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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. That must be new. I didn't in 2017. I notice Korea and Indonesia now slugging people for serious money, $50 and up, before the flight, even just to transit landside for a hotel sleep.
  2. The slimy rent seekers could do this very fairly and transparently but it's clearly another "caper" to fleece all non thais, and the airlines see it as such. How to do it fairly is all visitors after immigration, pay B300 in any denomination at a government booth, THEN they immediately get a small stamp in their passport which is their HEALTH INSURANCE RECEIPT for the time they are in Thailand. They could also just do it online before arrival. But don't hold your breath!
  3. I did visa on arrival at Savannakhet, and the Lao Cop asked for 1800 in baht. I had US notes, but would rather keep them. I later did an exchange rate and I paid = $52.75 so I was ripped off paying in Baht. I would have gone e-visa, for the reasons you mentioned alone, but left it too late (3 working days minimum).
  4. Yes, he's wearing four ribbons on his Airforce Cadet uniform. These are, in UK military called "commemoratives" The British sovereign issued just three and the Coronation medal, during her epic reign, these are to recognise service to the crown, but chiefly to commemorate Her Majesties Jubilee events. As the kids decorations are also worn by long serving adults in Thailand, and he has FOUR; ex-servicemen from other nations on here can draw their own conclusions as to the value of decorating a high school aged person in peacetime.
  5. The elites do have significant blood connections to China, but the British Royals are half-german and that didn't stop two world wars! In the end Thailand will side with the winners, they deftly shafted Japan when the tide turned in WW2. In Korat, US Jets and Chinooks were up and about every other day last month, during Cobra Gold. Thailand isn't going anywhere. China has nothing but suffering and pain ahead of it.
  6. Here's a different blogger with a Q1 report. The video hit the tubes barely an hour ago. They are beyond recovery IMO. Collapse is unlikely, but the days of wine and roses are never returning while the CCP circus is in town. So for our lifetimes.
  7. Your link didn't work. Here's one of mine. https://youtu.be/leyoYtunqPQ A thought provoking analysis of just how buggered China is; all based on data, all based on intelligence gathering, all based on geopolitical reality. Update: The link came through, yes, so these rebound metrics are based on last years figures, which your report states, was the worst year in 50 years; so since they came out of Mao's clownshow. Nothing to write home about. The airline data is disingenuous too. They're counting all seats, including domestic. In reality their international loads to everywhere are still 80% less than pre Covid. I note a gloomy ongoing prognosis by a Chinese observer buried in the latter half of the report as well. Anyway, China watchers (and bashers) will get a lot out of the informative link I have shared.
  8. So he's a teenage Cadet, and he has at least three gazetted "decorations" already? Is Walter Mitty the patron saint of the services here?
  9. It's a lot better than google translate. So confirmed homicide/suicide. At least the rest of the female population won't have to deal with this human trash as he worked his way up the grubby gangster ladder of what passes for elite society around these parts.
  10. It's a murder/suicide. So yeah, they tracked laughing boy down.
  11. China is not ever coming back in the numbers previously seen. Flights to anyplace are down 80% there After Covid, they now have bird flu just jumped to humans. Even if it's worse than Covid, another attempt at lockdown will.lead to a full blown revolt, and bury the economy irretrievably, especially if they start shooting people on the street for causing disorder, absolutely a possibility There's too much serious financial turmoil at home, and geopolitical unrest, which will further undo the dream. Western companies are leaving as fast as they possibly can.
  12. There's a place near the moat. It's very busy, but you can walk in if you are prepared to wait. They did a great job of freezing two Sebohrric Keratosis from my scalp. B400 total including ointments. The card I have is in Thai except the line ID "chartchaiclinc" Ph: 053 214318. I was earlier robbed blind at Bumrungrad in BKK for B16,000 tho they did pathology to ensure it wasn't cancer. You got a good deal at the Ram my friend! I don't think Chartchai have the facilities to diagnose, only to remove moles.
  13. While I agree with your assessment that this whole thing looks like a giant set-up in the making, and the extended family act like they own the place already, and also that his wife clearly has him under the thumb, and trapped in this horrible, controlling, and expensive mistake... I saw a retired hostage negotiator online say that logic is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.
  14. One volunteer is worth a thousand pressed men. If it's a democracy "better than democracy" as Uncle Tu claimed in yesterday's amazing speech, then why not let the young men of Thailand VOTE for or against the draft.????
  15. They cut and then tie off two tiny tubes. You still produce sperm, they are absorbed into the body tissue. Nothing changes other than the sperm are blocked from swimming into a cervix. It's nothing remotely like castration. ????
  16. Get yourself snipped. I got "fixed" at 45, after two accidental conceptions we terminated (two different partners) and it's the smartest move I ever made. They can be reversed easily too, and it won't affect your "load" it blocks off sperm cells, not the fluid they swim in.
  17. This is a Question in the Chiang Mai section.
  18. I somehow found it easier to focus on audio better without the video, and you were coming thru directly on my Bluetooth hearing aids. Please consider a pro mic if you're going to do these regularly. Thanks for the op-ed.
  19. Is the extension you are on only be valid for the part time job? It's certainly unusual for a foreigner to have two jobs here. You could also try Thai Visa Advice group on FACEBOOK. They're very good at helping sort out these complications. The more details you can give them, the better they can help. Also, you won't get the idiots chiming in on FB it is a private group an extremely well run. I see they are here already!
  20. Don't hire a motorbike unless you're insured and READ and comply with the policy to the letter. Don't get drunk and insult the locals. Stay off balconies, especially if it's a low rail, and you're hammered. Be aware of low hanging street wires, and unmarked holes, oddly placed surprise steps, and generally street hazards that are clearly marked at home, Thailand is littered with really dangerous crappy design as well, and it takes a while to get used to waking around with spatial hyper-awareness. Otherwise, it's as safe as a bunny wrapped in a kitten.
  21. You don't need to show a visa for a domestic flight, and it doesn't matter to the airline. The bad news is you will be sent right back to the issuing office to transfer your stamp. Your second best option is to depart internationally on one passport and return on the other if you can get a day return trip to anywhere that is cheap enough. You cannot bounce by land and swap passports, only by air. If you do this ARRIVE AND DEPART the foriegn port on the passport you want to return to CNX on.
  22. Acid throwers are the worst PoS out there. Throw away the key.
  23. Never a dull moment when the upstanding citizens of the Middle Kingdom and the Thai Kingdom get together. It's almost slapstick comedy.
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