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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Insurance companies are very adept at avoiding paying out invalid claims. Percentages of claims paid out indicate that insurers (they're all regulated) actually have a very good record of paying valid claims, it they didn't there wouldn't be an insurance industry.
  2. "...almost everyone has an id, ATM, credit card, drivers license, insurance card" But not everyone. "What about where he was staying. Hotel, guest house ect". How could that be checked when they had no idea who he was? They, obviously, also had no idea where he was staying.
  3. You don't know that at all, He sort of does, the other person involved in the accident was quoted as stating that he was found with no ID on him.
  4. All that is just your opinion. And some would say that it is a "tasteless, poor quality, bad, crappy" opinion, but you are entitled to it.
  5. Importing food into Thailand is not allowed without an import permit but if you're not stopped it doesn't matter. If you are, it could be confiscated.
  6. It's only no problem if you're not stopped by Customs and it isn't confiscated as all food is a restricted item that, officially, needs an import permit. I'm guessing that you didn't declare yours!
  7. My claim to fame. I knew the guy in the green and yellow. That would be a claim of insignificance, not a claim to fame, no one's still heard of you.
  8. It's not a song about "killing females", it's a fictional song lyric about one (fictional) crime of passion. Singing about a fictional situation is no different than it being written about in novels that are read by millions and no one is complaining about those.
  9. "...hackers had secured access to their personal information through their charging cables..." That was quickly debunked as extremely unlikely in isolation.
  10. And will they even be bothered if you call them at 1 or 2 am while half cut and tell them you are being extorted by the Police at a check-point in Lad-Prao ????? Its fine saying... they have a 24 hr manned emergency number.... but do they really consider police extortion an emergency, or something that we can just deal with ourselves ??? My point was that they are available, there is a 24-hour emergency number. Whether they can assist in the manner that so many foreigners seem to think the civil servants of the embassy staff should is another matter.
  11. All those people knew that they were only temporary visitors here, according to their visa, and they were not forced to leave Thailand they did that of their own accord. "We really don't think this is funny, and do not appreciate your disdainfulness". Who's the "we" that you seem to assume that you're representing?
  12. I don't think that any foreigners pay IOs, Thai agents do that.
  13. "Tourist police are the joke of the RTP. They have little power..." That is nonsense, the Tourist Police Bureau is a section of the RTP and those officers are all police officers, they have exactly the same powers as the other police units. You may be referring to Police Volunteers but they are not Tourist Police, they are civilian volunteers working with the Tourist Police.
  14. They're only "useless" if you have no idea what their job is. They are civil servants, not lawyers, they're not qualified to give legal advice but they can tell you the best thing to do.
  15. Most embassies have a 24-hour emergency number, the British one sure does.
  16. The article was written by some bloke in Phuket so, yes, you're right, what does he know!
  17. thst's the point of the article - they can't directly say it though, can they? When you write "they" it looks as though you think this OP is information issued by the police. It isn't.
  18. Peter Roche at the Phuket Go put this out, not the police, so it is not an admission that they have problems!
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