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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. The fire was confined to one room; did you see footage of the inside of that room? Regardless of that, sprinklers are only a requirement for building over eight floors.
  2. "I would like to clarify further about, "The World According to Garp". Does anyone care?
  3. So? It's common knowledge that many people die in accidents and occasionally a shooting, you're not revealing anything new by making a list of them.
  4. Who are you addressing, me or Elkski? Clarify your post. If you were asking me, my comment was factual and does not require "links". If you were asking him, then God alone knows what the duck he was going on about.
  5. There is evidence of incomplete or non-existent investigations. C. Annesley declared as an overdose. So who, with credibility, not hearsay, is saying that that case was "incomplete or was never investigated"? Just because you didn't like the outcome doesn't mean that there was no investigation or it was not able to come to a reasonable conclusion.
  6. Who, apart from you, said that the RTP and I were "talking on behalf of her family"? Such garbage. They weren't. Any reason for me not to accept what the police, the forensic pathologists and her family said in the absence of anything, with credibility, contradicting it? Perhaps the police, etc., were correct in this case, you sure don't know any different.
  7. The snake must have sold it to him.
  8. Her family were happy with that conclusion, if you choose to believe otherwise, then that is entirely up to you.
  9. Where did I post that I believed the police version and no other. Be specific, now. I think you'll find that I referred to evidence of there not being just the conspiracy theorists' versions.
  10. You should visit one day, you may be surprised! It's better than Liverpool! Hubcaps are safe! When was the last time that you visited Liverpool, or lost your hubcaps? Maybe you should visit there one day.
  11. We are all titled to our opinions, albeit you consider it RTP bashing, hmmmm, wonder why ???? Because without anything to back up accusations and assertions, not opinions, it is Thai-bashing.
  12. Big difference between explained manipulated cover-ups and actual causes, but that doesn't suit your agenda. So you've got some evidence of the manipulated cover-ups, plural (I accept that the British couple's case was dodgy). Or does not having any suit your agenda?
  13. The evidence from the police, the pathologist who performed the postmortem, the farewell note letter that she left for her family and the family's quoted acceptance of all that evidence was pretty solid and cogent. A lot more solid and cogent than speculation and hearsay, but I'm open to swallowing my words if someone has anything that is backed up by more than a suggestion that is not much more than "I heard" or "we all know".
  14. There was a comprehensive Bangkok Post report from 2021 on this case that I was able to find in ten seconds of searching, I'm surprised your IT abilities are not as good as mine. And mine are shi_te.
  15. Someone should send this post to the RTP. Let them know at least someone fell for it ????. I haven't "fallen" for anything as you would realise if your reading and comprehension abilities were a little better. Could you point out any similar occasion where it is known conclusively that the police have concocted this type of story or is it just lame cynicism that you have to offer as evidence? I'm not saying that they haven't in the past or that they may have done in this case but so far there is no evidence of either except "Thaivisa detectives'" fatuous, over-imaginative versions of events. You'll get a grovelling apology from me if you've got something specific. Over to you. By the way, if you're so sure of yourself, why don't you forward my comment to the RTP instead of suggesting that someone else does your dirty work? What's the problem, are you concerned that you make be on very shaky ground?
  16. ignoring intent to overstate fact most certainly is. How could you ever know what "my intent" could be, are you inside my head? To correct you, once again, as you have a tendency to post falsehoods, golden tree snakes are one of the venomous types of snake.
  17. Tap on "Settings" and type "location" into the search bar (magnifying glass icon) then hit the search button on the phone's keyboard (magnifying glass icon again) that you've just used. That'll give you all the "location" options to look at and then turn on the one you need. It'll probably the first one.
  18. And every time there's this type of report Thaivisa is full of unwarranted posts condemning them as bull while offering nothing but cynicism to back their lame assertions. As you said, as predictable as a soap opera.
  19. That's not it, either, GPS location is related to global positioning satellites that locate your phone's position through magic (for us oldies). I think that you have to allow access to "Location" in your phone settings.
  20. They have? Were has that been reported by the police that applies to unexplained or unexpected deaths? I hope you're not posting false and misleading information.
  21. pedant Hey, steady on, I've been awarded badges! But, anyway, I'm 100% correct, yes? A snake is either venomous or it isn't, golden tree snakes are and stating that fact is not pedanticism.
  22. incorrect, for example Sharlyn, how about her? Sharlyn? Unexplained? Do you mean the Japanese woman who died 17 years ago whose case was determined to not be a murder but suicide by the police investigation and a postmortem? The one in which she left a farewell note to her relatives whom were not doubting the conclusion of the investigation? That one? And you post that I'm incorrect!
  23. The golden tree snake is venomous, albeit not dangerously so to humans.
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