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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. Perhaps, a.o., it's worse to learn how Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte - who rescued thousands of Jews from Hitler's KZ (White Buses), then after the war being chosen by UN as peace negotiator at Palestine - how he ended up on his mission. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folke_Bernadotte https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-s-forgotten-hero-the-assassination-of-count-bernadotte-and-the-death-of-peace-934094.html
  2. I do not know who has said what about an "extermination", do you? What I know is that for more than 70 years the original population of Palestine is being evicted, their homes and centuries old olive orchards are daily destroyed, flattened. That fact has been for years many times condemned by UN, numerous resolutions. One of them (perhaps one in hundreds) was also supported exceptionally by US - at the end of Obama presidency. The country is named officially by UN as "Occupied Palestinian Territories". (Assuming that the UN is not controlled and ruled by by islamists, is it?) Numerous reports by independent rapporteurs, with no further regards and actions. And daily reported deaths of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers. The international community (whatever it does mean) do nearly nothing against it as it (the I.C.) does in other cases with a huge outrage. That this unsolved situation is bringing daily more and more grave problems is surely inevitable. Just calling a spade a spade.
  3. Quite a blatant assertion... What planet do you live on where for decades the world population is daily bombarded by lies, deception and destruction? But not from the Russian side.
  4. Who will wonder with so much violence and hatred in society around and internationally as well.
  5. How long the world had to wait to know that Gordon Brown had to sit in Kremlin on a chair lower than the others ? How considerate by him that for the long years he had not wanted to say something unpleasant for Russia...
  6. He (BoYe) was quite determinated cleaner...
  7. But we do not have for all the same meter, do we?
  8. Wasn't it at BoJo's visit as FM in Russia years ago when he surprised all with his fine diplomatic skill?
  9. I assume that The Guardian does not provide a Russian speech, so how to know what really was said? You have to believe what the "non-state controlled unbiased" media will tell you. Where are the times when The Guardian publicised the facts about Abu Ghraib?
  10. How touching the care of expats about Thai tourism outcome...
  11. Not sure who you mean as enemy #1, and which one is #2...
  12. Believe it or not. The wiki of Kyrylo Tymoshenko, the fired deputy of Zelensky's president office, before a TV producer, I can no longer see here. Anyway, there are also others who report about him: https://news.yahoo.com/kyrylo-tymoshenko-lost-war-survival-124000651.html Apparently, not clear whether it's a relation to Yulia Tymoshenko, the ex-PM, at least not reported. People from her party now require her resignation from the party leader position, it's quite difficult for her to work the Kyev office from the Dubai beach (as shown on YT).
  13. If by the forcing governments did you mean the Russians? Wondering whether they are not using the method advised once by one Nobel Peace Prize laureate by arm twisting? However, I cannot imagine that they (the Russians) would twist arms of somebody in Israel govt, since they too did not joint the sanctions. And that despite the Jewish origin of Zelensky.
  14. Do you really believe what you are writing. (and nobody asks you for a link?). It seems that you are a real history expert. For instance, can you enlighten us how the UK and US had led (from the Islands) Stalin in his fight at Stalingrad and around? Perhaps over the Internet links?
  15. Actually, if you are a bit familiar with construction (or your wife is) it's not a big deal to erect a tiled garage without a roof. Especially in Thailand where the material and the workmanship is so cheap. You will find few posts here about DIY, while it does not mean making it by your own hands, there are plenty village bricklayers (chaang pun) around that will be happy to make it for you according to your sketches. And finally a village plumber will connect the pipes and install the pump and filter bought in Global House or Lazada. At the end of the day, it might give you some kind of a proud accomplishment. Then you can do it for almost a tenth of it what 5-star experts will offer. Why to pay in a cheap country almost the same as you would pay in a rich country? However, if you no longer can force your wife to buy a new diamond ring, so why not to sink money in the pool?
  16. I know about one (“The hit goose will always call back”). ????
  17. Also others enjoying warm countries at the sea side. Yulia Tymoschenko, the former PM, and her husband, were spotted by Twitter in Dubai.
  18. Suffice to mention that most of them had been very helpful to install him on this post, being from the same show business company, afterwards awarded by posts close to him.
  19. Yes, that's good that you and your wife know how to go along with the high living cost. Not everybody can do that. Wondering whether the people responsible for the state of the economy will care to buy something for just £4.
  20. Well done? Sorry, I do not see any his speech. When quoting one's speech it reads different. But you are obviously used to media how they present anybody. Especially, when selling a war. If somebody wants to see his speech, there have been plenty on YT (not sure how many currently still are there) with E subtitles or dubbing. And with thousands of comments, almost most of them from non-Russians.
  21. Your people? Sorry, I did not get who was that, a wife and 2 kids?
  22. Why to deny him a bit relaxation? Didn't he claimed that he has come for talks about cooperation? Perhaps to get some tanks?
  23. Do you have a link to his speech?
  24. Kudos for your cooking economic skill. How often do you feed your people like this? Don't they deserve a bit better? Or don't you deserve more income for your effort working in (and for) the superpower country that is among the top GDP?
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