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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. Such insurgency or even a parliament storming sometimes happens not only because of a presidential election results. There are many other cases anywhere, however, they are not always classified so serious...
  2. Whether the insurgency was or was not on behalf of Trump, such case would give surely a pretty precedent to many cases of a street riots (e.g. on behalf of George Floyd) while a policeman died being killed or getting a heart attack. So, the policeman's family will sue George Floyd family for 50M?
  3. Isn't it quite confusing? While Mr Sicknick did not suffer any injuries during the riot, a lawsuit filed by his family on Thursday alleges the violent mob played a role in his death. His family sued Mr Trump on Thursday for wrongful death, claiming that the former president "intentionally riled up the crowd" and that Mr Sicknick died as a result of "the injuries that violence caused". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64176567
  4. So, hasn't he become a hero for his service to his country (and for the killing of some Talies)?
  5. No learned lessons from this? Actually, There haven't been any more incursions into the Congress. So, perhaps the lessons have been learned. Wondering whether other countries will learned it either?
  6. Incredible what lies are to read here. No atrocities? https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/512872 And here for instance one OSCE report from 2016: https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/e/7/233896.pdf
  7. Seeing that something got lost here. The problem is that some links here eagerly presented show not the real quote but a media article where the quote was edited somehow to be in line with the official narrative. And because of no access to other information that "fact" is taken for granted. BTW, something what you do eagerly claim - even the official narrative does not do. There is an official report of OSCE from the very date of 22nd February - still can be found - presenting a surprising unusual increase of atrocities in Donbass areas exactly in the days of the Russian military exercise. So, was there anybody else in a better position than OSCE to properly assess the situation? Unfortunately, after this report the OSCE monitoring function has been terminated.
  8. Did you mean the overthrow of the "legally elected government" in 2014? Was it by high ranking Russian officials?
  9. ^A frank confession how to consider the honesty of politicians dealing with matters of lives of nations... Even at a horse market the deal is completed by shake hand. (wondering whether you pay people serving you only when they have got a signed promise from you...)
  10. What an explanation of a harmless error for mistake... Anyway, wondering why it was further claimed by Ukraine as being shot by Russia, further on and on even when Biden has already declared it differently. BTW, there were some alleged news (not proven) that it landed very close to a large warehouse with fertilizer that could have brought a huge explosion such as happened in Libanon 2 years ago. (but obviously a conspiracy theory...)
  11. ...therefore, no obligation for sticking to a promise (being led to believe it).
  12. 1. Does it change anything on the promises 30 years ago that the docs are online since 2017? 2. "was led to believe" is a way of discussion? Or it's a way to believe the honest of one's promise? 3. Whether an agreement was written and signed by a golden pen, would it change anything? Anybody so naive to believe it? Weren't the Minsk agreements signed?
  13. "My" source is a source of government about a historical agreement - and high-principle assurances - how the foolish Gorbachev "was led to believe" that the cold war is over, his army will go home - perhaps also the other huge army of the friends will go home (bring our boys home) - why to keep them there? "Legitimate fears of of Russian aggression"? While the Russian army go home with a tail between their legs? Your way of twisted thinking about this act - and of those who applauded you - is really amazing (politely said)...
  14. ^ If searched for "inch" it brings 8 results in these few documents. It surely needs to bring an Institute to belittle the inch, doesn't it? The promise of no no Eastwards expansion was the main trump offered to foolish Gorbachev, for his huge army retrieve, unprecedented in history. When I read it first time (being in Thailand) I could not believe it. There is surely something behind it, a hidden agenda? Obviously it was one, but not of Gorbachev.
  15. Ukraine Anger Over Von Der Leyen's Unverified '100,000 Dead Soldiers' Claim Ukraine has hit back at a claim by the European Commission's president that 100,000 of Kyiv's troops have been killed since Russia's invasion in February Ursula von der Leyen used the number in a video address, prompting Kyiv's armed forces to state that the death toll was "classified information." Footage of her speech has since been edited to cut the reference. In Russia, the state-owned news agency Tass was among the media outlets to seize on the high figure and to say the European Commission had "removed information about 100,000 dead Ukrainian servicemen." https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-russia-von-der-leyen-death-toll-1763553
  16. False equivalence? Quite a big excitement and embarrassment of some. And that a signal to WW3 was recognized by not so few? Anyway, a deafening silence since that... Similarly as of the "sabotage" of the gas pipelines - but perhaps also a "false equivalence?
  17. It does not need so much - nor the nukes - for the WW3 beginning. Wasn't it recently quite at the edge when the Ukraine missile landed in Poland, killing 2 farmers?
  18. The same figure we could learn from EC President Ursula vdL about the other side of the war. (However, it was later retracted somehow...)
  19. How the declassified archive documents see it: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early
  20. You are twisting the facts. As long as Afghan rulers had been supported by the Soviets (in 1960s) - without any interference - the life for the population was not so bad. Here's one 1st-hand account of daughter of US professor who was invited to teach in Afghanistan in late 1960s, bringing his family to stay there with him: https://www.denverpost.com/2013/01/28/afghanistan-1960s-photos-bill-podlich/ (see the car brands on the roads) That had dramatically changed in 1970's. And that not because of Soviet invasion invoked on Afghan ruler's request, after a long reluctance of the old man Brezhnev to send the armies. And why they were asked to come? That can be learned from the book of another old man The Grand Chessboard...
  21. Links what he really said, not links to spin doctors...
  22. Do you have link to your statement? Their reports? Who is they? There are reports not only OSCE but also Amnesty International in the first time within 2014. AI even with a direct address to Ukraine govt, no answer. Later they did not dare... Even Western media reports - in the first time within 2014 - later they did not dare...
  23. There are written accounts of the ones present at the discussions Gorbachev, Baker, Genscher and others, can be read in declassified archive - can be googled who wants to know. Actually, why such agreements are to be kept in secret? Agreements that mean fate of countries, population, consequences on further developments and sometimes wars? Are the acting persons Gods in Heaven?
  24. Any link to that? If not, then it is a unattributed statement.
  25. It will be reported? By you? Please do it. Then, you would only need to prove where and how I edited your post(s) - with my habit... (any argument or even a fact?)
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