For reference, the OP said that he is from Liverpool and that he had played for Tranmere, those two are not mutually exclusive, it did NOT say that Tranmere is in Liverpool. And for more reference, Birkenhead is in Wirral, Merseyside, NOT Cheshire.
Er, I'm 40 years in the oil business and I can assure you that what is being emitted from most of those buses is not water vapour.
Er, I don't need your "assurance", what is the main emission from LPG-fueled vehicles' tailpipes?
Just hang about a bit, it will soon get back to better than normal as exemplified by the 7-11 "no plastic bag" farce, it didn't last long, there's more than ever now, freely given out, the tax b0llocks will go the same way.
That's incorrect. Loans taken out or debts incurred by spouses solely in their name and only benefitting that person do not become a liability of the other spouse.
I'd guess that what you're missing is that he may not have been authorised to sell on his sole signature and the documents were issued based on a false police report as the charges include providing false statements and instructing officials to record false information in official documents.