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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Stopping the killing of foetuses that will one day become an adult human , isn't a "fascist" . "Fascism" isn't the opposition to abortions . Woman shouldn't have the right to end another persons life . Whatever you think about abortion , having either opinion doesn't make you a fascist
  2. Having an opinion on abortions doesn't make a person a "fascist" People who oppose abortions are not fascists???? What is the racial history that DeSantis wasn't to censor ? (Even having a educational policy doesn't make a person to be a fascist .) You got nothing
  3. They are not small tiles , its just concrete with a lines through them
  4. 6 million E.U Nationals applied to stay in the U.K on long term visas after the Brexit vote and also many retuned back to the E.U after the vote , because they hadn't been paying tax in the U.K and having a UK tax record was required to apply for a long term UK visa
  5. But for the people living in the U.K. , it was the millions of E.U citizens , (6-10 million ) going to live in the U.K that caused them to want to leave the E.U , so it benefitted the people who live in the UK and caused problems for Brits who wanted to emigrate to Europe
  6. I am referring to the books that show and teach that its perfectly acceptable to masturbate when driving a car . I think that Children should be taught that that is unacceptable behaviour and that cars are not the place to masturbate . Both hands need to be kept on the steering wheel when driving and you could accidently put your foot on the accelerate pedal when ejaculating . Children should be taught that its wrong to masturbate when driving a car
  7. Shall I PM you a link ? That way the thread wont be going off topic and you can have the link Edit PM sent
  8. Yes "having your measure " is not a term that I am familiar with. What did you mean by that ?
  9. I was responding to another posters that bought the topic up and he was being critical of DeSantis
  10. No Tug, I honestly wasn't referring to my self as a USA citizen. It seems to be your reading ability that is at fault
  11. I was speaking as "us" as in "us" Right wingers , rather than "us" Americans We have Right Wingers in the U.K as well and Right wingers Worldwide can be regarded as "us" Hope that clears that up for you .
  12. That is until she disappears with the content of your safe when you are taking a shower and you make a compliant and they need to report the theft to Police and they have to I. D her
  13. I wont be able to read that link until Wednesday , as I am fully booked to read all the previous links you have posted until then . Seriously, you don't post anything yourself, you just keep sending me links to read . I don't have the time to keep opening links and watching videos,
  14. You will find that there are people who speak loudly in every Country and it isn't Thai specific . Some people just have loud voices and I didn't find Thais to be anymore noisy than any other Nationality
  15. About the economy and economies in general . Spending money to spur the economy is OK , as long as the spurred economy pays for itself . Spending and getting more into debt isn't a long term solution , it just delays the debt crisis
  16. I was giving my opinion, how do you expect me to provide a link to my opinion !!!!!!!!!!! . I give my opinion without a link, you don't give an opinion and just post a link to someone else's opinion (not to mention your ink appears to not address the points I raised)
  17. All good and well as long as the books balance and its cost effective , otherwise the USA debt is just going to increase and cause more problems in the future
  18. We realise and respect that people have different opinions and disagree with each other , so Trump disagreeing with some people is to be expected . Us Right wingers do not all sing from the same song sheet and our opinions differ and we often disagree with each other . We all don't think the same thing or have one line of thought
  19. They carried on working afterwards and it was just a late lunch break
  20. Well yeah, I did put 300 odd million , which means it isn't a precise figure . Like, just a rough guess and it doesn't really matter if the figure is 200, 300 or 400 million in regards to my point that Trump falling out with a few of this former friends wouldn't effect the vote
  21. Its the 300 odd million USA voters that count
  22. Yes, its just a bit of enjoyment , its just a bit of fun Better content that the usual guys who just walk around holding a camera and just errrm walk around doing nothing and film it and put it on Youtube
  23. So Trump would be preferable to DeSantis ? Trump is older, after all
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