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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. Bangkok flood adventure

    Join aid worker James East on a journey through flood-hit Bangkok that sees him arrive barefoot at the Thai immigration office after a journey through roads that are now canals. Watch him van surf on the way back into the city centre.

    Just watched his vdo blog - Interesting - Thankfully i don.t need to make a visit

  2. ^but the semtex would have to be strategically placed and specially set to be able to bring down a structure, not just haphazardly placed in a car and hope it produces more than just a loud bang.

    Also it's difficult to get hold of semtex so those organisations that would want to use it to bring down a building tend to use a very small amount with a detonator to get the initial explosive effect with the majority of the explosive force provided by fertiliser.

    Is there anything this contributor isn't an expert on?

  3. Hi Darrel, thanks for the info, I see both my laptop and the PC have HDMI sockets, I'll pop into the local store in the morning and see if I can get hold of an HDMI cable and hopefully that's me sorted,...

    Hi what software do u use to download from the iplayer?


    For some unknown reason, HDMI cables are very expensive here. If you have someone coming from abroad, get them to order one from Amazon. It will probably cost half the price.

    As far as iPlayer etc. goes, you will need some extra bits. Do a search for VPN.

    To avoid buffering I find it better to download the programme first from the iPlayer website and then play it back in Windows Media Player rather than watch it streamed in real time.

  4. Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is found in only one. Which seems un-natural?

    People are born to love and be tolerant -- Kids have to be thought how to hate and be in-tolerant.

    One wonders who conducted the interview with the Akha tribes people and what they were hoping to 'find'.

    Many African countries and Asian countries would like us to believe that homosexuality is a 'western' thing. I worked and lived in China for two years as a Financial Controller and regularly met senior management of our companies and high officials in local government who genuinely believed that China didn't do homosexuality.

  5. My experience

    Wednesday 28 September, 2011

    Arrived 9.25am, about 10 people ahead of me. The security guard hand writes in award winning penmanship details from every passport at about 90 seconds a passport. His demeanour would entitle him to Thai nationality (obviously someone not getting it at night). He hands me a Visa Application form and the visitor log has me at number 44.

    Collected a ticket (2044) on entering the building and queued for circa 1 hour. Clean but air-con set at minimum. There's two counters, one staffed by a pleasant Malaysian woman, the other a Thai. Sadly I got the Thai. No double entry visas and my Tiger Airways ticket impolitely returned.

    Application Form.

    Copy of the details section of my Irish passport (no need to copy the exit visa stamp from Thailand)

    1 passport photo (form requests two)

    Copy of my flight (March 2012) from Thailand to Singapore (Tiger Airways). Rudely returned to me.

    Tourist Visa MYR110.

    Next day, decided to skip the 14.30 melee and arrived 14:50. I’m close to forty years of age and I have to admit cos of the number of stamps in my passport, I always find this part of the visa-run nerve racking, reminding me of the visits to the Principal office form days gone by. In and out in under 5 minutes with my new single entry visa. Life is good again. Next time Singapore but I will have my return ticket to Ireland next time.

    ThaiVisa link to another KL visit (the OP never did reply to my email)

    Thai Embassy Kuala Lumpur website http://www.mfa.go.th/web/1321.php?depid=220


  6. Not really. Depends on the person. Some prefer quality over quantity. Each to their own. I've not drank to get drunk since my uni days. Now I drink to relax and avoid morning after hang overs.

    'Some prefer quality'

    Yes, but the main thing is to alter your brain. And just because it's expensive or have a fancy name, the drug is still the same.

    Yes the immediate affect is the same. The difference (for me) is the taste (if quality, i'd consume neat) and most importantly the morning after is (for me)less severe with a quality spirit. The cheaper and nastier the ingredients the nastier the hangover.

  7. Not really. Depends on the person. Some prefer quality over quantity. Each to their own. I've not drank to get drunk since my uni days. Now I drink to relax and avoid morning after hang overs.

    Yes the immediate affect is the same. The difference (for me) is the taste (if quality, i'd consume neat) and most importantly the morning after. The cheaper and nastier the ingredients the nastier the hangover.

    'Some prefer quality'

    Yes, but the main thing is to alter your brain. And just because it's expensive or have a fancy name, the drug is still the same.

  8. Last night tried Regency and lived to tell the tale. I did chicken out and did it Thai style, soda and midge of pepsi. I was totally surprised to awake with virtually no ill affects, albeit I was easy on the pour and 2/3 of the bottle consumed between two. I wont drink it neat but considering no ill affects, the quality of the ingredients and distilling process isn't bad. 

  9. Anyone knows if it’s possible to get Carlsberg beer in Bangkok at a supermarket? Several years ago it was available at Carrefour and Family Mart. Thanks in advance.

  10. Just Curious

    I’m really quite tame with my alcohol choice, 95% beer and 5% wine/whisky. I’ve tried Sangsom and died for two days afterwards. So I’m curious if any TV member has any opinion on Meridian Brandy or Regency Brandy. My un-informed opinion is to ‘assume’ that the cheaper prices (compared to imported alcohol) reflect poor quality rather than high import taxes on the imported alcohol. Thanks

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