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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. The website only shows 160 out of 7,547 currently issued Notices. Member police forces do not get their Interpol updates from a public website!
  2. The police have confirmed on many occasions that he is on the Red Notice list. Not all of them show on the publicly accessible website which currently confirms that there are 7,547 but 8 pages of 20 notices means that only 160 are shown... Total number of public Red Notices in circulation: 7547 Search results: 7547 This site displays up to 160 notices per search result.
  3. There is no such thing as a "Red International warrant" [sic]. Interpol notices are advices to member forces, that all, they're not instructions, demands or warrants and police forces can just ignore them if they choose..
  4. Vorayuth has nothing to do with the private Red Bull company apart from sharing a surname with one of the owners. Red Bull has made that clear on a number of occasions. Even if he was connected, commercially or financially, private companies do not disclose their financials. Not even when Thaivisa posters demand it.
  5. 1) No, they could detain him if they wanted to, they do not have to. 2) There is no extradition treaty between Thailand and Austria. 3) Not so simple.
  6. That has never stopped them before. That has never stopped the RTP doing what before?
  7. No, the only country that gives the custom officer 40% of the taxes collected. Quite a moneymaker for these bandits. So what if the government rewards Customs officers for recovering duty as you claim? How does that affect anyone? It doesn't make them "bandits" unless they're doing something illegal and assessing import duty is not only legal, it's their job!
  8. If a Red Notice exists police in other countries could detain him if they had an inclination to do so, that's all. Interpol notices are advices only, they are not instructions or demands neither are they warrants.
  9. If the OP developed an illness there would be nothing wrong with her accessing the account in his final days, it’s a common occurrence for the surviving spouse to withdraw and hold cash in these circumstances. Nonsense. If the account is in one person's sole name, no one else can access it without the account holders permission, his being ill would be irrelevant. It is not a common occurrence for a wife to (legally) access her living husband's sole account to remove his funds without his written permission, that is called theft.
  10. Only CIA has infrastructure to kidnap a person outside USA and transport to another location without the government knowledge. Vorayuth is not going to be kidnapped for a motoring charge in Thailand but what are you telling me for? This is nothing to do with the CIA/US
  11. Austrian authorities first would check if the wanted suspect is accused of a crime according to Austrian laws. If so, they would take him into custody, then waiting for an application of extradition made by Thailand. He's not wanted in an country except Thailand so there is no reason for Austrian authorities to detain him. There is no extradition treaty between Austria and Thailand.
  12. You are just being obtuse. If the guy was on a red notice, he'd have been picked up by now. No, I'm not. Interpol's Notices are advisories, they are not mandatory instructions.
  13. Alcohol consumption and social interaction go together ... drinking alone in your room Who said anything about "drinking alone in your room"? I sure didn't.
  14. Nonsense, there are many restaurants in permitted areas legally selling alcohol, the requirements are not "impossible to achieve". It's ridiculous to suggest that licence requirements are impossible to achieve in the face of so many actually achieving the requirements!
  15. There's a trick to enjoying that... you face a different wall in your room each day when you have a drink to make it more interesting .... God you are naive ..... No, I'm not being naïve, I'm being accurate. Unless you can point out my naiveté, specifically.
  16. Every restaurant with the necessary licence can serve alcohol, the are no limits to the number that comply and can sell! "There is a clear puritanical campaign here that existed long before Covid-19". Such as? "Examples of the Thai government anti alcohol campaign include the absurd sales hour for alcohol and the increased number of days when alcohol sales are banned". "Absurd hours" in shops? 11am-2pm and 5pm-midnight in shops and supermarkets...10 hours not enough for you? No hours during which bars etc. cannot serve in normal, non-Covid times. Thailand has always had days on which alcohol could not be bought, that is nothing new and no indication of an "anti-alcohol campaign". In addition to those traditional, accepted days how many extra days have been added that bother you so much? One day per year, maybe two? There is no significant "anti-alcohol campaign" that has been "ramping up over the last 30 years" that is ever going to have any effect on alcohol availability in Thailand. Unless you can point out the specific "campaign", of course.
  17. Are you serious? You can only legally buy alcohol in shops at certain times of the day. 13:55 can. 14:05 cannot. 16:55 cannot. 17:05 can. You can only drink in restaurants in BKK and Phuket. In BKK you have to stop at 9pm, in Phuket you stop at 11pm I believe. Mostly everywhere else it is banned completely in restaurants. Bars and pubs are ordered closed pretty much everywhere. No restrictions??? Yes, I'm serious. Alcohol can be bought in Thailand during normal, non-Covid times between 11am and 2pm, 5pm and midnight, that's 10 hours per day. Not enough for you? The current restrictions are only Covid-related restrictions, they're not some kind of normal, anti-alcohol restrictions by Thailand! There are no restrictions at all on individuals' private consumption of alcohol, i.e. you can buy as much as you like and drink as much as you like, whenever you want.
  18. Restaurants in Bangkok and many other parts of the country can serve alcohol. The alcohol restrictions on certain businesses in force at the moment are due only to Covid and will soon be lifted completely. There is no significant anti-alcohol campaign in Thailand that has any chance of ever forcing an alcohol ban here.
  19. No, if I was caught deliberately attempting to import something that I knew was legitimately assessable for B70,000 duty/VAT I'd accept it and be more careful next time. You seem to be under the impression that Thailand is the only country to impose import duty on imports!
  20. Oh please. They can pull over for wearing an expensive watch you may have bought 10 years ago. Unless you're carrying a reciept you could be liable for duty tax. "Oh, please", my a_rse. What I posted was correct. Of course they could check a watch that you're wearing if they thought that it may have just been bought and you were importing it without paying duty but, unless you have a specific confirmed case to quote, there's little chance that a 10-year old watch would be declared as new and duty demanded.
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