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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Special bread cook with air fryers ? tell me how you did it ? ????
  2. For me it is not a big sum to carry about 8000 Frs in my pocket, nothing need to put it in a vallet, zero stress zero loss.
  3. All young people are influenced by the golden reflections of the mass media it is up to us to protect them when they are so weak as to resist the siren song until their maturity. If your daughter wants to continue on this path, the first thing to do is for her to remain independent, therefore any contracts are to be excluded while there are other more suitable ways to make herself known and at the same time be able to develop her own artistic career without ever losing control. which many artists choose, independence in this very difficult area is the key to success. https://open.spotify.com/ can be one of those to remain independent but to make yourself known to thousands of people without losing your soul and your independence. Since then, the Stockholm-based company has become the world's most popular audio streaming service with 456 million users in 183 markets. With such a large user base, top Spotify artists have seen their biggest hits rack up millions, if not billions of streams. So, in July 2021, Spotify created the Billions Club, a playlist including all the songs to reach the billion mark.
  4. Your problem is not your daughter but your wife who dreams of success through her, and is only dazzled by what will probably cause a big disappointment, these are professional agents who need to burn many young people right away and they don't care what comes next after. At 15 your daughter is entitled to a peaceful life and serious studies and if she is truly a good and committed girl, she will be successful later in life, at that age a disappointment of her dream about her could have serious future consequences . I fully agree with Gaccha's comment.
  5. It would be the first useful tattoo, think about it ????
  6. I agree, since Thailand is very unlikely that an accident occurs (sarcasm) it would still be useful given the one described above to have a copy of the passport (kept separately from the wallet) with the urgent numbers to call.
  7. I don't think that a radar can save your life as it would continuously give false information as the cars or motorbikes coming from behind you continuously graze with relatively few tens of centimeters on your right. Cycling in your home seems to me the least risky????
  8. In their headline and picture caption they made light of the issue intimating that the reason for the overstay and illegality was that the sea there was so beautiful. ___________________ And you too stupid.
  9. With the streets always well entertained in Thailand ???? with the first deep hole in the road you have to change the battery.
  10. Agree for the ice cream but for the pizzas many are pizzerias run by Pakistani????
  11. It is advisable to change the tires of the motorcycle every two years beyond the consumption actually done to always have a motorcycle with tires in order and safe.
  12. It seems to me that the chances of it falling on Thailand are very very slim. https://www.space.com/huge-chinese-rocket-debris-crashing-to-earth-again
  13. And the war in Thailand on the road continues unabated. RIP
  14. Covid has become epidemic like the flu, so use your common sense.
  15. I assumed it is for battery issues but I think you are right.
  16. Living in a dystopian country we have not yet noticed anything if we do not read the Western news it's better.
  17. This poor Indian finally understood that if he offered the dancer a cash offer for a full massage he would save and enjoy more.
  18. Yes, It is turning off the electric shower and more fun, ????
  19. That you continue to eat with food contaminated by the cellular destruction of what you ingest is only your choice and you cannot point it out to others without feeling guilty of misinformation. Yes, I am a conspiracy theorist and I fully assume it because being a conspiracy theorist and the ability to always question what governments tell you to do through the official mass media controlled by the FBI throughout the West to make you stupid and unable to make your own opinion. personal. My dear friend and better start asking you some question, we who think you offend or silence us by calling us conspiracy theorists, we are millions of people who have finally opened their eyes to the reality of our world.
  20. For Bangkok I do not see any big problem for its future only a transformation into a lagoon city of the semi-submerged type where cars and taxis including buses will turn into river boats with the loss of the first floor for housing, the rest of the buildings will bring with some precautions continue to work; the walks in Lumpini Park will turn into morning swims in a large swimming pool and everything is in order. And the famous Thai rule, it doesn't matter, continue for centuries and centuries
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