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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Where do you think all the hardware is coming from ? Where do you think the sanctions are coming from ? Where do you think the policies to reduce dependance on russia oil/gas are coming from ? Of course they are involved . This is what you posted Chelseafan.
  2. So what if other countries are helping as long as they are not putting boots on the ground or using fighter planes? I bet if you got a message a gang was coming to your house you'd be ringing your mates for backup Chelseafan.
  3. The Russians just wanted to run away that fast they left ammo that will be used against them amatuar and not an army that want to fight.
  4. Can't post the link yet but A few thousand Thugs were not quick enough to cross the bridge once it collapsed and are now trapped on the Ukraine side of the river. Once the Ukrainians are ready the full amount of Himars and ground attack missiles to take out the Russian army dug in on the other side.
  5. This guy sounds like Goebbels spouting out propaganda nonsense, typical Nazi from old days.
  6. Ukraine already knows where the Russian Artillery is from drone footage and updates of troop movement they won't fall for a trap like that, as soon as they're in range the Himars will be raining down on them smashing their Armour if they haven't run away.
  7. Even the Russian Military Generals are not stupid enough and report it on the media they have walked away from Kherson. I think like the Ukrainian commanders we should not walk into a trap and caution should be applied.
  8. Putin has more to worry than a slap in the face. Sky News and BBC news are reporting that Russian troops have left the city of Kherson and more or less handed it back to Ukrainian forces. All those killed taking Kherson and as of yesterday preparing to fight street to street to hold it, Well guess they didn't have the stomach for a proper fight. How's he going to explain this defeat to the Russian People who watched there Son's return in body bags.
  9. No one is interested in an Ex Pm and what happened 20 yrs ago it's about today in Ukraine.
  10. What does Plausible Attribution mean ?
  11. No Evidence yet on the Russian lies referring to the UK Involvement in the black Sea
  12. Thanks for posting this black ops shows i wasn't flaming.
  13. Russia is lying again. This time Andrei Kelin Russias ambassador to the UK told Sky new's reporter the British special forces were behind the attacks in the black Sea last week and warned we the UK are in deep water. The reporter asked him directly if you have evidence of the attack why have you not posted it for the world to see to which the Ambassador quickly dodged the question and instead he told the reporter Putin is looking for a way out of Ukraine.
  14. This was a response a long time ago when Truss This was 2 Months ago after Putin started talking about the Nuclear threat and threatening the west Truss was responding nothing wrong with that. Russia is issuing threats on a daily basis thinking we listen to there lies and bluff.
  15. He will be most likely hop on a private jet and jet off to join the Red Bull heir.
  16. Doesn't matter if it's a small country or a big country you cannot invade a sovereign country and take it over. As posted earlier if we had no spine we may now be speaking German.
  17. Non heybruce there stealing grain and transporting it back to Russia.
  18. Well DezLez there are plenty on here that just want to spoil threads when they can't accept the Truth.
  19. This makes us wonder how the once mighty Red Army is under Putin. If they can't take a Country the size of Ukraine. Their Airforce has had to use long-range Bombers because there fighters are to easily shot down over urban areas, and their navy has to stay away from land for fear of being hit by land-based missile systems, There newly mobilized units don't even have winter clothing and rusty old Assault rifles.
  20. Correct DezLez I tried to explain the difference in a conflict between two different nations in a war. A war in my opinion is 1 nation fighting another nation until 1 is defeated with Arms. Russia is not fighting a conventional war there using civilians to defeat Ukraine for what purpose?
  21. I will be in Patong for the 1st few games of the World Cup. Can our Phuket members tell me the best Sports bars that will be showing the England game where most Brits will be going to watch it.
  22. If you post a comment be prepared to support your post otherwise don't post nonsense, " Whataboutism " or deflect.
  23. Do you know what deflection means? It's what your doing now Gweiloman name a conflict where a strong Country took over another Country or withdraw your post.
  24. Correct Gweiloman usually Other Countries invade other countries to stop the slaughter of civilians or in the case of the Falkland Islands doing what Russia has done to Ukraine ie invade another country. We in the UK did not bomb and kill the Falkland islanders or smash their infrastructure we took on the Argentine army on the ground, not civilians. Russia cannot fight against the Ukraine forces big difference. Would you like to tell us what other Countries have seized another Country and colonized it for themselves? by that I mean in our lifetime, not hundreds of years ago.
  25. You singing from Putin's song sheet again blaming NATO. There are many videos of Russian Wagons driving through Ukraine with stolen Grain and wheat from Sattelite imagery showing Russian Cargo ships transporting grain from Ukraine. Theft probably transported all the fridges and washers Russin troops stole from houses they looted in Ukraine in there ships to.
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