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Everything posted by Mickeymaus

  1. My idea was if you reset the router by switching it off (perhaps for a minute) and on with a timer at certain intervals then perhaps you don't need to ask someone to go there and do it if it doesn't work again.
  2. "It seems to lose its internet connection, ie, no photos, which is fixable by rebooting the router. At least, temporarily. But I have to pay someone to go round and do that." Perhaps a timer that switches it off and on at a certain time every day?
  3. I would read the small print first. There are different numbers on the Internet. And what happens if you are a female. Then you don't get anything or virgins too?
  4. Exactly. I had SIMs that had poor performance in my condo but good speeds in a condo of a friend of mine that was about 50 meters away and 2 floors higher. But some SIMs were better in my condo. And not only the condo makes a difference. Even the location inside the condo. Is the router next to a window? Or other things like walls can make a difference.
  5. 3BB provides fiber to condos - if it is possible. You have to clarify this with them and also how much the installation will cost. I had 3BB VDSL that uses the copper wires of the old phone line. No installation necessary because these cables were there already.
  6. Thank you. It is hard to believe that I get blamed for their lack of knowledge. Hopefully they don't ask now why you are talking about cats...
  7. What has a cable CAT version to do with the LTE CAT versions - nothing at all. If you buy a router or other LTE device this is important. Please inform yourself for instance here: https://www.cablefree.net/wirelesstechnology/4glte/lte-ue-category-class-definitions/ And PLEASE all others too that still did not get the message that I don't talk about cables ????????????. And to the picture. You see the speeds. But the CAT version informs for instance also about the possible Carrier Aggregation. What is this? It has nothing to do with a cable again...
  8. Why not as long as the myriad of seedy nighttime entertainment venues are closed? At least on such an important holiday.
  9. Please inform yourself before you post such garbage. The CAT versions are very important if you buy a SIM card router or for instance a mobile phone. THIS CAT version number has nothing to do with ethernet cables. Please inform yourself at least a little bit and stop insulting posters.
  10. "Stop confusing the situation about something you obviously know nothing about (as usual)!" So I am the idiot "as usual". Can't be more impolite. I am sorry. But you only insult people because you don't even have a basic knowledge. It is a very sick behaviour. You don't understand anything about CAT versions used in LTE connections. Read for instance at the link below and stop insulting posters because you have no knowledge. I didn't talk about WiFi connections or cables. But the CAT version is very important if you buy for instance a SIM card router or a phone. https://www.cablefree.net/wirelesstechnology/4glte/lte-ue-category-class-definitions/
  11. In this case it has nothing at all to do with ethernet cables. I know, it is confusing. But CAT whatever is used for wireless phone/data connections too.
  12. Yes, if possible look for something with a brand name. But even then you have to understand things like CAT 4, CAT 6 or whatever and the frequency bands it can handle.
  13. There is a lot on Shopee and Lazada.
  14. The question is why not buy something like a SIM card router? But if you do be careful. There is a lot of scrap on the market. Somebody wrote a very long story about SIM card routers here in this forum. The topic was if I remember correctly "Your experience with SIM card routers".
  15. Not sure for what you need the Internet for other devices. But if it is for instance for a notebook it is a better idea to use USB Tethering instead of a Hotspot if your devices allow this. What is this? You can find information for instance here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-usb-tethering-and-mobile-hotspot/
  16. I doubt that you will experience any difference between the 1 Gbps and the 300 Mbps. You are simply wasting money. Okay, if you have many users like a company or a hotel then this will make a difference. Otherwise a complete overkill. I had 3BB VDSL for 631 a month (no other easy option here at my condo complex). You get speeds about 60 down. Now I have a Thunder SIM with unlimited speed and data and a SIM router. 999 Baht a year (83.25 a month) and get download speeds of up to 150 Mbps. And I can use it outside my home too. I wasted a lot of money with my 3BB VDSL. Now, such a SIM is not for everyone a good idea (depends on the devices and VERY MUCH on the location). But look what speeds you really need and compare prices. Helps to keep a healthy competition alive. And you don't throw your money away.
  17. I guess he will be transferred to the steadily growing ministry of inactive posts.
  18. You should check every new SIM with a short package before you buy a yearly one. Regarding the Thunder. Several of my friends have the Thunder here in Pattaya now. They all have good to excellent speeds (then more than 100 Mpbs with max about 150). We tested with my Thunder SIM at their location before they bought one to be on the safe side. Some replaced their 3BB VDSL with it. But of course it depends on the location and you have to test it. The Thunder is a data only SIM (unlimited speed and data) . So no phone calls are possible and it needs a device that can handle Band 40. I just checked the price - here in days/Baht: 30/199, 90/399, 180/599, 365/999. They didn't increase the price - yet.
  19. No, Buddha will punish you ????????????. Of course you can drink at home until you are dead ????????????.
  20. Alcohol ban is alcohol ban and has nothing to do with a licence.
  21. All SIMs will have problems with higher floors. But it depends on the location. You only can test. This Thunder normally uses the DTAC network. NT rented capacities from AIS and DTAC for their wireless services.
  22. "House passes the bill to suspend the nation's debt limit through January 1, 2025" And guess what will happen then...
  23. If you have better alternatives for investing your money then buying a condo is not a good idea.
  24. "228 had already departed Thailand. Furthermore, 331 tourists had submitted requests to extend their visas, while 109 were reported to have passed away" Great that they discovered all these overstayers...
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