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Everything posted by Nickelbeer

  1. I would not expect Anutin to say otherwise. Nice that Thailand is "best in the world" in SOMETHING.
  2. Zolpidem, better known as Ambien is extremely dangerous since it is a hypnotic. After taking it one night, I woke up in the kitchen floor with a half-eaten sandwich in front of me and the door standing wide open. I have heard of people getting in their cars and driving while under the influence. I took the rest of the bottle and poured them down the toilet. I don't need drugs that make me sleep-walk.
  3. Would you expect Prayut to ADMIT he is incompetent? He knows military protocol and top down management. He is totally unacquainted with parliamentary procedure.
  4. What a genius!!! Prayut is truly a problem solver and a renaissance man.
  5. Supposedly, cannabis has been taken off the list of narcotics and more or less decriminalized. I would not trust any Thai policeman to have kept up with the latest rulings. I'm surprised that there is any communication between the government and the RTP. Until things are codified and announced widely, cannabis is still illegal as far as I am concerned. That said, it is very effective at inducing deep sleep.
  6. Early reports on the new 90 day online notification system are encouraging. I live so close to Immigration that it's easy to pop in and do my 90 Day report.
  7. It's hit and miss, just like any marriage. I have avoided hookers in the six years I have lived in Thailand and have noticed that regular women with full-time jobs are just as untrustworthy as bar girls. Your experience may be different. Perhaps I just have lousy taste in women. ????
  8. Maybe they won't stock them in your area but that is where I. buy Clonoril when I need it. I know of no other pharmacy which stocks it or sells it. The store I use is on Pattaya Klang. I have sleep apnea which is mostly mitigated with a CPAP machine. My doctor just laughed when I mentioned Melatonin. He said it was absolutely worthless for most people. I used it for years and never noticed any difference but people kept telling me that it needed to "build up" in my system. I always get lousy information when I listen to anyone except medical professionals.
  9. I have used it for years. I go on and off it as needed. I haven't noticed any addiction, it just fails to work when your system adjusts to it.
  10. I pay an agent about 14 thousand baht a year for my extension on my Non Immigrant "O" visa. You bypass all the nonsense about money in a Thai bank and just do business as the Thais do.
  11. Boardwalk Empire has already been mentioned but Netflix has another programme called "The Blacklist". An excellent show with many reviews all over the web. Check them out.
  12. Clonoril may help. Usually it is marketed as Klonopin. Some drug stores in Foodland carry this med. Be advised that it is a benzodiazepine, and may be addictive to some. Never bothered me but your mileage may vary.
  13. Moon Property is in Jomtien. The owner, Lyn has a mini mart inside the View Talay 2-B condo building. She also rents condos to many expats and locals. She is quite good at handling visa work and extensions. Her email is [email protected]. Lyn speaks good English and is very helpful to her clients.
  14. I would be gratified if it were cancelled forever. The most irritating custom in Southeast Asia. Usually, I get a pass because of my age, but not always. I generally stay inside the whole time the insanity is going on.
  15. As long as the Military is able to rule by coup, that is what they will do. In many other countries, the generals would be on trial for treason, which is exactly what they are guilty of. No need for Prayut to switch parties. He has the support of the military and that is all he needs.
  16. Bottom line: Thai authorities do not care what the OP thinks and certainly not what farang tourists and expats think. They are a law unto themselves. Absolutely no recourse.
  17. The OP is quoting figures in US dollars rather than Thai baht. It would have to be 8000 baht and 16 thousand baht. Quite a difference from 8 thousand and 16 thousand US Dollars.
  18. At the end of the day and at the beginning of the day. I have been retired here since 2015. Chomping at the bit to LEAVE. Not possible with current restrictions in the countries I am considering.
  19. Glad to hear it. I don't like Immigration hassles, which is why I am looking toward the Philippines or possibly Malaysia or Indonesia.
  20. German Dental is what many expats use. Very professional work at a fair price.
  21. I use an agent with very good results, since she is also my landlady. I don't like the yearly 14 thousand baht pricetag, but I will not tie up my money in a shoddy Thai bank, so there is no alternative. No one has gone "woke", I just want to be left the hell alone once I shell out my money.
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