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Everything posted by BE88

  1. I've read well that you don't want dogs, but reconsider having three dogs in your garden as they have plenty of Thais and the best weapon of deterrence you can have against masked thieves that you could never identify with the best cameras. But of course it's just my opinion.
  2. Very sad news. Thank you Joe for all your help you have given so many of us, we would always remember you.
  3. From your answer you are not a very sociable type and unable to smile, I will remember you never to reply to your posts again.
  4. There is one thing that is not clear in your story, you are married and therefore your wife will have to divorce at the end if she meet another man so you will have to comply with what the judge will decide and you will have to sell the house and share half of the sale. You can not find different solutions this is the only way you would take, Many farangs have passed this road, you are not alone.
  5. To file a police report he felt really offended to be take mistaken for a man.
  6. The more the request increases and because it is sure that it will be paid.
  7. Next time try with a smile maybe work better.
  8. You spoke to him and her in Thai????
  9. I don't believe you because if you did you wouldn't write what you wrote due to a lack of personal experience.
  10. I see that you give judgments without knowing the situation and you will never have made a trip by car or train from Hua Hin to Bangkok.
  11. Living in Isan is completely alone it would be like living as a hermit, there would be nothing interesting to do. Apart from the two cities UD and KK everything would be deadly and very enjoyable to live. But if one seeks absolute calm and is satisfied with local food it might be what he is looking for.
  12. A probable version could be this, a drunk Farang Finn who wanted to buy more alcohol who gave the middle finger (universal language) to all the people around him, but he received no blows from those present and was only pushed and fell and seriously injured himself, end of story.
  13. I think he won't go back to Thailand after being Thai welcomed.
  14. In the last few months there have been large explosions of magma on the sun and evidently the earth has received more solar heat which is what has increased the temperatures on earth I am not an expert to state it but it is reasonably possible to think so. There is no doubt that the earth has undergone several changes due to the sun and the only solution would be to put a thermostat on the sun to be able to regulate the temperature and not make us these continuous mood swings.
  15. Switzerland, where the lady is more strong the man.
  16. Too bad thinking is the first thing to do but it seems you always do it afterwards, strange that you're still here.
  17. You have made a great success never received such a great offer. Did you specify handsome and rich farang ? This will be the key to your high success
  18. When you speak the same language, Chinese, agreements are easier.
  19. BE88

    Isaan Woman

    Very good advice and if I may add never tell your partner or wife how much money you have always make her believe that you have all put you in Thailand, so at least you can always reserve an escape route if everything goes wrong
  20. Maybe you're right but the first time was already in danger of death.
  21. Three days ago France too.
  22. And arrest exalted man same this.
  23. Maybe he had a fake visa, that's why he was arrested and not just sent back.
  24. I'm not talking about democracy, which has never existed in Asia and maybe never will happen but I'm talking about having competent people in the government of Thailand and the spudo-democratic oligarchs if they come to power they will do everything to get richer like Thaskin did. Democracy hasn't existed for decades, not even in the West
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