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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Surely it should be on May 4th?
  2. They didn't 4 weeks ago at Heathrow.
  3. Last 2 times I hired a car in the UK using my Thai license I didn't need an IDP. I had bought one online just in case though. June last year. Green Motion, offsite near Heathrow. Beginning of this month, Enterprise / National / Alamo at Heathrow.
  4. I've recently moved to an area where I'm told to expect it quite frequently. Nakhon Nowhere, very north eastern Isan. Previously I lived on the dark side east of Pattaya. Full days without power were in the region of once a quarter, mainly due to new developments and upgrades - lots of new properties being built in that neck of the woods. My average bill was in the region of 10k baht per month. Then it probably isn't a factor for you to consider.
  5. For me, the monetary ROI on solar is only one of the considerations. I'll be installing solar because the quality of power delivered in parts of Thailand is very low (voltage fluctuations, power cuts etc.) Damage to electronic items and the knowledge of no (or at least greatly reduced) days without power should also be factored. Admittedly those might not be factors for others.
  6. Is that the same Trump that married two first generation immigrants and fathered four second generation immigrants?
  7. They are? That is a Trump soundbite. Trump is saying that Americans are saying this. Anyway, if the average person in middle America committed fraud and tried to overthrow an election then they'd have every reason to be worried.
  8. I hope they lose the money that they paid for the phone. They almost certainly would have (and definitely should have) known it was stolen.
  9. The bike rider is partly at fault because he was going way too fast on that road (almost certainly over the speed limit), and the extent of his injuries will almost certainly proportional to the speed. Doesn't let of the Merc idiot who didn't pay enough attention and also shares the blame. Proper douchebag behaviour of him after the hit too. Percentage wise I'm not going to speculate, but both parties actions caused the collision.
  10. LOL. Someone's been drinking too many energy drinks in this heat.
  11. I think Alina Habba summed it up nicely (unwittingly). Q: Would you rather be pretty or smart? A: Oh that's easy, pretty. I can fake being smart. That answer perfectly surmised that it's not possible to act smart. I'd still hit it though 😉
  12. Got any of the trading cards? Swapsies? Just kidding. Kind of sums up the intellect when those things can be sold to followers.
  13. If you are suggesting that the SUV crossing that junction at 80kph, with at least one other car blocking a full view of other traffic approaching it puts him (or her) fully in the right then I think you're way off. The trike rider was kind of asking for it, but the SUV driving was also looking to give it. Drive like that across junctions in Thailand that don't have a crystal clear indication of right of way (or even ones that do) and it's only a matter of time before you're one part of a t-bone.
  14. I buy that sort of stuff from Amazon. You often pay a little more, but delivery can actually be faster than it is from within Thailand. https://www.amazon.co.uk/RM-ED013-Replacement-KDL-40L4000-KDL-40S4000-KDL-40U4000/dp/B0BSCYL5T7/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=E883N1VW8T9C&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kJrGb6V9BeeMp1BbUj4h-eMiD82PJHZw5O82eTdCqS-5DAdV0bIXyFpT95Z1o4eU-mocndhPhKI4JvbaI5tklbh-TLKn4fEDBTr83hHVGwVvsbher38t2kZol8oWOlerWaiIkmEpIgmtkljnHLoO8AlgdjyVDq2ichexy6xASiVjJ0ZuIUTWVdtUaN8_XAfH6PinoKUT8Yu8qj2iy9uYS4r6td-ccl47A2INwIKyzic.LGl_3ijgyOLQv5kHn81cdV3osdUoBFUrJAjkH_evULk
  15. The only real solution for permanent hair removal is electrolysis. For most people, the costs, time involved and the pain endured are prohibitive. Laser is IMHO almost a waste of time and money, with shaving and depilatories only removing hair above or very slightly below the skin surface, so the effects are very short term. That leaves waxing as the only easy, cost effective way of temporarily removing hair for reasonable periods of time. Quick, easy and, after a short while, pretty painless.
  16. Why are we referring to Russia? All mentions of Russia should be replaced with Putin. Russia has not held real elections for decades, probably longer. Their constitution has been altered to allow one man (not really what I'd call him) to retain absolute power in a similar fashion to Xi in China. All political opposition is destroyed / killed / incarcerated and all information that does not align with Putin's views is totally suppressed. ...and I'm supposed to believe that Putin was FORCED into invading a nation, because other nations made decisions that they believed were in their best interest? How is it that the largest nation on Earth, by a HUGE margin, is the one that feels it needs a buffer around its borders?
  17. Apologies. Garden center.
  18. That video is hard to watch for several reason. Other than the obvious - a human being hit by a car: 1.) It's just normal here. Thailand would be safer if pedestrian crossings were removed entirely. They give a false sense of safety. 2.) Nothing will change in my lifetime even though it's really not that difficult to make serious improvements.
  19. You should have caught the reports about mass election fraud. One of the outdoor broadcasts was from a garden centre opposite a porn shop. Proper funny it was.
  20. It always amazes me when people hold an opinion such as "I know my source of truth is skewed this way, but some others are skewed even more that way". I read it to really mean "I know I'm stupid, but those over there are more stupid". The common denominator is stupid. That argument goes both ways.
  21. Agreed. Let's hope that wise heads prevail.
  22. My power banks give priority to one type of charging. Not sure which way around it is. Your power bank might be charging your phone but not be being charged itself by the wall outlet. No big deal either way.
  23. Do power banks allow incoming / outgoing charging at the same time? Not sure mine do.
  24. A ban on pedantry would be a decent change, to be fair.
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