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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. If doctors say that Marijuana is not addictive, then speculation and opinion are OVER. You may BELIEVE that you were addicted, but that does not make it so. Non-professional opinions and old wive's tales are what keep these lies alive. Do yourself a favor and expound on subjects you know something about.
  2. I don't have a verifiable medical need for Pot. I have had prostate cancer (in remission) as well as brain surgery. But I can't claim any "need" for medical marijuana in terms of intractable pain. If the THC is removed from marijuana, then basically all you have is green veggies of inferior taste. I am not going to be able to claim marijuana need on a medical basis. I want it decriminalized and sold like cigarettes. At present, it is a money earner for the Royal Thai Police. I don't expect any movement for that reason. CBD is the most worthless drug since Hadacol.
  3. Crypto currency is an automatic red flag for the Internal Revenue Service. I have no desire to complicate my tax situation. They are now even asking if I have income from ILLEGAL transactions, expecting me to declare it.
  4. The elites do not want the common people to gamble. They reserve that pleasure for themselves.
  5. Big news. Thais will KILL you. Not a very controversial statement. In fact they will kill you over the smallest provocation.
  6. I am "addicted" to Losartan. It's a blood pressure medicine that keeps my BP within reasonable parameters and allows me to be stroke-free. There is no difference between "addiction" and depending on a drug to do the job for which it was intended.
  7. I totally agree with this. Edibles are my favorite way of ingesting weed. Sadly, until it's legal, I only indulge when I am in Cambodia.
  8. I certainly won't be traveling until things return to semi-normal. Too many variables currently.
  9. I hope their new system works without a hitch. I am not optimistic because of past performance. When you can't even maintain a working database, you are not up to date with technology.
  10. If you apply for your visa here in Thailand, no criminal record check or medical check are necessary.
  11. I like the idea of arming farangs. When a Thai thug stops a few 38 calibre slugs, he usually changes course.
  12. Until the Covid Crisis is over. I do not venture outside, except to go to Immigration or to buy food. Drinking in a public bar is still not possible in most places and dangerous if there are many Thais on premises.
  13. I will never be accepted here, but it doesn't matter because I came here for a lower cost of living, not to make Thai friends. There is no active persecution, so I'm good.
  14. Could someone quote a PRICE for the colonoscopy in Pattaya???
  15. They even kill their own people....even if they are high-ranking military. Thai murder is out of control.
  16. I forget the year, but at one time, 1500 a month was all that was needed. Hence, the "grandfather" arrangement.
  17. Preposterous. My bank balance has never shown any change. What I pay my landlady/agent is simply a "brown envelope" type payment that is split with Immigration. She deposits NO money in my account at any time. This proves that IO is talking out of both sides of their mouth on this issue.
  18. One security guard in Jomtien was always trying to shake me down for beer money. I made the mistake of handing him an occasional beer when I returned from the 7-11. It evolved to the point where he expected it virtually every day. This must have filtered down to his superiors because he was transferred to another condo in the chain. It didn't really end there, since he would see me from across the street and run across the road to try to get me to buy him beer. Lesson learned: Don't get chummy with security guards. The current crop at my condo seems very professional. I intend to keep it that way.
  19. Even bribery involves rules and hierarchy. Agents can get things done, especially if you also RENT from them. That is my current situation. Nothing is falsified. They simply waive the rules at their discretion. My income is easily verifiable. That said, I know one expat who lives here on 1500 USD a month. He was "grandfathered in" on the rules which were in force when he first came here.
  20. Thaksin will eventually return. I am hoping that the current regime will reap the prison time that they deserve.
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