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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Not at all unclear... "A 2019 raid uncovered a production site in a shed in Tipton, featuring an industrial powder mixer. Another site in Wolverhampton housed a tablet press and handwritten recipe lists".
  2. "...is this just about the money lost to Pfizer?" It is about their producing tonnes of counterfeit drugs (an offence) and money laundering millions (also an offence).
  3. "What has thailand have to do with it other than this is where they were residing?" They were organising the criminal activity from here, that's what. "the biggest question is how thailand handle extraditing them back to England to stand trail? Don’t they have to be found guilty first in a court of law" Not a big question, at all, if they were extradited to the UK. It just requires an extradition request and co-operation from the Thai authorities. No existing guilty verdict is needed before extradition. "silly for thailand to get involved legally…" Which report did you read that stated that Thai authorities were involved in the legal aspects of this case?
  4. "...this scam of 2 kids..." Why do some people seem to take great pleasure in trying to belittle police and their investigations? There was no suggestion that this case just involved "two kids". The OP did mention that the two pictured and several others were involved.
  5. They've been prosecuted in the UK, not Thailand, the UK Regional Organised Crime Units don't operate here.
  6. Maybe they have changed their procedures since I applied for mine in 2017.
  7. You go tomorrow to your Thai bank (assuming that you have anything in a thai bank) and tell the people at the counter that you want to withdraw a few million baht in cash. And please, tell us all where and when so that we can have a good laugh with you. Every Thai (and many foreign banks) bank requires that if you want to withdraw that amount of money, you have to ask it a few days on forehand. I don't dispute that, what I disputed was your claim that to withdraw more than B26,000 you need to go to the bank and explain why you need that much ("I am limited to 26,000 Baht/day. If I want more, I need to go to the Bank and explain why I need so much money"). You do not. "go tomorrow to your Thai bank and tell the people at the counter that you want to withdraw a few million baht in cash ... Every Thai (and many foreign banks) bank requires that if you want to withdraw that amount of money" Nonsense. As this thread relates to only B3m in withdrawals, I'm assuming that, by "a few million baht", you mean around three million. No banks' branches would have any difficulty in accommodating a withdrawal of just B3m without notice. There are no restrictions, neither are explanations required for withdrawing one's own money.
  8. Though none looked raciest to me "...none looked raciest to me". So you are able to identify a racist by appearance? What does a racist IO look like, then?
  9. "If I want to pull any amount of money via phone/qcode/etc., I get immediatly a notice on my phone and I need to agree with that notice". That wouldn't have affected the transactions in the OP, even if he was using a phone app as he would have been doing the transfer himself and (thought he) knew what he was doing. "If I want more, I need to go to the Bank and explain why I need so much money". Really? Which Thai bank is it that demands that you explain why you need more than B26k before allowing the withdrawal? "If I want to transfer high amouts of money (like 800,000 baht) I need to spend several hours at the bank, filling all kind of formulars and wait 1 or 2 weeks before the transfer is done". Really? Which Thai bank has that "multi-hour procedure" and delays the domestic transfer between Thai banks for two weeks? "How can this guy transfer +3 millions of baht between bank accounts instantly?" Where was it reported that he "transferred B3m instantly"? The OP states that he withdrew the cash and deposited it in the fraudster's account, it does not state that the transactions were transfers online or through an app.
  10. "Man Burns Down House in Martial Dispute" What was the military involvement in the alleged martial dispute?
  11. You're saying that your daughter reported exactly the same thing, i.e. the attempted sexual assault of another girl and forced entry to her accommodation, and the school and the police ignored it? Really?
  12. "...grass him up". Your use of that phrase very oddly suggests that you would not approve of such an activity.
  13. Those who suspect that they could be denied entry (there must be a reason) perhaps shouldn't be buying property in a country that they may not be able to enter.
  14. This is about extending the percentage of condo units in a block that are permitted to be owned by farangs. He is well aware of that, it is the poster to whom he responded that doesn't appear to know that!
  15. The drug laws are completely irrelevant to the condo ownership laws that have never been altered to the detriment of foreign owners. Airbnb rules are also irrelevant to condo ownership rules and have not altered foreigners' condo ownership rights, but, as you mentioned it, what are the statistics that you have available that confirms how many "all those people" are?
  16. That's not the proposal, at all, the maximum foreign ownership will be 75%, Thai ownership is not restricted to 51%, Thai ownership can be 100% if there are no foreign buyers.
  17. What was your source for that fascinating statistic?
  18. Drug laws are irrelevant to Thai property laws. Why would anyone suggest that the condo laws would be changed to the detriment of foreign owners when there has never been, not even a sniff of a suggestion that they will be, in all the years that foreigners have had this right to condo ownership?
  19. Jesus Christ...this is about condo ownership, 100% ownership! When has Thailand "flip-flopped" on this subject to the detriment of foreigners or denied foreigners any related rights?
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