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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. China as we know it won't exist a decade from now. Xi will certainly be dead, or out of power. It certainly will not be a concern to the west, either way. Unlikely they will invade Taiwan before then, but that depends just how the CCP reforms/unravels. The so called "China Century" ended with Covid. The European hot war, aka WW3 will be over, and we'll be rebuilding Europe and a defeated Russia. Nukes will likely be outlawed internationally after that too. Thailand will either be a military royalist state or a democratic republic.
  2. Maybe Kalaland will get a few Russkis a bit higher up the corruption tree; the ones who order the defenstrations, not the usual heavy Jomtien thugs that actually do it. ????
  3. Revenue for Taiwan aviation services, not Hong Kong or the Chinese mainland? Why would that irritate the Taiwanese?
  4. Yup, we're gonna rub it in. Denial isn't helping a bit, is it? Realise you were scammed, you'll be a better chap for it in the end, according to Kipling. ???? I barely lived in the UK, but I valued my Maroon passport, I went out of my way to vote remain from abroad. So if it's any consolation, I'm ropeable about the damage done to the Sceptered isle by regressive idiots and charlatans, never forgive, never forget.
  5. Poland has overtaken the UK in terms of working people's earning power. Poland, who used to supply Britain's "dirty" labour needs. Every UK millionaire just made £55K more a year yesterday, just by being in that cohort That windfall is over twice the average workers annual salary. The young Russians won't be the only ones overstaying in Kalaland this winter!
  6. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. Brexit got done. Or did Britain get done?
  7. If "they" feel safer wearing masks, that's fine by me! I'm happy to wear one on the buses taxis, and trains too. Jai Dee all round! I'm just glad we don't have to wear them EVERYWHERE anymore. Let's be thankful for small mercies. Despite his approach to weed and masks. Anutin is what progressive Brits refer to as "Gammon". It's not a compliment.
  8. I miss Thailand. Then I read these type of posts, and I'm glad we decided to spend the eight months around southern summer (Thai high season) out of the kingdom. It solves the problem of forcing the bastards in my own government to pay the pension entitlements I've worked all my life for too!
  9. Someone give him an Ovaltine, change his incontinence wear, and wheel him off into retirement please.
  10. So seeing that we can't put "gambling" into a needle and inject it, is the problem in the drug or the person? Therefore if 3% are problem users, why deny the responsible 97% of recreational users their adult fun? Also it's "scourge" PS: no idea why it's typing in bold...????????
  11. You are not even trying to understand my argument, I don't disagree with your claim, but it does not follow weed is a risk factor for harder drugs, it just means anyone who uses ANY drugs is more likely to use other drugs. That's a big leap. Also, your personal experience of knowing some dudes is not a scientific method of reaching important conclusions about drug use.
  12. How is that going? Crime up. Supply up. Use up. Here's a thought: No line, no crime. Here's the proof: America's failed booze prohibition stunt. Legalise. Educate. Tax. Supply. The cartels and all the related street crime ends. But because they've so successfully brainwashed the electorate to fear drugs without understanding the science of addiction, they cannot reverse course. And here we are.
  13. "Gateway drug" is a myth. So while your statement is true, the inference that it "all begins with weed" is not. The reality is that people who use one drug, are more likely to try other drugs. People who become drug dependant, versus about 96% of recreational users, are often suffering from unresolved childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse, or even battlefield PTSD.
  14. If it was legal like booze, kids would find it much harder to access. And the dose would be easier to regulate to stop many negative effects. The Whermacht overran western Europe on meth. https://time.com/5752114/nazi-military-drugs/ so where were all the German meth heads? The only way to control drugs is to stop lying to ourselves about the harms, which exist, but are vastly exaggerated, and start supplying them to those that want them, controlled just like tobacco and booze. There is no other way that doesn't eventually end in a state of complete societal chaos.
  15. I've never met a decent one, always no-neck thugs trying to pick fights in restaurants or sewens, just because of that Soviet chip on shoulder? Who knows? Who cares? All the other national pariahs -the bangangers and the buffet mob- are model tourists compared to this lot. They even import their own working girls! Heaven help Thailand.
  16. America has little interest or even much spare change left to continue fruitless manipulation around the globe, it's almost always failed and cost trillions. Alliances are now more important, and giving them the tools to do the job, for example aid to UKRAINE rather than interference, allowing Japan to significantly beef up its home defences. Infrastructure at home needs attention, and China's golden age has passed thanks to its own paranoia and mismanaged system of existence. That means a vast additional cost as US re industrialization occurs, and dependence on China wanes. For US to "overlord" Thailand, it would need an Afghan style presence here, which is borderline science fiction. China has ceased to be a meaningful threat here, and in any case, Thai nationalism and a deep hatred of Communism run deep. Although paradoxically, CCP have already manipulated Thai opinion as masterfully as Putin has trolled the US into a state of political chaos.
  17. Have you looked into getting generic meds from India? Even the (middle class) Thais do that! I helped an elderly Thai chap get his specialised prostate cancer meds, as they're expensive in LOS. He speaks fluent English but can't use the internet. Google the oddly named Oddway Pharma. Hope this is of some help to you -or anyone else reading.
  18. When dementia strikes. Or some other slow horror, my biggest concern is my missus, who is someone I don't deserve, but she never gave up on me when I was too stupid to see what I was potentially throwing away, not an affair, worse. I just buggered off saying I was going on a long business trip, to see if there were greener pastures. But enough mawkishness from a total <deleted>. If she dies before me, it will be a blessing for me, as I won't leave her yet again, broken hearted. If the chips fall that way, when I get the final word from a diagnosis, I don't intend to hang about. That's also why I would rather survive her. It will make my tidy painless and considered exit that much less difficult to carry out.
  19. The Former Guy aka TFG, your hero, currently has six crime "paths" that lead to hundreds of years jail time -each. IVANKA Barbie has already sang FBI Karaoke, but she's going to be wearing the new black regardless, it just means she might go free before menopause. And believe me, it's not about "the left" it's about being so out of touch he thinks he's bigger than the freaking US Government, which suddenly became the "Deep State."? 555 Ok whatever. You've swallowed Putins disinformation so hard. And TFG owes Vlad his soul. It's all going to be revealed soon, before that though, there are dozens of perps going down, including Stone and Flynn, again! Bannon is the First. Anyway I won't be surprised if your trolling and this reply are deleted, the thread is not about TFG. But keep on believing, the scam bud. ????????????
  20. That the politics will descend into civil war Burma style, when Elvis leaves the building, there's going to be a power vaccum.
  21. My Dad, third from left, was with 4 RTR in Germany. Also Malaya with Signals then Royal Engineers. He started as TA, left, then came back as a regular left after about 12 years, having made Corporal. We emigrated after he left, but he never stopped talking about the Army, it was his first love. Later, I was caught up in a different scrap.
  22. Yeah but you wouldn't send your daughter round with a cake to welcome him to the neighbourhood either! ????
  23. That poster that offends you (do be brief!) is spot on. And you're intelligent enough to know that it has nothing to do with a white urchin with no dad. It's about the toxic personalities that inhabit the upper class echelons of the UK, corrupt at levels the Kremlin envy. Lining Thier pockets, while Brexit has impoverished the union to the tune of 110 Billion a year! It's nothing but a cringingly poor attempt at false equivlancy. And the hypocritical ???? from like-minded "lads" who are getting stuck into Asian poon-tang over here, yet still can't handle the truth that the myth is busted; Britain is irreversibly as brown as Brazil, and the grim reality is that for ages the UK has been more like "Little Britain" than this farcical fake fortnight of toffs strutting about in dressup and Corrie fans chucking Waitrose daisies at a palace fence. While the place is in an increasing total shambles. The only one of them with the balls to go his own way is somone whose dad isn't a dodgy royal anyway! Blind Freddie can see that's Hewitt's kid. ????
  24. This goes on in indonesia, and Phillipines. Only the persecuted are Chinese, and theyre not the boorish mainlanders, theyre multi generational citizens, they do well, and the lazy stupid locals find some pretext to go on the rampage, bloodshed ensues, plus ca change, as the French say, eh?
  25. Pricks who use acid attacks should get given murder sentences. They've effectively ruined someone's psychological life. Actually, they should also be blinded themselves, then thrown in the monkey house.
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