All young people are influenced by the golden reflections of the mass media it is up to us to protect them when they are so weak as to resist the siren song until their maturity. If your daughter wants to continue on this path, the first thing to do is for her to remain independent, therefore any contracts are to be excluded while there are other more suitable ways to make herself known and at the same time be able to develop her own artistic career without ever losing control. which many artists choose, independence in this very difficult area is the key to success. can be one of those to remain independent but to make yourself known to thousands of people without losing your soul and your independence.
Since then, the Stockholm-based company has become the world's most popular audio streaming service with 456 million users in 183 markets. With such a large user base, top Spotify artists have seen their biggest hits rack up millions, if not billions of streams. So, in July 2021, Spotify created the Billions Club, a playlist including all the songs to reach the billion mark.