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Everything posted by Mickeymaus

  1. I took Celebrex, Naproxen and Diclofenac and nothing changed for months. I had pain in all fingers and toes. Then I tried this gel and the problems disappeared pretty quickly and never came back again. Of course could have been a special situation. But talk to your doctor if you can use it in addition to your pills. I stopped the pills when I took the gel.
  2. The US is struggling to pay off its debt...
  3. About 15 years ago, Angkor Wat was an unforgettable experience for me. But there were not many tourists at that time. Don't know if there are endless crowds now.
  4. This is not convincing. He should try this with a Phuket taxi driver.
  5. NSAIDs can have severe side effects if used longtime. The topical solutions are better but not free of risks. Only use as much as needed and wash your hands after applying it. They are prescription free here in Thailand. I had severe joint pain for many months. But then it suddenly disappeared. Difelene shown in the picture helped me the most.
  6. The message is pretty clear ????. But will anybody care? I doubt it very much. On the other hand you see open air sex bars everywhere in Pattaya. Too much competition by freelancers? If they really care about the image they should only allow sex businesses behind doors like in many parts of the Philippines. But obviously they like to attract exactly such tourists otherwise the situation would be different. Here at my condo complex sex workers walk in and out. Sometimes I have the feeling I live in a short-time hotel. And if you stay here as a normal tourist it can be very shocking to hear what is going on in rooms next to yours every night. But this is the special vibe of Pattaya...
  7. Thank you both for the information. I know the shops. But these devices need special equipment and enough experience. To Amorn I would bring a fan with broken capacitor. But not a tablet. PATTAYA2U is well know for computer and laptop repairs. Not sure how good they are for phones and tablets. I will try this @irepair. It is an old but still very good tablet with a really great AMOLED display.
  8. Thank you very much. I looked on the Internet and saw this as one of the shops. It has a couple of positive reviews and it is not too far away. Will go there the next days and ask them.
  9. Here the TikTok video of the rescue https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLJKmtfX/
  10. They should put there some signs and the problems are solved. ????
  11. The power button of my older Samsung tablet is broken. I asked the Samsung service center in Pattaya if they can repair it. The answer was no. Then they said it will take AT LEAST 3 to 5 months to get the part. Strange thing is that at Lazada and Shopee you can order it. My idea is now to order it there and look for a good repair shop here that can replace the broken one. I never had anything to do with such repair shops. Does anyone know a good one here in Central Pattaya? I don't want to ask in shops and then after "no problem" end with a bigger problem. Normally I use (an expensive) Galaxy Tab S7+ LTE. But if I stay somewhere else I use this smaller older tablet. Now I am worried what will be if something brakes at this Tab S7+...
  12. In Jomtien last time it was still for free ... if you are willing to wait for some days/weeks. If you want to have it sooner then you have to pay.
  13. "It completely degrades the image of town." No, it underlines the image of this lovely family resort. You have (open air) sex businesses everywhere especially in Central Pattaya. And new bars are opening all the time. I don't have the feeling that the government has a problem with this - otherwise this wouldn't happen. Of course if there are bad stories in the news they have to react in a way that shows in the news how much they care. We know already their success in now prostitution free areas like the Walking Street. The Beach Road will be next. No, that was just a joke.
  14. You are overly optimistic. From my experience there are always articles in the news that this and that will change but in reality nothing really changes. There have been problems on the Beach Road for very, very many years. And suddenly it should be different. Why now? Why not years ago? There were articles in the news years ago already that it will be different in the future. But this future never came.
  15. For him it was for sure an unforgettable experience with all the dirt, the rats and the countless cockroaches. But it could have been even more impressive if there had been a heavy downpour. I think he has reason to celebrate. Could have had a very bad ending. There is the Thai film “The Cave”. Maybe now a movie "The Sewer"?
  16. Judging by his tattoos in the last picture of the original article, it is clearly a Pattaya quality tourist.
  17. Mickeymaus

    Grab tips

    I know 2 Grab / Bolt drivers in Pattaya. They don't earn much. They are happy with every additional Satang. Thai customers often don't give anything. But the drivers are always happy when US soldiers are in town because they give a lot.
  18. My 3 Daikin aircons are almost 20 years old - see picture ????. I often think to replace them. On the other hand they work problem free and there needs to be some construction work if I buy new ones because they are mounted inside on the walls close to the floor (bigger units made for this). I don't like this disturbance... They never needed gas and I never allowed them to check it. I always told them to leave the gas bottle in the car so that they didn't "accidentally" check the gas ????. A friend of mine allowed them to check the gas at a problem free new Daikin aircon. Obviously they damaged the valve and every couple of months he needed gas. In the meantime he has a new aircon and doesn't allow any gas checks. If the cooling goes down then let them check the gas.
  19. What was the name of this party? The Naive & Corrupt Party?
  20. Here are big fireworks. Why should these drones be a problem. The City Hall is involved in this project. I think it is a good idea. Of course the weather needs to be perfect. Saw such shows only on YouTube so far. Looked amazing. Hope for a good show here too.
  21. How long do you have to be married in your country that this will work?
  22. But this water standing in the water of the toilet water container might be of a different quality. After this experience I even boil the drinking water and of course let it cool down completely before using it. This story went on for almost a year and they didn't find the reason. I believed them until I checked myself. Here a not so nice picture of the problem.
  23. Look that they don't use the water from the water container of the toilet (the upper part...) Some like to do it because it refills automatically. But this water is very dirty. One day my aircon was full of algue slime and the evaporator was blocked. 3 cleaning companies cleaned this aircon and did not realise the problem because it was on the backside. And I told them that there is almost no airflow. Answer I don't know, the fan has a problem, the board has a problem and this after the cleaning. So much to their cleaning quality. I needed chemicals and a lot of work to get rid of it. Since this experience I clean the aircons myself with drinking water and chemicals. There was never a problem again. Of course this work gets on my nerves. But I gave up to use cleaning companies. And this with the algue was not the only problem. If you use chemicals put a piece of aluminium foil and a piece of copper wire into a glass with a lid and add the chemical and check after some days. A cleaner from a very well known US brand dissolved the aluminium completely. Not a good choice to use this one. If you ask for the price ask if this includes the outside compressor unit too.
  24. How does this work. They give me money. But how do they check if I voted for them?
  25. Here in detail what each party promised: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/election-promises-thailands-major-parties-2023-05-10/
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