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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Only really in the eyes of fools, bigots and the ignorant. Even when generalisations are likely more right than wrong, those that classify an individual based on a generalisation of a single characteristic are quite possibly hiding far worse character flaws.
  2. If you need to ask the question, you don't need to ask the question. By the way, what exactly were you looking for in the subways of Manila late at night? Aren't there websites for that kind of thing now?
  3. We must try harder.
  4. So when I try to run a debate to decide whether Manchester United is the greatest European football team ever, I should only poll Manchester United supporters? US politics (like most demacracies) is binary. You're pretty much either red or blue. Using your logic, if a politician has to be tried in a state where they have almost universal support, they would never be convicted of anything.
  5. There are no excuses for what he did. The statement "jail and then deport" is used too often on this forum, but in this idiots case, he could do with a few weeks as the fudge at the packers shop and then on his way out of here, never to return.
  6. Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. If you start accepting 67% gouging on all your bills then your expenses will be 67% higher than they should be, regardless of the individual amounts.
  7. Just so I've got this straight, what exactly is the cost difference between 10 baht and 6 baht? 😉
  8. Excellent. All those top tier temple teasing tourists travelling to Thailand today.
  9. I'm surprised that nobody has suggested he's from Brittany yet.
  10. You mention 4G to 5G, so that's the cellular service it's connecting to. There will be two different things that would need to be in order to for it to work and get the best speeds. As mentioned ^^^ up there, I'd expect 3BB to give you the necessary hardware anyway. 1.) Whatever the SIM card plugs into will need to support 5G. (which is not the same as 5GHz, which refers to the wireless connection, 5G is all about the cellular connection outbound to 3BB). 2.) The wireless router (which may well be the same box as the SIM card plugs into) would need to support 802.11ax (WIFI 6), as will your phone / tablet / laptop that you'll be connecting via wireless. This is the wireless connection from the modem/router to your own devices.
  11. Please don't try and educate the pratt. Let him continue with his ignorance. It's quite interesting to see some of the strong views of the average idiot now and again 😉
  12. Nowhere near as serious as what has happened to your daughter, but my step daughter started a new school last week. Today she came home with scratches on her neck and arms. She was apparently attacked by a boy. She is 9. I don't know how old the boy is. Again, apparently, the first call that the school made was to the parents of the boy to tell them that he'd done it again. I will be going to the school first thing tomorrow morning to make it very clear what will happen if she crosses paths with this boy again. The whole world will know that he'd done it at least 3 times and the school did little or nothing. I really don't give a flying feck if the ridiculous defamation law comes at me, there are some things that you just don't stand for.
  13. I sat by the pool (our own) for maybe 10 days maximum in 9 years. Like I said, there is a lot more to do. Cramming yourself in a poxy condo is very unlikely to put you in the mood to actually find it though.
  14. The wider Pattaya area has thousands of rental places, from small condos to huge opulent villas. I lived in Pattaya for 9 years and wouldn't have dreamed of being stuck in a condo (although there are some fabulous ones available) or anywhere else near the city centre. There is also a lot to do in and around Pattaya that doesn't include alcohol or any / many expats (certainly not the vest wearing ones). If you found yourself bored there and it wasn't due to missing friends back home... you didn't really try very hard.
  15. I suppose that when your life is that empty and meaningless, almost anything can give you some happiness.
  16. At least you can spell it. If you were born before 1990 and were an internet user in the mid to late 90s or very early 2000s then there is a reasonable chance you would have heard of it and an OK chance that you would have used it.
  17. Possibly. I really mean the startup screen and the desktop area that is there for games and cannot be removed. I often have to screenshare with clients who have no sense of humour or fun. I can't be seen to be using something cost effective. It has to be "enterprise, best-of-breed, industry standard, state-of-the-art" and lots of other phrases that would give you a massive boost on bullsh$t bingo.
  18. There was a thread about this a few weeks ago but I'm damned if I can find it. I need to install a single CCTV camera that is powered 24x7 by solar / onboard battery. It needs to have a night vision range of at least 50 metres, ideally at least 4k resolution and must be able to take a SIM card so that I can access it remotely. A plus would be movement detection with proactive alerts (via email or whatever). This is for a remote piece of land that will have some valuable equipment stored on it (the equipment would take at least 30 minutes to steal) up until I've built something more permanent. Anyone have any recommendations from an item that you've used yourself? I can see a shed load on Lazada, but some are likely to be useless. Thanking you. EDIT: Oh, also needs to be fully weatherproof and ideally with 180 degree or more field of view, with auto zooming / tracking of moving objects. Not asking too much... 😉
  19. I should have mentioned. For professional use, the ads etc on Bluestacks are a no go for me, hence I only use it for IPTV and so the phone profiles are worthless (to me). I fully understand why they have the ads - I don't work for free either.
  20. I use BlueStacks5 for IPTV on the desktop PC. For dev work I use Android Studio. It has quite a sophisticated emulator built in, with profile for specific phones and others that you can create yourself. In a previous life I used Genymotion, but its not free.
  21. I saw some pallbearers carrying the same coffin around a cemetery for several hours the other week. They'd clearly lost the plot.
  22. Once again, I can't help but admire the rescue workers here. They work for little or nothing and must see the most horrendous scenes imaginable.
  23. Intelligent counties praise freedom from religion.
  24. You're kind of debating whether it's better to be killed on a Wednesday or Thursday. Either way you're dead. As mentioned ^^^ up there, how about driving under the influence of nothing but intelligence?
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