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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Here is my source "The Liberal Democrats are not the party of rejoining the European Union, Sir Ed Davey has said." Post your source stating otherwise https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/brexit-news-westminster-news-ed-davey-on-lib-dems-brexit-6912010/
  2. Of course the French man Barnier would welcome us back to join the E.U. , they tried to stop us leaving in the first place .
  3. Starmer/Labour have publicly stated that they will not seek to re-join the E .U and Ed Davey has stated that the Lib/Dems are not a re-join the E.U party . I was speaking about the general opinion of the British public , like, , we left the E.U and now just get on with it .
  4. Maybe they had a Viagra pill in their pocket that they didn't use when they washed their shorts?
  5. What do you do with sunglasses when you go indoors or when you are in the shade and don't need to wear sunglasses over your eyes ? What do people with a high I.Q do , rather than the above examples ?
  6. Isn't that the only or prime concern of the Brits who are living in Thailand ? The Pound/ Baht exchange rate ? Are they bothered about there being one supermarket in the U.K that isn't fully stocked and that wagon wheels have got even smaller ? Nope, its the Pound/Baht exchange rate that is their point of interest
  7. The Financial markets hate uncertainty and they wont invest anywhere where they are uncertain of the future , that is why the Pound declined for the four years after the Brexit vote . If the U.K decided to re-join the E.U , it will be another few year of uncertainty and a declining Pound
  8. John Cleese has agreed to join G.B. News , he didn't turn them down and his programmes are due to begin later this year
  9. The Pound is now doing quite well against the Baht (44) , if the U.K decided to re-join the E.U , then the Pound will fall against the Baht and it will go back down to 37 . Be careful what you wish for
  10. What people are you referring to ? The "people " that are against children being taught about stopping child abuse ? Who are those people ?
  11. Brexit was Johnson and Johnson was Brexit. The Guardian seem to be trying to re write history , the U.K voted for Brexit first and then after that Boris came along and implemented the will of the public . Johnson WASNT Brexit , he just did what the public asked him to do , that is what Politicians are supposed to do
  12. Yes, we are approaching the sunny uplands now, as promised
  13. As Thailand should . No need for an escalation and Thailand going to war with its neighbours
  14. It took the British people 50 years to realise that it was a mistake to join the E.U , 50 years of being in the E.U before we decided we didn't like it and time to leave . 50 years is a reasonable time frame to decide whether we like being out the E.U , lets reconsider and think again in 2083
  15. Well , the GB news show got mentioned a few months ago and is the 40 year gap a reference to Fawlty Towers ? The new Fawlty towers shows are a different project to his GB News shows and John has been doing various things like World tours , films and documentaries in the last 40 years https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/08/john-cleese-warns-viewers-will-be-shocked-by-gb-news-show-18248993/ Wednesday 8 Feb
  16. The new show was scheduled to begin in 2023 , as there's six months left for it to happen, its a bit early to be stating that it never happened
  17. You were serious ? You are saying that these events are good places to "flip" children over to the LBTG group ? A place were adults can get Children to move over to be LBTG ?
  18. That's not quite true, he once spelled "Coffee" wrong .
  19. That was 3 months ago, so now its 49 years and 9 months left to wait until we can judge Brexit
  20. What is that based on ? (The bit about Brits wanting to re-join the E.U. ) ? Where does that info come from ?
  21. If that was the case, a U.K Political party getting elected on the "Re-join the E.U* party line , why have none of the Political parties took that stance ? Labour have rejected the idea of Re-joining the E.U , why don't any of the smaller parties run with that policy ? For better or worse, the U.K has left the E.U and moved on and getting on with it and will not be re-joining anytime soon
  22. Will you be attending the Childrens Pride event and if so, why will you be attending ?
  23. Elected by members of the Conservative party , which is how U.K politics work . The public vote for various candidates in elections and the political parties elect their own leader to be Party leader . The electorate do not vote for a person to become Prime Minister , the party members vote on that . (BTW , his colour is irrelevant , he is U.K Prime Minister and his ethnicity is beside any point as he wasn't elected because of his ethnicity)
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