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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. “Isanbirder - First, the whole religious bit is a gigantic red herring in this discussion. I mentioned it because I believe it, and because all our Western laws are influenced by the religious concept of marriage”

    Isanbirder – I think like may Christians you chose to believe the marriage as we know it today is based on Christian values, but it’s not – Many Christians are like a jackdaw to a shiny object when they see a good value/moral and adopt it as a Christian value (irrespective of their bible of Church law) – Take a look at your bible and you will see that a Christian based marriage is one of oppression when the woman becomes the chattel of her husband, if on her marriage night she’s not a virgin, she can be returned to her father to be put to death, when the concept of it she is old enough to bleed she’s old enough to be sold to her new husband (the age of consent was opposed by Christains), where the concept of marital rape isn’t recognised etc...

    Marriage came before institutionalised religions – I’m from Ireland and our traditions recognised marriage before the Christian religion was invented and incidentally woman had more rights then, than they did during Ireland pre 1980’s when ‘we’ based our laws on Christian values of marriage – Thankfully now we have made many changes so we no longer base our laws on Christian values of marriage, eg, marital rape, divorce, woman submits and obeys her husband, etc..

  2. 'Not sure why you want a minivan service' - when time is not important the 'slow' bus adds to the 'fun' of travelling in rural Thailand - I’ve done the slow bus many times when it’s taken 120/90mins to cover 61km - I'm coming from BKK to Mae Sai (arrive 6am) and then need to be back to CR before 11am to catch the last songthaew to my guesthouse

  3. Thanks Dindong - was hoping it went as far as the border (done this trip 20 times or so) – The slow bus is fun when ur not in a hurry and the minivan is a step in the right direction – Again thanks for the help

  4. The mini bus van leaves Chiang Rai's old bus station every hour to mae Sai, less than 50 baht.

    I will stop anywhere along the way to drop you off.

    Hi - thanks- You are referring to the new minivan service or normal bus service (like brian above). Did you come back to CR on the minivan? Does it depart from Mae Sai bus station or closer to the border? Will it stop near Over Brooke hospital or just at the bus station like a normal bus does?


  5. brianmarinus - perhaps your abilities are above google, mine and two Thai friends cos the website proffered does not contain any information on a minivan service (lotto) from Mai Sai to CR, and thus cannot answer any of the three questions in the OP - it lists the green bus service. Thanks for replying but in general people are looking for specific answers to specific questions, not just any answers.

    Incidentally if u can find the answers to the op I'd very much appreciate if I could send the specific link to me.

  6. Hi

    I've read on hobo maps that there is now a minivan service (from November 2011) from Mae Sai to CR. Anyone know the cost and from where in Mae Sai/ Chiang Rai it departs from? Also does the minivan drop you off anywhere in CR (different provinces, different rules).


  7. Hi

    I've read on hobo maps that there is now a minivan service (from November 2011) from Mae Sai to CR. Anyone know the cost and from where in Mae Sai/ Chiang Rai it departs from? Also does the minivan drop you off anywhere in CR (different provinces, different rules).


  8. Nice, IJWT.

    Personally, I don't agree with this use of the word 'marriage', because I believe that marriage involves at least the potential ability to procreate children. But I do believe gays should have rights completely equal to those of straights. What the Church does is the Church's business (and I'm a Catholic), and should not affect civil rights.

    I'm sure you feel you position is well balanced but if we wish to live in an equitable society, and if society really believes marriage must involve the potential ability to procreate children, then it needs to have laws that treat all people equal. If it’s permissible to deny same sex couples the right to refer to their union as a 'marriage', then likewise, an infertile couple, or two people in their sixties recently ‘joined together’, must be precluded from calling their union a 'marriage. At a personal level we can have different rules for different situations, but at government level, state level, in a just and equitable society, laws need to be applied equally, regardless of sex, sexuality, race or religion.

  9. Do Thais who only have an ID card have to make an arrangement beforehand, or can they just show up at the border?

    Unfortunately my experience is not first hand (sorry), but I did read before on TV that the ID card must be issued from one of the provinces that actually boarder the specific crossing, ie, Bangkok ID card wont work. Maybe one of the other posters can verify?

  10. Amazon doesn't ship the Kindle Touch outside of the US but you can buy it from ebay, which will be cheaper than buying it in Thailand (even if you did manage to find someone selling it).

    yes they do,you pay additional custom duties circa €35

    No they don't.

    Its not difficult, but first you need to sign into your Amazon account - Chose the Kindle you want and as you get close to paying for it, you will be redirected to the part of the website that deals with non-US sales.


  11. Hmm I think you'll have to suck up the taxes and postage if you want it in the near future. Otherwise you might find it difficult to download anything from Amazon anyway...the Kindle will have to turn a profit for anyone selling in Thailand as well and that can mean only one thing...

    yeah i was thinking that BUT before i purchased I had a silly idea of posting on thaivisa to see if anyone knew where to purchase in BKK. silly me

  12. So you are planning on smuggling one....defrauding Thailand of its rightful tax. Well some one should check their facts. That is criminal.

    I suppose you are right. Tsk...I can't believe I suggested such a thing. ohmy.gif

    Edit: I think they are only available in the US at the moment anyway.

    No, available world wide on amazon.com (i think its only recently so, like the last few days)

  13. I find with Isaan people, any excuse for drinking is a valid one. Gambling is a national affliction.

    As in any country it depends on the education. More accurate to say 'I find with poor,poorly educated Isaan' as opposed to 'Isaan people'. Sounds like u married a 'quality' girl.

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