost me B40 from a Dtac number at 8:02am their time.
  14. I had to call the IPC last week to query an unusual delay in my receipt of my pension, I asked if the delay could be because a LC hadn't been received and was told that wasn't the issue as, coincidentally, a LC had just been sent to me in the post. Even though they were talking to me and had fully identified me they would not accept that as proof of life, I have to wait for the form and return it in the post.
  15. "I have never heard of..." There does seem to be a lot of legal aspects that you have never heard of! "UK doesn't usually go in for percentage of the claim". Really? Where did you get that from? You do know that "the UK" is not bringing the suit, don't you?
  16. The suit will not be against just one division of the company, it is against Leonardo S.p.A.
  17. No courts anywhere "offer" damages amounts! There is no menu from which selected damages can be selected. "I'm no aviation liability expert..." Really?
  18. Looks like they're not mentioned in the legal action so the duck's health is irrelevant.
  19. It seems that you're the only one banging on about punitive damages. Where was that mentioned in connection with the suit that has been filed?
  20. There's a difference between the key man in a company dying as a result of natural causes and his death being caused prematurely by a third party!
  21. From where did you get the $4.9bn valuation for Vichai's companies and commercial interests?
  22. Good for you. I bow to your greater legal knowledge.
  23. Very easy to understand how a company started and guided by him, the success of which may have been entirely due to him, could suffer future losses in success due to his not being there because of his premature death caused by the manufacturer of his helicopter.
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