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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. How would that 13-year old historic detail be (a) relevant or (b) any of anyone's business but his own?
  2. Or... CABB https://www.facebook.com/cabbofficial/ All Thai Taxi https://www.facebook.com/allthaitaxi/
  3. I have just spoken to PayPal Thailand and was informed that they are working on "updates" to allow those with no Thai ID card to continue with their accounts but that nothing has been confirmed yet.
  4. Exactly. If it was at a hospital, they need to be brought into the debate but, as there was no mention of that involvement, I'd guess it is not likely. It is not entirely beyond the bounds of possibility that the boy did (re-)break his arm at school on that day if the cast had been removed too soon, perhaps by someone who just wanted him back at school as soon as possible.
  5. For a reason. """ looks a bit confusing! Albeit correct which you were admonishing me for not being!
  6. Touch of allodoxaphobia perhaps? No, not at all. Opine away, fill your boots! I don't suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobi, either.
  7. Deliberately. You omitted the inverted commas from around that inverted comma.
  8. Don't the police have to see this type of offence being committed in order to arrest him? By the time they arrived I doubt that he was still smoking due to his medical state.
  9. Once again you confirm you have no idea what you are commenting about. Once again you confirm that you have no idea what a sense of humour is.
  10. When the police and medics arrived he wasn't smoking, that's probably why! Not smoking on the beach isn't an offence.
  11. He had one joint, that's all, how could he know that he couldn't handle it without trying one? That's not rocket science, either, flower.
  12. actually edibles are a bigger worry than smoking...idiots can eat 50 edibles and OD and die or go berserk when it all hits at one time What? What on earth are you talking about? Would smoking fifty joints at a time have no consequences?
  13. Looks ridiculous to whom? Everyone...except you, I suppose.
  14. I take it that you mean problems after using the card for the transaction, not problems with the payment being authorised? Never has a problem. Why are you assuming that there may be a problem, what are you suggesting?
  15. Not when there is a pandemic. Do you know what assimilation/integration mean? Pandemic or no pandemic it looks ridiculous and, yes, I know what both of those words mean. I've assimilated and integrated here for the last 27 years but, not being Thai, there's no way that I'd ever do anything as daft as to wai a foreigner which has nothing to do with assimilation or integration.
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