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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What's "British" humour got to do with this but, more to the point, which part of your comment was humourous?
  2. No, they are not "and counting" the deaths and nowhere near those "19" were murders.
  3. Think you missed the plot/ irony. Think you missed including some clarity in your comment. As there was no indication of any sarcasm in your post, I presumed you were suggesting that his death could be compared to those odd balcony deaths.
  4. But 100% lethal for far too many. Obviously, one death is one too many but the island has been 100% safe for 99.9% of tens of millions tourists over the years.
  5. The tens of millions of tourists who have returned home safely from Koh Tao over the past few decades would not agree with your "mith" [sic]. An infinitesimal percentage of visitors have died there in unexpected circumstances. A much more accurate name for the island would have to be Isle of the 99.9% Perfectly Safe Visitors.
  6. There are reports from witnesses and then there's your thinly-veiled conspiracy theory. Do you have evidence of it being something more sinister?
  7. "How do you manage to get good long lasting batteries?" Buy good brands.
  8. You're right but I think he's referring to Immigration for renewing extensions, not airport Immigration.
  9. "Do you know there is a way to reply to multiple posts at one time?" Yes, I do. Do you know the rules for nesting multiple quotes? Do you also know that how I respond is sod-all to do with you? Who said that I am "unpopular", have you conducted a survey? Even if I am, do you think that I care, this is not a dating site, is it? Expand Agree, I don't think you are unpopular, I enjoy reading your comments. Always, swift and to the point. ???? Thanks. The negative opinions of anonymous strangers on this forum (primarily because I don't irrationally Thai-bash and I refuse to join the "we all know" club) are of less than no concern to me.
  10. It's an assumption correct but it's not based on nothing. I know plenty of older folks who ride big bikes and all of them have had plenty of prior experience. If you know nothing about this man and, obviously, you don't, then your assumption about him is based on nothing.
  11. Foreign companies and local competition are not banned from importing and distributing tobacco products in Thailand.
  12. Close the thread time, then, as you've sorted it. A lot of people would think that your made up story does not ring true, either.
  13. Under the banner 'National News'. Did you miss that? Has Pattaya declared UDI & is not now part of the Thai Nation? What's that got to do with who wrote the article?
  14. "Do you know there is a way to reply to multiple posts at one time?" Yes, I do. Do you know the rules for nesting multiple quotes? Do you also know that how I respond is sod-all to do with you? Who said that I am "unpopular", have you conducted a survey? Even if I am, do you think that I care, this is not a dating site, is it?
  15. Did he have it on him at the time of the accident or was it found somewhere else later? It was not reported that the phone was on him at the time.
  16. Yeah, very chicken and egg phraseology. Who determines it is valid? The insurers, obviously, it's not difficult to interpret the policy conditions (that's why somewhere in the region of 90% of all insurance claims are paid out). The regulator, the ombudsman or a court is there if there is a dispute. No "chicken and egg" situation, at all.
  17. I thought the way it works is that only comments that agree with the general (Thaivisa member) consensus here are tolerated!
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