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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. No, definitely not, unless he specifically opened a Non-Resident Account which are predominantly for foreign currency deposits.
  2. Have you actually read what her daft demands are? A new car or a repair and the refund of her finance deposit and all her monthly payments to date! Ridiculous. Why would Nissan Japan have any interest in collision repair of a nearly two-year old car?
  3. Why would he lie to you about something that he could get paid for? Can't you get one from your embassy?
  4. What steel grades are they using ? Grades that enable their vehicles to be compliant with the same safety regulations that every other manufacturer has to meet. You're suggesting that some brands, in comparable sectors, are using superior grades of steel?
  5. Checking that emergency exits aren't illegally locked isn't out of their area of "qualification" or responsibility.
  6. "The old person crossing caused an MG to brake sharply, a collision with a delivery guy on a Honda PCX and a #65 bus". That middle-aged "old" person.
  7. The thread is not about this guy but, nevertheless, this was stated in a previous post "The thread is not about this guy but, nevertheless, this was stated in a previous post" Yes, by me! But, nevertheless, so what? Who said that this thread was about Chalerm? My response was to a comment about Chalerm posted in this thread.
  8. Unless that heavy front and rear damage was inflicted deliberately, there must have been at least one other vehicle involved. I wonder what the rest of the story is?
  9. Nissan Almera. Along with the Yaris, they're made using no consequentially different steel than any other modern car on the market.
  10. I sympathise with the woman but, talk about wishful thinking! "I want a brand new replacement car for my one and a half-year old damaged Nissan Almera...or if you're going to repair it as new I want my deposit and all the monthly installments refunded" If only normal insurance policies worked that way!
  11. Perhaps he lives in a nicer area than you do!
  12. Many people substitute Bovril with Marmite ... Surely if you are a Scouser you must have tried Bovril.....(Maybe even used it as a spread?) I wrote, "To use your words, what has Bovril got to do with it?" That was my being facetious in response to your question..."What has Marmite got to do with it [meat]?"! Why do you assume that I'm a "Scouser" or that a Scouser must have tried Bovril?
  13. Presumably you'll be buying a replacement mattress so just ask the supplier to take/dispose of the old one when they deliver. I tipped the Central Online delivery driver B200 to take the old one with him.
  14. Does that go for tinned products also? I don't know but Customs regulations only references "food" so I'd guess that it does.
  15. "Just wondering the regulations on bringing meat into thai". That was the OP's question, he didn't ask about illegally smuggling restricted items in to the country without declaring them.
  16. Customs Procedure for arriving passengers at the Nothing to Declare or Green Channel Passengers with nothing to declare means they do not have any items liable for duty and taxes and prohibited or restricted goods with them when arriving in Thailand. For this case, they should use the Nothing to Declare lane, and the following items are exempted from duty: Personal belongings in reasonable quantity, which are worth no more than 20,000 baht in total and are not prohibited or restricted goods or food https://www.customs.go.th/list_strc_simple_neted.php?ini_content=individual_160503_03_160905_01&lang=en&left_menu=menu_individual_submenu_01_160421_01
  17. What has Marmite got to do with it? "Love it or hate it is!" is their slogan. I hate it....Give me Bovril anytime which is mainly a beef extract To use your words, what has Bovril got to do with it?
  18. ...because it wasn't detected! That dos not mean that importing meat into Thailand is unrestricted by Customs.
  19. The food wasn't rejected simply because your smuggling the items in was successful, that's the only reason. Next time, try declaring them and see what the reaction is.
  20. Food is on the Customs Department's list of restricted items that requires the exporter/importer to be licenced.
  21. Hardly surprising in view of the OP's "fixation" [sic] for his thread's title. I used your choice of word, there but just because someone mentions the homosexual angle doesn't make it a "fixation".
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