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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Also take natural brewer's yeast with sugar, a powerful medicine for the elderly.
  2. Do not go to a doctor who will only give you drugs that will only make the situation worse, with age you need more vitamins that the body can no longer synthesize so take vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and try different compositions until Obviously you find what your body needs to go out and take some nice walks and strongly recommended.
  3. Well, you would have no problem paying a rent of a beautiful villa all over Thailand with another advantage of when you are tired of living in a place which inevitably comes to many, myself included, to be able to change easily there are many beautiful areas to discover in Thailand , good luck
  4. Meanwhile, Police General Damrongsak Kittipraphat said that 3,700 police have been drafted in to take care of the airports included in the reopening plans. The Pol.Gen Damrongsak said that he expects an average of about 4,000 foreign tourists to arrive in Thailand per day. 3700 policemen for 4000 tourists, almost a policeman for a tourist to say ''' welcome tourist, where do you have the money?'''
  5. You want zero problems and zero future financial losses with your maybe ex wife, the best advice I can give you. RENT
  6. The electric car is only for export to receive a lot of $$$$$$$ because we in Thailand are the most beautiful green country said PM and confirmed for tourist Andrea Bocelli with 100 milions B.
  7. But for us residents it seems to me that if I want to go out and come back I will have to be a permanent tourist with insurance in the blue areas. How to turn an expat into a permanent tourist
  8. Asia's self-destructive coal addiction, no short-term hope, perhaps in a few decades https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/The-Big-Story/Asia-s-self-destructive-coal-addiction
  9. Two years ago I bought my first purifier and last year my second purifier, these next months I will have to buy my next portable purifier to go outside if I fond this, next year which continues to get worse I will sell everything and go away.
  10. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/best-countries-to-retire These polls are all fake news, on google France is 23 and Thailand is 20.
  11. I see you have been dreaming of the past for two years like all of us, now it is all a desolation and I doubt that you will be able to go back to the past since the new norm will be the covid forever. Thailand is in the red zone and opens up to tourists from 41 countries what can go wrong.
  12. Understanding sarcasm and a whole art not within everyone's reach
  13. Dr. Apisamai said Thais and foreigners who are not fully inoculated against COVID-19 will have to enter quarantine for 7, 10, or 14 days depending on the conditions met by each individual. 3 different quarantines ? 7 days for the Thai 10 days for Asia peoples and 14 days for the Farangs. Is right ? Or 7 days for Farangs 10 days for Asia peoples and 14 days for Thais ? Maybe ?
  14. We are very happy on Thailand and don't worry about ranked 48 and IO.
  15. If the wife is open-minded it will be possible
  16. NEVER, because it will be a city dedicated to the family, ask PM
  17. Japan -> Thailand -> Cambodia -> next?
  18. https://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand-visa/special-tourist-visa-thailand The Thailand Special Tourist Visa (STV) holders can enter Thailand starting on October 1, 2020 until September 30, 2021. This Visa STV is over now ?
  19. If death means leaving peacefully no I will not be afraid, the only fear is to return as an incarnation in another life, and restart again.
  20. Wrong for me recently IM was asked why I hadn't updated my fixed booklet 800.000 and they sent me back to the bank who told me it was impossible to add 100 B to have the date printed. Never before are they really getting worse since they gave them the power with the new law to decide not following the demands of immigration laws. I believe that in one of the next times I too will no longer receive my extension.
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