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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Maybe, maybe not, I don't keep count (I leave that inane pastime to others), perhaps there are just so many posts that deserve a rational response!
  2. They probably want to discourage the penniless pissheads from trying to turn their nice family restaurants into <deleted>ty bars for cheap bastards.
  3. IIRC your passport does not really belong to you but the country of issue, at least the UK one does. You're correct.
  4. No, that is not the issue, no one applying for an ED visa has to "match a standard student profile", they just have to be enrolled in a school. Go to a Thai language class and see.
  5. Who said that they can't find him? Finding out where he is isn't the problem. He's not wanted in any country except Thailand and the RTP's jurisdiction ends at the Thai borders, that's how it works
  6. Interpol Notices are advices/requests to member police forces, none of them are obligated to take any notice of them if they don't want to.
  7. Because there's been a very well publicised crackdown lasting from Dec 1st until today. It's been reported many times here and in the English language press.
  8. Says who? Not Interpol, that's for sure. If a warrant has been issued a Notice can be requested, if Interpol don't like the request they can deny it.
  9. If he popped into the Immigration office while not attending the classes that got him the visa. I'm sure that they would have told him. Anyone who does not stick to the requirements for a visa to remain valid would obviously know the risk that they were taking and, therefore, visa cancellation and overstay would not be "a bogus stretch"!
  10. Why, when the OP specifically states... "he was reported by Immigration for not attending the required education classes for his visa. Chiang Rai Immigration canceled his visa on November 3rd, 2022..."?
  11. Just because there is no extradition treaty in force for Poland does not mean that extradition from Thailand cannot be requested and/or granted.
  12. These reports are relevant because the IB has announced that they were having a crackdown between Dec 1st and today...as the OP clearly states and as has been reported in many other connected threads. These cases are the consequence of that crackdown.
  13. "Student visa" generally refers to an ED visa, it doesn't mean that they're school/university age and 37 is not an unusual age to want to learn something. If he'd attended the classes he was supposed to, even at age 37, he probably wouldn't have had this issue.
  14. Not to be pedantic but the bank will only return your ATM card to you if it is embossed with your name, many are not, otherwise it is returned to the bank head office which can be a laborious and time consuming process. Absolutely. How can any third party bank identify which card belongs to whom without contacting every bank that has a retained card in it's ATM and investigating? That's something that the banks will not do on the spot. I can't understand why some members claim that banks will just open their ATMs and dish out cards, willy nilly. Banks sometimes issue retain instructions because an account is being misused and they do not want that person to have the card, that's another reason that banks do not generally open ATMs to return retained cards.
  15. Yes, that is actually what happens, not what JackGats suggested is normal, unless he lost his card in an ATM of his own bank and branch where they could check the reason for the card being retained before handing it back. Retained cards are generally destroyed.
  16. Not anymore for retail customers, and Citi, Bangkok, is a Thai bank, as are all banks operating in Thailand.
  17. That's a state owned Thai bank, what makes you think that it's an "international bank"?!
  18. I have accounts with five different Thai banks and, in 28 years, not one of them have "sucked", shown any evidence of not being trustworthy or have proven to be petty thieves as you libellously label them all.
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