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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. bwhaaaa ha ha, been here long, I reported a machete attack police did NOTHING
  2. nooooooooooo you must never hit women.....= rights n all that
  3. Those tuk tuk guys are so honest as well, known worldwide for their honesty..............like I care and Phuket bwhaaaaaaaamha ha, off to beat the wife, she deserves it
  4. reminds me of that joke about the guy who said his car was being stolen and when he called the Police they said they dont have anyone available at the moment..............he rang back and said its ok ive shot them.............armed Police arrived in 2 minutes, and when they questioned him they said you said you had a gun, he said and you said you had no one available!!
  5. Ive stopped farting, only eat dugongs tigers and pangolin twice a week only throw away 4 sets of polystyrene food containers and 6 water bottles a day and Im hugging a tree even as I speak.................I feel so much better about myself. Cat say the same for the rest of Thailand as the local beaches are covered in plastic crap saturday/sunday after theyve had a "lovely" day out
  6. more like thailands pollution and all the crap they throw in the sea
  7. They must be really desperate for money to fund their vote buying incredible schemes
  8. I was thinking of getting the 20 year one when I got to 65ish ( 60now) but with their stupid price increase and the perhaps maybe tax situation I guess its now
  9. most are cheaper in Thailand, UK suzuki swift start at £18699 (840kbaht) Thailand 580k baht
  10. My bills normally lower than I posted but due to there being NO water in the village this year I have to use my own deepwater well (2) which has increased my monthly cost.....I water about 1 acre of garden trees with small sprinklers at the base of each tree (2-300) so as not to waste water, its basically drip irrigation as the spray does not spray an area more than 2sq feet......whereas locals use sprinklers and reckon most of it evaporates
  11. my point entirely as many houses here have awful windows/doors and often zero insulation + single redbrick or concrete block with no sealing. My house is surrounded by trees I planted 12 years ago to mitigate the heat, none of the walls get any sunlight, even the aircon unit itself is mounted high up on the wall to help out of the sun. AAc blocks were too expensive when I built so I went with this
  12. heres the bill from yesterday, this also includes a deep well pump thats running 4 hours a day @750w and 27 x7watt leds lights on 12 hours per night .................surely any cost would depend on the insulation you have............and mines very VERY well insulated
  13. you can use this without primer https://www.th.weber/en/webertai-flex including in shower areas etc
  14. If the tiles are well stuck down you dont need to remove them, tap them to see if they sound hollow as many Thai tilers are crap hollow ones need to be removed, Ive just found this primer made by Davco and available in Thailand for non porous tiles ie shiny ones https://aus.sika.com/en/construction/tile-stone-installationsystems/primers-additives/davco-ultrabond.html This is the Australian site but you can buy it in Thailand here https://www.pbtechno.co.th/product/davco-ultrabond/ Failing that run an angle grinder over the tiles if they are glossy at a shallow angle ie not the usual vertical position, make sure you clean the tiles down really well, you dont want ANY dust at all. After youve cleaned the walls wet ypour finger tips, run them over the walls, if you get dust on them they arent clean enough
  15. I insulated my house when built using double block walls with air gap ( sealed )12 years ago, ceiling insulation and upvc windows, its well sealed everywhere, costing 1800 a month in 40c heat currently, thats on 24-7 set at 26c cooling a 50m2 area, I clean my own aircons regularly and this is a Daikin 12000btu inverter aircon.
  16. about to do the same, any update for finding a tile primer here? Ive done it angle grinding the walls and using Weber Tai flex https://www.th.weber/en/webertai-flex Used it in a shower floor without problem but would still prefer a primer . Australia use sika NPP..............which isnt available in Thailand!! Also seen this which is suitable but again no primer https://www.beger.co.th/en/product/304/Beger-Cement-Tile-Bond-Premium-T-300
  17. living the dream eh..........thankfully i live in a 5 acre field with no neighbours
  18. great so you wont mind when i move in next to you with all night parties, park across your drive etc etc its my business right
  19. how about if you buy one but never use it?
  20. Everyone......because everyone thinks theyre normal 🤪
  21. ah always an answer, id swear if theres no catasrophe in 50 years someone somewhere will have an answer for why it never happened. I know all about the Maldives been going there since 89 the first island I went to meerufenfuhsi is still there, no sea walls around it. Theyve put a few walls around the cpaital which is a <deleted>hole and always had problems, the main one being the huge amount of people on that single island. The Maldives ARE NOT sinking, I can but cant be bothered to show you some researcher saying that shifitng sands are increasing the height. \Its <deleted> and it wasnt ONE erson saying it it was almost EVERY climate alarmist for donkeys years.
  22. well the roads been changed since 2015 so thats irrelevant and they probably left out stop lines where you mark red to avoid people building up a queue and getting mown down by a train behind them + theyre too close to the rail lines anyway. Pity the suv wasnt trying that with a train coming on the other road , now that wouldve been interesting
  23. c'mon man his phone fer christs sake.....his phone, doesnt get more serious than that
  24. yay the Thais never do that, they always rush to the victim, comical.
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