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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Some animals are "beautiful animals" but others aren't, including the venomous golden green tree snake? Isn't that subjective, yet you're deciding which animals he should find beautiful enough, in your opinion, to remain in his garden?
  2. His choice, he doesn't have to justify it.
  3. Just as you are capable of searching out what ever you need to understand - so off you go. I don't need to do any searching because there are no unexplained deaths!
  4. Shi_te, I thought my specialness and awesomeness was being officially recognised...what a let down, all you buggers have got some also!
  5. "how do you steal somebody's crypto?" Discussion of illegal activities is not permitted! Are you planning a new career?! "isn't the blockchain bulletproof?" Seems not!
  6. No idea but I'm sure that you're capable of researching that. I can't see what relevance the nationalities are, the issue is about the number of deaths. You refer to "mysterious deaths and accidents", are there any that have been left unexplained, i.e. no conclusion as to what happened? Which ones, specifically, are those?
  7. No offence taken because I didn't set myself up; think you may have done though. Lets see the confirmation of that law suit that you've got!
  8. The RTP have started a defamation lawsuit against the Taiwanese actress because she told a lie which made the RTP look bad, hurt their feelings, and exposed a multi million bhat a month extortion racket. I'm pretty sure that they haven't done that...unless you've got something to confirm your assertion. They may have threatened to do it.
  9. Tens of millions? Really? Be hard pushed for there to have been 10m since the place was a thing. Granted, still not a huge amount of deaths, Official figures show that Koh Tao (in normal times) gets somewhere in the region of 500,000 visitors per year. How many years has KT been a destination?
  10. Ah my stalker is back from the beer bar stool. I've got much better things to do than to be wrongly accused of "stalking" you and one place that you will never find me is in a beer bar.
  11. Close, my ancestry is. English and Irish with debatably a trace of Danish. That's lucky, at least you didn't get stuck with being an Aussie!
  12. Canada is still member of commonwealth countries I'm well aware of that, what's your point in the context of my response to mark5335?
  13. The clue might be in the thread title? Ah...ok, I see the clue now, "King Charles", you must be British.
  14. That's obviously not correct. I can assume just as well that he wasn't poor, reasonably well educated and can speak English decently just based on the fact that he was an American. I can assume that purely due to his nationality because most people sharing the same trait will fit into that bucket. Will I be correct for sure? No. But it's a *reasonable* assumption in contrast to assuming that he was a beginner. "Assume", "assume", "assumption", "assuming"! As I said, you know nothing whatsoever about this man or his bike experience, everything you wrote there about him is nothing but speculation. Q.E.D.
  15. This is confirming that, yes, there was extortion, the actress was acting...lying...all the time, bringing her credibility into question. All the time she was saying that she had been extorted for having a vape she was lying. She didn't have a vape and she did not have to pay anything. The Singaporean bloke did and he has now confirmed that.
  16. You're saying that India is destitute as a result of the UK's actions? Presumably you've read your own links, I can't be arsed going through them all if you can't answer my question, all I asked was which countries were left destitute by the UK? If you have to provide googled links, that you haven't read properly, I take it you can't name any.
  17. Nonsense Go on, then, which are the "nineteen and counting" murders that you're referring to?
  18. So what? Africans were "slavers" also; is the current generation and the previous, and the previous responsible for the actions of their ancestors? Where are you from, Old Croc?
  19. "...so the country no longer looks like a colonial outpost". But that's what it is.
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