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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Always seemed to post photos of very young looking ladyboys and him quite Cleary in the process of having sex with them . I wonder what caused him to get so skinny
  2. How else should the airlines recoup their losses ?
  3. The same reason why British war ships regularly go close to Russian waters ?
  4. I caught alcoholism last year , I think that some Chinese guy infected me with it , I had it for about month, but made a full recovery
  5. Mac Mickmanus gave a very informative piece of information in that thread, is there any reason why you didn't quote him ?
  6. You need to hear the full tape to put everything into context . Saying that you would get someone's address and then backing out when it was revealed there would be violence is one thing . Speaking about and agreeing with violence so the violence can happen and then agreeing to give a persons address is another thing . The first example actually occurred , you are trying to imply the second example occurred
  7. I have listened to the full tape and read the transcript . Boris did indeed initially state that he would get the guys address at the beginning of the conversation, then Boris asked what Guppy would do and the Boris began backing out of the agreement when Guppy mentioned giving rugby type injuries . Listen to the whole tape on YouTube .
  8. One of Boris friends phoned him and asked for a favour and Boris agreed to help him and then once it became apparent that the friend wanted to attack someone, Boris began making excuses and backing out of doing that favour . Boris wanted nothing to do with any attack on a journalist and refused to hand over the address . If Boris and Guppy had seriously conspired to attack a Journalist, they would have been prosecuted
  9. 'Be careful of that allegation!' SNP shut down after astonishing 'inaccurate' Boris claim The SNP's John Nicolson claimed it was true that Boris Johnson hatched a plan with Universty chum Darius Guppy to beat up a journalist. But the claims were quickly pounced upon by LBC's Ian Dale and panellist Kate Maltby for being "inaccurate" and an "allegation" which he should be very careful of making. But in a moment that shocked the panel, Mr Nicolson made an astonishing claim about a past incident involving Mr Johnson. The Ochil and South Perthshire MP said: ”You will remember of course that Boris Johnson conspired to have a journalist beaten up with his pal!” But iPaper columnist Ms Malty warned the SNP MP that he should be ”careful about that allegation” after it did not land well across the panel. https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1562405/jon-nicolson-snp-cross-questions-lbc-boris-johnson-darius-guppy-vn
  10. Yes, we agree that Boris didnt hand over the journalists address and therefore he didnt conspire to attack a journalist
  11. No, he agreed to get a Journalists home address , then Boris asked and found out that the Guppy intended to hurt The Journalist , Boris delved to find out Guppys intentions and then Boris didn't hand over the Journalists address when it became apparent Guppy wanted to attack the Journalist. It didnt sound like serious discussion , seemed like they were joking
  12. Well yes, other things were said , but I just wrote the relevant highlights . Whether or not Boris did try and get anyone's address is irrelevant , the only relevant thing is that he didn't hand the address over . As he didn't give anyone's address out , he didn't conspire to attack a journalist
  13. Even when he announced the 40 new Hospitals , he quite clearly stated that some old hospitals would be knocked down and new hospitals built in their place and that two older hospitals would be knocked down and one new one built in its place
  14. You can find it on Youtube Guppy asks Boris for a journalists address . Boris said he would get the address , then Boris asked Guppy why he wanted the address and Guppy stated he wanted to give the Journalists a few rugby injuries and the phone call ended and nothing more came of it
  15. Your link stated "During the call, Johnson told Guppy he had tried four contacts to obtain the reporter’s details but was fearful his role in the plot would be uncovered" I have listened to the tape and no such thing is said , Johnson did offhandedly say he would get the address , but there's no evidence that he actually tried to get the address by asking four contacts
  16. You have previously stated that everything Boris says is a lie . So, Boris saying "Johnson told Guppy he had tried four contacts to obtain the reporter’s details " is untrue and Boris didnt ask anyone for contact details
  17. As you are becoming angry ,abusive , argumentative and confrontational , it would be better if we ended this discussion now
  18. Do you have a link to that or any evidence that Boris tried to get the journalists address ?
  19. That isn't such an extortionate price actually . A glass of white wine for 250 odd Baht and a ladys drink the same price . That isn't an unreasonable price
  20. That is not true . There was no nudity allowed in that Club , not even topless , let alone ping pong shows
  21. He didn't conspire to have a journalist beaten up . Someone phoned him asking for a journalists address and Boris asked the person why he wanted the address and what was he going to do and nothing more came of it . No journalist got beaten up
  22. Accusing him of lying ? Falsely accusing someone of "conspiring to attack journalists" is also lying . I trust that you have always been faithful to your partner and have never strayed from her ?
  23. Yes, I don't think that masks do much good to help . But I wore one at all times whilst in Thailand , reason being that I was asked to and it wasn't the time for individual choices
  24. Did you spend the night standing across the road from the Club, with a bottle of Sangsom in your hand and being "at" the Club, but outside ?
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