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Everything posted by Mickeymaus

  1. Here an overview what the parties promised: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/election-promises-thailands-major-parties-2023-05-10/
  2. Would it not have been easier to remove the illegal buildings first ????????.
  3. Yes, I would like to hear the other side too. Especially when it comes to noise (some) Thai people often don't care about others. Some sufferers were so desperate already that they killed the noise maker. I experience this behaviour every night with the bars here in Central Pattaya. They don't care about other people. But what can you expect from people that provide sex services. These Red Light districts have their own law understanding.
  4. If you add too much gas the compressor could be damaged.
  5. I never even let them check the gas. In the worst case they damage the valves and it will be leaking. In the meantime after extremely bad experiences here in Pattaya I clean my aircons myself. Yes, it gets on my nerves but the cleaning experiences I had were extremely bad and I tried 3 different companies. The last one threw away 6 screws. But this wasn't the worst experience.
  6. Perhaps something interesting for the next weekend? Just found this in the German "der-farang.com". I can't see fireworks anymore. Have seen too many here in Pattaya. Perhaps this is an alternative. Here the link to the source (is in German - sorry) https://der-farang.com/de/pages/led-drohnen-show-am-jomtien-beach-1
  7. Strange somehow. Why don't the many real ladies on the Beach Road do the same. I have never heard of a case.
  8. From the new article "The woman’s Australian husband is currently working in Laos, said the police officer. This was not a murder, he confirmed."
  9. A friend of mine is 83 and bought a new aircon. Whenever you press a button on the remote there is a loud confirmation beep from the aircon. When I explained the settings to him he couldn't hear this beep. Nothing. I also bought headphones for him for watching TV. His neighbours are very happy now and he has now no problems to understand what is shown on the TV. I am afraid my hearing will not get better too. But as long as I can hear the bar noise here in Central Pattaya every night...
  10. We don't know why the OP thinks that the PC is slow. What does he do with it? When is it slow? And was it always like this? And what kind of PC is it? Which OS? What hardware?
  11. If her business requires a car then she has to earn enough that she can pay for the car. Otherwise this is financial suicide. She would pay for working.
  12. The first thing you have to answer is why do you have the feeling that it runs slow. Startup times of programs, Internet, games, disk operations, anything else?
  13. Of course cable is better. On the other hand, most here are older people. Take a frequency hearing test and see the often disappointing results as you get older. And perhaps Tinnitus. No need for high end devices then anymore. By the way - my Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus LTE with Android 11 has a hearing test in the settings where you can adjust the frequencies to your hearing. Look at your device. Perhaps there is something like this in the sound settings too.
  14. Something like this below? Watch the video. Obviously two options. Sound to a receiver and sound to speakers / headphones. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.jVZjq
  15. It is not easy with all the coupons and other things. I always go to check out and check the real cost before I buy. And in the picture below you also have to take into account the Cashback earned that you can use for new purchases.
  16. It is inconvenient but you can control a little bit what you get. One day I got an envelope instead of a bigger box with the product. Or the package was completely damaged or even open. In all such cases I refuse to accept the delivery or the courier allows me to unpack it in front of him and take pictures and check the contents.
  17. I just see that this amount is a deposit - can't remember that I ever made one because I order COD all the time. And deposits cannot be withdrawn like refunds.
  18. This guy has a mental problem. Shouldn't have a driving licence.
  19. I get this message below. I withdrew long time ago without a problem.
  20. I always do bank letter and deposit/withdrawal a day before and never had a problem at Jomtien immigration.
  21. It is really bad. I always asked the management for a user manual and never got one ????.
  22. These people are so rude and aggressive. I would never drive with one of them. And then there is weak law enforcement. Not a good situation as a customer (or perhaps better "victim").
  23. Our pool here in Central Pattaya has 35 degrees (measured). Not much help at this heat.
  24. You go there in 90 days. Your arrival date is day one. You have to report that you have been in Thailand for 90 days without leaving it.
  25. I switch the aircons on until I have a humidity of about 50 percent. Then aircons off and only fans (no, not this one...). My windows are very tight so that this humidity goes up very slowly. Then aircons again and...
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