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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What makes you say that comparable Chinese-made EVs are "sub par"? Anything empirical?
  2. Anything is too expensive for some Somchais, but not all of them, there are plenty of Teslas in Thailand.
  3. "...provide proof you are attending classes". ...allegedly attending classes, but that's very naughty and is what agents are for!
  4. Was anything that he posted incorrect or irrational? Surely you can do better?
  5. That's why they will accept copies or phone pictures, as the OP clearly stated.
  6. It’s just fooling people, not really a scam. Not sure what the right word is. Yes, I understand what you're saying, but once he'd seen the place, in person, the only fooling going on would be him fooling himself by moving in.
  7. He had a 19 years old girlfriend. Had to try keep up, didn't he? His son, who went on the bike, is the one with the 19-year old girlfriend, who was in the car.
  8. The implication is that it was the son's girlfriend travelling in the car while her boyfriend took the bike.
  9. Perhaps it had ripped buggery out of his bikes eight times already?!
  10. They take great photo's and fool people, or even photo's of a different unit, or mis-represent it to make a sale. Many people don't have the time to check every little detail on everything before they commit So that makes it their problem! If they're prepared to pay rent for a condo, unseen, then move in and live there for a few days even after seeing it, that's their problem, it is certainly not a scam.
  11. I think you're confused. I'm not the OP. I'm not confused, I didn't say that you were the OP, I was replying to your post in which you said that something posted on a public forum, i.e. this thread, was none of my business... "Much like what other people worry about is none of your business".
  12. It's appalling to see these old geezers who are so bent out of shape from their lack of basic self respect. What's even more "appalling" is that you seem to think that it is somehow your business what an old man's condition, about whom you know bu_gger-all, appears to be.
  13. That's my point he wasn't skint. Your point was wrong, he was skint, he told the police that was the reason for his overstay. Your speculation about what income he could have had is just that, irrelevant, uninformed speculation. He was skint.
  14. Much like what other people worry about is none of your business. ...unless your view is posted on a public forum, as yours was, then it is everyone's business! The drinkers were minding their own business having a beer.
  15. I know that, I was asking him why he chose to move in if it was as sh1tty as he claimed, no one forced him to, I don't think.
  16. Worry about yourself, geezer, not them, their condition is none of your business.
  17. Liverpool Lou


    Lumpini Park after dark, some crackers there.
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