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Everything posted by Mickeymaus

  1. What is the real fine? Here I read 4000. On other Internet sites I read 800 to 2000, 1600, up to 10000. What is it now? And by law can the guests be fined if for instance the hotel doesn't report them?
  2. Until some years ago I used this Kasikorn virtual debit card and it was for free. Is it still like this? Now without PayPal here in Thailand I might use it again.
  3. If you look at the start of the video you can see that the Turkish guy holds the water gun and the guard holds his bucket with both hands.
  4. The video I posted before shows that he had a water gun in his hands. So there is no excuse that he didn't want to participate.
  5. I am not a friend of this much too long Songkran festival here in Pattaya. It is more a bar festival and there should be zones. But in this case the Turkish guy had a water gun in his hand as shown in this video: https://www.facebook.com/PattayaWatchdog/videos/614849423870613/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-AN_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=2Rb1fB
  6. On my LG TV I only have to put the video and the srt file into the same folder.
  7. "Note: I've only been in LOS for 11 days, 8 hours and 13 minutes. " I was wondering why you still think so positive. But this explains it.
  8. Don't buy a water gun. Better rent a water truck. It is so much more fun: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS87o5Bjr/
  9. What is the problem? My concern is always that inverters don't reduce humidity as much as traditional air conditioners. Is that justified?
  10. The bars can fight against each other if they like it so much. I can't await the 20th. Then this madness is over ????????????????????????????????
  11. The first column on the right is finished already. But I don't understand. They removed all the bars that were there and now they build new ones??? Most of the bars were empty. Perhaps some used for money laundering? There is a lot of corruption money in this country...
  12. It is not closed off and overgrown anymore. They build at the moment new bar like structures. But could also be small shops.
  13. Do you know what they build there at the moment? Bars again?
  14. Here in Pattaya it is mainly a bar festival. Has not much do to with Songkran. The bars and their "supporters" want to make money. I don't walk around in these areas. But I have seen many empty bars from further away. Do they attract customers or do they keep them away with their water battles and the often insane noise? How is it?
  15. In front of the big building are several smaller buildings. In total are more than 300 condos there. And the gate is directly opposite Tree Town. But also the people in the very big Base are suffering and the hotels in this area. One day for sure the whole bar area will disappear. This land is too expensive to be used for this. But just recently they installed several not cheap looking big Tree Town signs.
  16. Yes, I was surprised by this. I have never seen this in other countries and I lived in several. And endless complaints by very many people and signature lists didn't change anything. People who want to buy a condo here should think twice. Not so long ago my area was quiet like a graveyard. And I have been living here for almost 30 years. But now it is really time to move and accept that my condo will be very hard to sell.
  17. This I never understood. Here in Pattaya I see every day very many without helmets. The government could make so much money and improve the safety. But not much happens.
  18. I have a smart meter too in Pattaya. The time is also 00. But this is not the time when he checks. I checked very old bills before the smart meter. There I had the time.
  19. Tree Town came a couple of years ago. Before there was an empty area. But yes we're all moving away now because of some idiot bar owners... But in the end that's exactly the only solution as the government doesn't care.
  20. Tree Town is surrounded by hotels and condominiums. But of course bars don't have to care about others. And the darkside. If a bar opens next to your home you will have the same problem. Not so long ago there was no Tree Town here. And it is not only Tree Town. It is a general problem that bars can do what they want.
  21. Water is one problem at this bar festival - it doesn't have much to do with Songkran. The other problem is noise. In Tree Town for instance some bars make as much noise as possible. This in a residential area. Nobody cares how many people they annoy. These bars are above the law and can do whatever they want. This city is ruled by bars.
  22. Great ????????. We need more people like you.
  23. After watching this video - very sick people that have fun to annoy others. But in the end it is the same here in the bar areas.
  24. Yes, with a good recipe they're not that bad. Had some in Hanoi.
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