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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. I trust that you "piled on " Biden when he fell over like you did when Trump stumbled , wouldn't want to hypocritical now, would you ?
  2. Right, so Trump stumbled as well and that means Biden isn't infirm and doesn't fall over often . I cannot see the sense in that . Trump stumbled which means Biden is fit and healthy ?
  3. Is this one more acceptable ?
  4. It was probably a genuine passport using a fake name . Could have gotten a friend to apply for a new passport and used his photo
  5. Does the "S" at the end of LGBTQIA2S signify *straight* ? Straight people now have their own flag as well
  6. She is a Female person of colour, that is a huge unprecedented level of success and accomplishment for being V.P
  7. If you knew that , then why did you ask another poster to make their mind up about whether he was English or British ?
  8. Isn't it obvious ? Its a British man of Indian descent . Are you trying to say that only White people can be British ?
  9. Giving a negative angle to the U.K signing a trade deal with Australia
  10. There are other alternatives to Joe Biden Its not the case of it being either Biden or Trump There are many other alternatives to Biden
  11. Can you not understand that this thread is about Joe Biden falling over a sandbag and that is the subject we are talking about ? You are criticising people for staying on topic and your only defence of Bidens frailty seems to be............................*Donald Trump did/said,/is a or whatever*
  12. You have made five posts in 30 minutes , all of them off topic and about Trump .
  13. Joe got George Bush mixed up with Donald Trump ? Lets hope that he doesn't get Israel mixed up with Iran
  14. Do stop pointing fingers at other people and making (false) accusations and forcing them to defend themselves , lets stick to the thread topic of Biden falling over
  15. Take it up with Tug , he asked the question .
  16. As you are a foreigner as well , maybe you could answer the question ? "And a foreigner with no dog in the race why so opinionated?"
  17. Considering that the USA is highly involved in World affairs , the health of the USA President is a concern for us all .
  18. Why does Joe wear special shoes ?
  19. Yes, you said pretty much the same in a post less than a hour ago . Does Joe keep repeating himself as well ?
  20. .......although this thread is about Biden attempting to walk on solid ground, rather than Trump being able to walk on water
  21. The POTUS should have the ability to walk somewhere without tripping over things , if for some reason he cannot navigate walking in a straight line without falling over things , he really should use a wheelchair to be pushed around in . I am a Right Winger, so naturally disagree with Joe .
  22. Going right off topic This thread is about Joe Biden falling over , rather than whether Trump walked or not . Joe Biden falling over is the topic
  23. That isnt true , he did walk
  24. How often did his predecessor fall over or fall off a bike ? Seems to be regular thing for Joe to fall over for no apparent reason
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