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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Natural Songkran. Soon, they will ban the water from the sky too.
  2. Inflation much higher as they report in Thailand.
  3. Falang tinking too mut. Me have headache, ju have medicine, ka.
  4. They should promote the "happy" massage a bit more. I bet, no foreign woman will ever let her husband ever go to a massage alone.
  5. I prefer to count myself than having someone counting/spending for me and the extended family.
  6. My ex GF was a tiger, a wild tiger. Pet her and she throws a knife at you????
  7. Defend yourselves. I never got robbed and I wear my investment everyday, day and night.
  8. Just wait to see a massive increase of price for beer. In Europe, they are talking about an increase of 30% due to all ingredients becoming very expensive. Vive l'inflation.
  9. From the sea. A seachick.
  10. Please no aircon. You will dramatically increase his monthly budget.
  11. There is an ocean: The ocean of tears from farang who lost it all 555
  12. Private school 750k a year.
  13. Problem is: Men want to look good, want to impress. Nobody knows you here and very easy to make up a story about your education, salary, homes etc. Then they hire a "top class" car to drive to the village and to impress. First weeks with the new girl is party, presents, holidays etc. She thinks she hit the jackpot and so does her family. Now guy has to life up to his "impressions" he gave. Many just show off and have not a pot to p.... in. Then there are the ones who have a lot and do not talk about. They are probably not so attractive in the eyes of the hunter but the serious ones, the ones who take time, they will discover. And the ones who have not a lot and stand to it. Who is more attractive in the eyes of the ladies? The young, good looking, poor one or the old, ugly but rich one. Figure. I tell them now that I am not working here and live on a pension (not true). Most don't even know what a pension is or they think it's a 500Baht monthly allowance 555. The ones who sniff around for some free holidays, presents, gold etc. Next door please. John, the bitcoin trillionaire lives there.
  14. My first one was a Kadett GTE Proud I was.
  15. He's thinking about economics. 660k at 5% a year/compound. Would be a nice earner now.
  16. I would add: Many feel they are entitled because friend X,Y,Z also found a rich farang. They actually never met that XYZ but heard about it. Social media full of people showing off, what they do not have. Girls making selfies in skybars, holidays abroad etc. Stories that they get a "salary" of at least 50k a month. Entitled to the same but giving nothing in return. ME? cooking, cleaning, taking care of the family home? Hire a nanny and cleaner. My duty is to make mom happy. To raise her status in the village. I was told that many years ago, the first old, ugly farang who arrived in her village was laughed off every single day. His GF, 25 year younger and good looking. Until he build a villa, THE VILLA in the village. Suddenly he was Mr. handsome farang and all mothers sent their daughters out to get also one of them. Ladies, get an education, learn to talk and have a conversation. Show some respect. Do not think money grows on a tree. Do not believe the 2 weeks millionaires about their Ferrari, villa, 100,000$ job a month. Come down to earth and respect the man who wants to give you a better life. Don't try to jump from primary school into university because you read too many stories on line and facebook. Honour the man who takes care of you and give something in return. For me, she needs to have an education, be able to have a conversation, isn't thinking about how to milk you and also will put something on the table. Time is on my site. They never have time. My last longer relationship got mental: She said I lost her time she is getting old. Another short relationship ended and this one was 1 week later with next farang for a few weeks and a few days later the next one. Panic, pure panic. Once they hit 38-41, the woman syndrome kicking in. If I can't find one now, I will never find one and .... children will also out of reach. Men, take your time. They have no time.
  17. Line them all up, take pictures and publish in every newspaper. Lock them up throw the keys aways and feed them to some hungry inmates.
  18. Oh dear. I couldn't live there 1 day. What poor conditions.
  19. Exactly. Get your a.. off and bring something to the table.
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