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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Without coming to these drastic solutions it would be that the government starts to make a national law on the ban on burning in the open would be a good start, but I don't see any approach from the politicians in this regard for the next elections, to put the issue under the carpet like the usually they think it is but better solution.
  2. TOT will certainly be happy to offer tourists a visit to the new Venice of Asia, the only problem is that there will be a lot of competition.????
  3. If you can afford to buy an air purifier and stay a few days or maybe a month or maybe same time two month period in your house waiting for the winds to change, you don't run any health risks.
  4. If we exclude the Miramar which does not communicate, Laos and Vietnam on the map that I have indicated the situation is much better, why ?
  5. Dante Alighieri's description of hell
  6. You are right if you look at today's polution map basically it's just Thailand that is suffocating https://aqicn.org/map/world
  7. Already nothing can stop the progress of advertising.
  8. I don't think he knows Angel city Philippine.
  9. For me personally it is the worst year of pollution, we are at the limit of serious danger for the population. The tourists will appreciate not coming back. TOT what are you waiting for to wake up and propose, as in many countries, the abolition of open fires?
  10. I advise you to buy a PM 2.5 detector and check your belief. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/xiaomi-pm2-5-detector/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.2.4ccd7f6dnHG01W&q=xiaomi pm2 5 detector&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--5424616189985759813__abId--296419__Score--0.00975246560993449__pvid--fe260f49-3d93-43cd-bc7a-4d790da89254__matchType--2__matchList--2-3__srcQuery--xiaomi pm2 5 detector__spellQuery--xiaomi pm2 5 detector__ctrScore--0.0__cvrScore--0.0&from=suggest_normal&sugg=xiaomi pm2 5 detector_1_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  11. Normal, throughout Asia is the woman who administers the house. This is a subject of conflict with many 'farangs who do not realize they are in Asia.
  12. Government taxes allergy. every year I don't get poorer but I stay stable.
  13. Try with https://www.mytello.com/en
  14. And so the defense sites will remain without video cameras for more security, smart move.????
  15. I followed the thread of your discussion with azimorane however it seems to me that your two friends had many problems together, you maintain that it is mainly due to a sex problem but it may also have been another previous problem and therefore they were both subject to a premature end. Sex addiction exists and no one questions it but it can lead to a tragic and less obvious end. However, if his two friends died, it was clear that they had major psychological problems and the fact that they also fell into alcoholism and drugs confirms it. Everything cannot be blamed on just being addicted to compulsive sex.
  16. Did you say Bangkok Bank?
  17. I remember a case in Udon Thani where the gardenian showed the thieves which house to burgle. Prisons indicate small spaces to live with rules you have to respect, I don't see much difference with the happy villages you describe. If you are willing to sacrifice this for your false security, and your choice.
  18. Why not, it's just a matter of how much you're willing to pay someone you trust for the time you're away.
  19. I'm always surprised why people choose to enter a prison voluntarily instead of choosing freedom with all the risks that it entails but being free is my first request in life.
  20. Expected for next year 100 when new measures to combat pollution will be taken.
  21. I have had this model for about 8 months and I am satisfied.????
  22. Sell now at a discount, you've already lost enough money.
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