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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. TallGuyJohninBKK


    Before any of us arrived in Thailand we all lived in a society when the concept is/was ‘it’s not the money but the principle’ prevailed, and where it’s not normal to self justify why one should pay more for a product or service.

    The same concepts/principles apply in Thailand. No Thai person seeks to pay more for a similar product or service. Many Thai in the service industries (broad meaning) will attempt to convince the recently arrived Farang that Thai people like kind and generous foreigners (aka naive and innocent). I suggest you people watch at a Thai border market with Cambodia, Laos or Myanmar and decide whether Thai people are kind and generous with their less fortunate neighbours, or whether they bargain to the nearest bath.

    Also I suppose it depends on your perception on business people in Thailand. Do you really think a Thai Businessman who seeks to maintain a THB10k per month salary for his employees, would built a tourist attraction for altruistic reasons (for local Thai) and based on a business model that makes money solely on the ‘extra’ income from foreign tourists (who may or may not come from overseas)? For many Thai people, the concept of a Tourist paying 14baht for a 14 baht can of coke means that they have cheated the Thai because the coke would cost 30baht in their home countries. It’s just part of Thai culture and over time it’s being replaced with a more honourable single price system.

    I think you’re a little bit confused - The examples you have given is compensation to the 'locals' who live in the vicinity of the attraction and who are perhaps affected by visitors to the site and may in the future object to expansion plans (European and US citizens enjoys rights denied to Thai) etc..(done for PR reasons). It’s not a discount to all people native to the country so your comparison is not accurate.

  2. Dual pricing is illegal.

    Are you sure? What about the Grand Palace?

    Many countries practice it. In Florida for example, residents get on many rides cheaper than visitors.

    IN the UK too, where I come from, some golf courses give discount to locals. There's nothing wrong with it IMHO.

    IN Thailand also, if you are a resident and show either work permit or tax receipt or driver's license you won't have to pay the tourist price.

    I think you’re a little bit confused - The examples you have given is compensation to the 'locals' who live in the vicinity of the attraction and who are perhaps affected by visitors to the site etc..(done for PR reasons). It’s not a discount to all people native to the country so your comparison is not accurate.

    I always find it interesting when people self justify why other's must pay more for a similar service. Assuming honesty and in fact the extra THB50 was subsidising the ride for locals, then foreigners could have had a specific queue that allowed them to board before Thai people. A sign could have been erected explaining to Thai people that foreigners were being allowed to board first because their benevolence and charity was subsiding the ticket price for Thai people.

    • Like 1
  3. Ans sugary.

    No, neither salty or sugary, otherwise I wouldn't have been 'Very pleasantly surprised'. Stopped buying my bread from Tops cos several months ago the white bread (french stick) became too salty.

  4. I've read the other threads and sad to see so many having so much to say about so little.

    Anyone actually bought in Bangkok?

    Practical experience in getting a script from a Doctor?

    Prefer if only those with actual experience would post with details but also aware that there are many lonely regulars on TV who live a marginalised existence

  5. Great beer,I know where I get my supplies but certainly won't be telling anyone on here,why would I?

    maybe u and Transam can get together and share a six pack -- no need for yee both to live in loneliness and sadness -- there is more to life than posting on TV

  6. Hey, l will reply if l want bah.gif .

    Lao Dark is the best beer in our part of the world.

    OK. smile.png

    its ok - we all need a social outlet - no need to feel lonely and marginalised - thanks for your contribution, it helps a lot

  7. Anyone know where its currently available in Bangkok at a supermarket? I just purchased the last 3 from Big C (opposite Central World) THB48.

    (to the more mature members of TV - you don't have to reply to every posting, unless you have something of value to add, no one really cares if you like or don't like Laos Dark beer)


  8. h90 – at least it’s not a strong aggressive type of scam and similar to you I just smiled and repeated 'Gap Ma THB100' - Most of these guys earn small salaries and when I was there I spotted at least 5 farang with their Madame Esan - Two of these guys must have been +120kg – Unfortunately we all get tarred with the same brush and presumed to be ‘kind and generous’, ‘naive and foolish’

  9. Just did a Visa Run to Myanmar from Saphan Bpla (Ranong)

    • On arrival at Ranong bus station, take a red Songthaew to Saphan Bpla from the main road (same side of the road as the bus station) – Cost is THB15 and takes circa 25 minutes.
    • Walk through the petrol station ignoring the touts and you will see signs for Thai Immigration (no need to visit the actual Immigration building 800metres back in the direction from which you just came).
    • Chose the right hand lane (Departure).
    • The cost of the boat is THB50 each way but you will need to use common sense and head for a boat that is almost full and not to try to negotiate with a helpful’ tout. I was lucky as there was a Visa Run organised for Vietnamese workers/students and there was a big boat capable of accommodating 60 passengers). I agreed THB100 return (later at Ko Song the driver tried unconvincing to claim it was THB100 each way, but his heart wasn’t really in and as I hadn’t yet paid we agreed to keep to the original agreement.
    • Crossing is circa 25 minutes with one stop each way for Customs.
    • At Kawthaung (Ko Song) it’s best to already have a copy of your passport detail page and a crisp new USD$10 note. Process took 3 minutes.
    • Back to Saphan Bpla and use the left hand lane at Immigration.
    • Songthaew red or yellow from in front of the petrol station to Ranong or bus station – THB15.

  10. Hi

    I have a six months triple entry visa. The first 2 months stay ends on Saturday. Where in Bangkok can I extend the visa for 30 days?

    · One Stop Center for Visa and Work Permits located at Chamchuri Square Buliding , Phayathai Rd. (Only the specific law) - Can I do here?

    · The Government Complex , Chaengwattana Rd. – I think it’s only possible here, right? – Any ideas which bus to take from Mor Chit BTS?


  11. Hi

    Any one done this visa-run, recently? For various reasons I'm not looking for an organised trip, mainly cos i enjoy spending half a day walking around the island.

    Is the cost of the songthaew from Ranong to Saphan Bpla still 15baht?

    Do I still get my exit and entry stamp at the pier and not at the Immigration Office?

    Last time i paid 50baht each way with the boat - What is the going rate now as a passenger on a reasonable full boat?

    What will Burmese Immigration look for? USD$10, photo? photocopy of?


  12. Thanks Crossy

    Draftvader- sad to see that for so many their lives have such little meaning that they have to troll to ease away the pain of loneliness - If u have nothing of value to add, then don't reply - Just because u lack the ability to conceive why an individual may need to make a reverse call doesn't mean the rest of society remains at your base level

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