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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. And that logic, clear though it is to any thinking person, appears to elude Big Joke. That leads us to the obvious conclusion that the biker gang issues, and any proposed changes to the financial requirements, are not connected in any way. It's the usual Thai smoke and mirrors..
  2. Now is certainly the time to assess your own position should the financial requirements change for the worst, that's just sensible planning. My opinion, based on not a lot of hard evidence, bar history over the past 20 years, is that it is almost inevitable that the banking requirements will be increased at some point and, maybe changed so that the monthly amounts no longer count. History shows that Grandfather rights have been applied previously, but who knows this time. I think that people who use not quite legit agents should at least note a recent report ( reported by Integrity Legal on U Tube) that retrospective checks on bank accounts may be enforced in some cases to check past compliance. Its certainly in Big Jokes Play Book.
  3. Whatever. Whenever I ask people who can't get it to work, its usually something they are doing wrong rather than the system. Of course, I don't really care how it works for others, it works for me and that's all that matters to me .
  4. For the pre Covid version I would agree, but the new version gets nothing but 5 stars from the people that use it.
  5. If you are registered to do your 90 day online, Immigration send a reminder on e mail. it couldn't be easier. I have no idea why people still go to immigration to do that report. The new online system seems to be very good and reliable.
  6. I doubt that they will even check. If some IO decides to check your computer record, unlikely, but possible, you may get a warning, but I even doubt that. Different situation if you were staying,, in which case you would get a fine. It's more common than you think, the odd forgetfulness, so long as it doesn't become a habit.
  7. That will just mean that Agents will get rich, as will the IOs involved with them. The 800K was/is a smokescreen to the same situation, it just benefited those dealing below the rules. It was ever thus here.
  8. It's the King's English, catch up
  9. Because we are speaking English mate, not some weird Colonial bastardisation of the language
  10. Sorry mate, but that is total BS. Time is relative, but humans collect years at the same rate here on Earth. Opinions are like butt holes, we all have them. none are more valid than another.
  11. My g/f and I are separated by 27 years, (yes, I am the older one !) . It doesnt seem to be an issue with either of us, although I imagine that it would be for some couples. Perhaps she is older than her years in attitude. I joke with her that she was 30 years old when she was born. She is educated, which helps, and was a Registered Theatre Nurse before and after we met. She has never been married and has no children. I think those things added together are significant in making the relationship work. .
  12. If by that you mean that many of us abhor a welcome given to citizens of a genocidal regime, that has invaded a sovereign State, indiscriminately maiming and killing their way, then I guess those of us who oppose Russians being outside their own cesspit of a country, then racist it is.
  13. They are not welcome here much either, certainly not by those they rip off, or by me, because they come from a criminal State, that is committing Genocide in their name. No., not welcome at all.
  14. The only thing that governments are hiding in respect to UFOs and supposed aliens on Earth, is how very dim and gullible very many people are. Research the Fermi Paradox and you have your answer, that there is no answer, or at least not yet.
  15. I thought suggesting illegal activity was against forum rules, or are those flexible as well?
  16. So how did she get hold of his ATM card? It still sounds dumb to me. My 800K ATM card is not accessible to anyone but me, for very obvious reasons.
  17. The 800K account should be in your sole name, so how can she access it?
  18. It has no purpose, except to provide a nice cushy overseas tour for diplomats.
  19. Anonymous public forums are not the place for reasoned, knowlegible and logical debate. There are good reasons why very many academic and other professional forums are not anonymous.
  20. My RBS sort code is for a Branch in Forres, Scotland, that closed 15 years ago, go figure
  21. Sort codes nowadays don't seem to refer to branches or location. No idea why
  22. That's what this forum lives on now. It wasn't always like this. Frankly, I'm not sure why I bother with most of the posts. Come to think of it, I do ignore most of them.
  23. and one day they say: 'you keep ignoring the rules and disrespecting our law, so off back from whence you came, after a brief but uncomfortable stay in our detention center'. It's an incredibly stupid and irresponsible way for him to conduct himself here, especially as reporting online is so easy, but perhaps its too difficult for this mate to understand.
  24. Yes, but he's dim, you're not.
  25. What an extraordinarily cynical sentence.
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