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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. Hi

    I can’t comment specifically on non migrant O multi entry but I have used the Consulate several times for Non Imm O Multi Entry (visiting friends, no longer available) and Double Entry TV with a Dublin postal address. I avoid the Thai Embassy in Dublin 'cos they're rude. Be aware that Royal Mail is extremely slow and inefficient. Dublin to UK, 2days, UK to Dublin 5 days, arriving the day before I returned to Thailand. The staff at Hull were very helpful, replied quickly to emails etc.. and actually advised me when the passport was posted, tracking number etc...

  2. There are fanatics in all religions.

    This one seems particularly bigoted and a disgrace to Buddhism.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It’s strange when an individual who actually believes in the Religions ideology gets labelled a fanatic – Whilst those who wish to see themselves as Religious get labelled moderates when they ignore the negative aspects of their God’s laws. Surely religion's ideology is either real (God's Laws) or it isn't, and if the later then let society do away with it. I come from Ireland where the actually tenets of Catholicism did in times past ban interfaith and interracial marriages. The only future for the woman and minorities in Myanmar is a Secular Constitution where all religions have the right to practice and all people the right to challenge the varies religion myths.

    10 years in prison, property confiscated? Fanaticism in my book just for being Muslim.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Fanaticism - again we only talk like this when we deal with religion - If u belive that the earth rotates on its own axis every 24 hours u don’t get labelled a Solar Fanatic – If you believe that woman are equal to men you don’t get labelled a Secular Fanatic - But if u actually believe that tenets of ur religion, u get labelled radical or fanatical – The issue is that society allows religion to play be different rules.

  3. There are fanatics in all religions.

    This one seems particularly bigoted and a disgrace to Buddhism.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It’s strange when an individual who actually believes in the Religions ideology gets labelled a fanatic – Whilst those who wish to see themselves as Religious get labelled moderates when they ignore the negative aspects of their God’s laws. Surely religion's ideology is either real (God's Laws) or it isn't, and if the later then let society do away with it. I come from Ireland where the actually tenets of Catholicism did in times past ban interfaith and interracial marriages. The only future for the woman and minorities in Myanmar is a Secular Constitution where all religions have the right to practice and all people the right to challenge the varies religion myths.

    • Like 1
  4. I have an idea," said the father. He put a ten-dollar bill, a bottle of whiskey, and a Bible on the coffee table. "If he takes the money he'll be a banker. If he takes the whiskey he'll be a wino, and if he takes the Bible that means he'll be a preacher."

    So the man and his wife hide just before their son comes in the door, and watch from where they're hiding.

    The boy saunters over to the coffee table. He picks up the ten-dollar bill, looks at it, then sets it down. He picks up the bottle of whiskey, uncorks it, sniffs it, then sets it down. Then he picks up the Bible, leafs through it, then sets it down. Then the boy takes the money and stuffs it into his pocket, grabs the whiskey, and walks off with the Bible under his arm.

    "Well how do you like that!" exclaims the father. "He's going to be a Republican politician!"

  5. I just tried Bodegas Centenarius" Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot and on the basis of what it is, a 4l boxed wine, I’d have to
    say I recommend it. I actually add ice to it, something that back home I’d be jailed for, but again no hangover, no
    issues with stomach and its drinkable. It’s not a premium wine but can’t fault it.

    • Like 1
  6. I've done several times via Hull to Dublin, Ireland and never a problem with the Consulate. I have issues with the arrogance
    of the staff at the Thai Embassy in Dublin. Just be careful of your timing 'cos Royal Mail sucks. Dublin to Hull in 24 hours, Hull to Dublin
    5 days (u can follow the progress on line). I got my passport returned day before I travelled.

  7. I always think such a tread gives a good insight into the various types of farang who live in Thailand. Before any of us arrived in Thailand we all lived in a society when the concept is/was ‘it’s not the money but the principle’ prevailed, and where it’s not normal to self justify why one should pay more for a product or service. We’d also be aware that a fool and his money are easily separated.

    I think that the argument ‘it’s less than USD$1’ is relevant only as far as keeping it in perspective. I think also it’s interesting to read comments like ‘Cheap Charlie’, but with no substantive facts to reject the OP’s original post. It seems by merely posting ‘Cheap Charlie’; many regulars think it demonstrates a detailed understanding of Thai culture and in a Fox News style, if you can’t argue on facts and reason, then personal attacks are the way to go.

    I wonder how the 'Cheap Charlie' posters think Phuket got to the level of THB200 flag rates for tuk tuks and motor bike taxis?

  8. Hi

    The other day used Thai Transport VIP 32 from Mukdahan to BKK - Was ok but not as good as NCA or Sombat Tour. Sadly these two companies don't do Mukdahan. Any recommendations on good VIP 32 to/from Mukdahan?


  9. Hi.

    This isn't (obviously) a detailed report. It's just a short posting to let
    readers know that there was no hassle in getting another Double Entry from

    Application 9-11am arrived 9:03 and took thirty minutes. Thirty people ahead of me
    (my receipt number was 50) and 25 behind. Double Entry THB2,000.

    Next day 2pm. Passport Holders are called in order per their receipt number.
    Took 10 minutes to get my passport back. All was well.

    • Like 2
  10. It’s not the Oriental Express
    nor is it really first class with a first class attendant - You will be badgered
    constantly by restaurant staff trying to sell food and beer on the basis that
    your loaded – They're not there to serve you but to make tips

    Second class, aircon, lower berth (top one is noticeable

    narrower) chosen in the centre of the carriage (best avoid the doors) is much
    better value

    If you opt for bus then NCA is

    first class travel 8.5 hours with a VIP service which includes a persona screen
    and a choice of 5 films

  11. whistling.gifwhistling.gif Dual pricing may not necessarily be illegal .... either in Thailand or elswhere.

    As someone pointed out if the institution is a state or government supported instituton they may by law quote one price for residents or citizens of that government and another higher rate for non citizens,

    For example the University of Massachusetts, which is state supported has different tuition rates for Massachusetts residents and for those residing out of state.

    and in this example, would many out of state students regularly 'self justify' why they ought to pay more in tuition fees (altruistic reasons), or would they have an issue.

    wrt Education it seems obvious that the State has decided that since its subsiding/funding the tuition in the hope of future taxation income levied on the graduated student, that out of state students may return to their home state

    I think for most of us, we're just interested in understanding those who see no issue with dual pricing in Thailand and their reason/logic behind it. We're all entitled to our own opinion, but not our own facts. As I said before, “Before any of us arrived in Thailand we all lived in a society when the concept is/was ‘it’s not the money but the principle’ prevailed, and where it’s not normal to self justify why one should pay more for a product or service” - So we’re just curious as to what happened to change the mind set of those who now self justify dual pricing.

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