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Daffy D

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Everything posted by Daffy D

  1. So how would you know your "weird Windows issue" originated from this app? Probably something you picked up from one of the porn sites. Anyways if you bothered to look at the App properly you would realize that it does not actually change anything, it just stops unwanted Windows "Features" from loading. Don't want Cortina or One Drive or anything you don't ever use one click will disable it. Not happy with the results? one click and everything will set back to original. I've been using it for years, does what it says on the box.
  2. Slight tangent from original post, but useful for stopping some or all of those pesky "features" that come with Windows. Small free program that doesn't need to be installed and give many options for a better Windows experience with just one click. Works with Win 10 and Win 11 O&O Shutup10
  3. "Holy Smoke Batman, Windows Edge has returned" So I got my new main browser "Chrome" and secondary "Firefox" all set up with tabs, bookmarks and favorites. Firefox would not install properly because of missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll but was OK after I downloaded and installed that file. Thought I might give Edge another try, maybe it too was missing the "VCRUNTIME140_1.dll" file, no such luck. With the thought that 3 Browsers are better than 2 had a look around and decided to install "Vivaldi" as the third option. No particular reason for that choice I'd not heard of "Vivaldi" and was not interested in any of it's features, just wanted something that would get me on line in an emergency. During "Vivaldi" installation was asked if I wanted to add Edge Bookmarks and Favorites. Yea! sure why not, didn't get an error message so something seemed to work. Didn't like the feel of "Vivaldi" so decided to uninstall and as the "Vivaldi" page disappeared there was a "Microsoft Edge has been updated, Try it now" page, Sure why not, and with one click there was Edge in all its glory just as when it disappeared with icon on the taskbar and all my tabs, settings and favorites where they all should be. To check Edge had really returned I performed a computer restart and to be more certain a complete shut down for about 15 minutes before starting up again, so it does seem that Edge is here to stay. Not sure what brought Edge back to life. It was obviously lurking somewhere on the system, possibly just missing a simple line of code that came with "Vivaldi", anyway happy ducky now.
  4. Just a thought, On the top right corner of Google click on the little cookie icon to confirm your extension is actually pinned.
  5. AdGuard is better and also free:- https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adguard-adblocker/bgnkhhnnamicmpeenaelnjfhikgbkllg
  6. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adguard-adblocker/bgnkhhnnamicmpeenaelnjfhikgbkllg
  7. I did several repair and reinstall of Edge but nothing worked. I also did a restore of an earlier image using Macrium Reflect and it seemed to work. Unfortunately my joy was short lived as after a restart Edge had again disappeared Realizing that Edge actually worked briefly after a system reinstall I again used the earlier Macrium Reflect image and this time copied the Bookmarks and Favorites over to Chrome before Edge disappeared again, so managed to save at least those. In desperation I also tried a "Upgrade Install" where you use the original installation disk to Reinstall the whole system without loosing any of the files folders and settings. That didn't work either "You are trying to install an older system" or something like that.
  8. I have been a user of Microsoft and their browser for years. First "Internet Explorer" and since its launch "Edge", never had a problem. The other morning came to click on the Edge icon and instead of the browser springing to life as it has done for years, all I got was a small spinning circle for a second or two and nothing, no Edge opened. Luckily, some time ago, had I also installed Google Chrome and was therefor able to use Chrome to connect to the Internet to try to troubleshoot the Edge problem. A few hectic days of scouring the internet trying all the suggestions to get Edge going again failed so have resorted to using Chrome. The point of this post, as in the title, is a heads up for those with only one computer to install a second browser so you will have access to the internet should you main browser fail. Without a backup browser and access to the Internet you will be well and truly stuffed in fixing any problem, even contacting this site for help would not be possible A further point, whatever backup browser you choose be sure to import all your browser Bookmarks and Favorites to the backup, because once your main browser fails it may be too late to save all that information.
  9. Many bikes when they fall over bend the brake/clutch lever on the handlebars. While this doesn't usually affect the operation of the levers it does look a bit unsightly, so was wondering if it's possible to bend back the levers without breaking? I guess in theory if bent one way it should be able to bend them back into the original position or not Anyone tried it, did it work?
  10. That's what I have been doing until one night the cat knocked the monitor off it's stand. Ever since when I use the switch I get flashing lines on the screen, which so far only happen when fiddling with the switch but I'm afraid one day the lines will stay, making the monitor useless. Obviously something happened to the area round the switch when the monitor got knocked off onto the floor, that's why I want to stop using the switch altogether and looking for a key press solution.
  11. I would like to be able to turn off the monitor screen but leave the computer still running. There are several free programs available that will do that, but they all reactivate the screen with key press or mouse movement. This is not very practical when a cat jumps up to walk on the keyboard or nudge the mouse. I would like to program a key that when pressed will turn off the screen and press again to turn the screen on. I have a eMachines keyboard with a sleep button on the top right corner that I don't use and this would be perfect if it could be programmed to do the screen switch on/off thing. The sleep key is small and recessed and a cat's pad could probably step right on it without actually activating it. Cheers!
  12. At the moment Lazada send an e-mail with verifications code which works well. Trouble is I have to open the e-mail to get the code which makes another tab on already crowded tab bar and things get lost The idea of getting SMS phone verification seemed like a good alternative without adding to the confusion on the computer screen. But then occurred to me that if I did get a cell phone to receive the SMS, the same number would be used by the delivery guys to ask directions and/or let me know they are about to arrive with my package. As I don't speak any Thai that could be a little problematic. Think this idea will go onto the back shelf
  13. Another potential goodie has popped up. Elvis - IMDB rating 7.8 - Starring Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom Parker. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3704428/ With Tom Hanks and a 7.8 rating it should be quite watchable, Elvis follows the story of infamous rock n roll star Elvis Presley seen through the eyes of his controversial manager Colonel Tom Parker. The film explores Elvis Presley's highs and lows and the many challenges and controversies he recieved throughout his career. Available with subs on RARBG
  14. No worries . The "show files" is just that, it shows all the files in the download, you don't have to anything extra to get those files, they all come with the movie. I normally check the "files" to check that that subs are included and that they are .srt. Sometimes you get sub/idx subs which my TV doesn't like so I can convert them to .srt with https://subtitletools.com/convert-sub-idx-to-srt-online. Most times on if there is a little flag near the top of the download page the .srt will be there. Union Jack for English subs.
  15. Yep! With the RARBG download there are many subs including Thai On the RARBG page scroll down to "Files"
  16. A new Tham Luang cave rescue movie has popped up. Thirteen Lives - IMDB Rating:- 7.8 A rescue mission is assembled in Thailand where a group of young boys and their soccer coach are trapped in a system of underground caves that are flooding. Good reviews and with Director Ron Howard and staring Colin Farrell should be quite watchable. Available with subs on RARBG Enjoy
  17. Hmm! All sounds very complex Time for a ponder
  18. Doesn't sound very hopeful
  19. I don't have a cell phone, the wife and kids have enough so I don't really need one. Only slight inconvenience is when I need to receive a confirmation code from Lazada or Shopee or wherever I use the wife's mobile number, which is alright but sometimes when everyone is out this does not work so well. Anyways, if I could get SMS on my house phone it would make life a little easier, and at my age every little helps So is it possible to receive SMS on a land line phone? I have TOT fiber if it matters Thanks.
  20. So on a whim I bought this Nano FPK-5010 Soundbar for my Samsung flatscreen in the bedroom. Problem is the couple of small instruction pages that came with it are only in Thai. Connecting the soundbar to the TV was straightforward but I wonder what some of the other buttons are for. Mainly the EQ and Mode buttons? There is also a small LED display on the front of the soundbar that I can't understand. When using the soundbar for TV sound the LED displays "LINE" and get audio "Line in Mode" but the other modes I can't understand nor does the LED display make any sense, to me anyway. Have searched for info on this soundbar on the Internet but can only find places that sell it but nothing about how it operates. Any help with translation would be really appreciated. Thanks
  21. Does not apply in this case but for future reference, if you are fitting a new water pipe with tap, screw in the tap before fitting the last threaded pipe. That way you can glue the piece with the tap in the right position. Voila!
  22. Yep! Got that T-Shirt too Funny thing, some time ago watched a neighbor replace one of those taps and it fitted the right way, just like that. This vertical upwards thing must be Farang specific
  23. I've also got one of the rare t-shirts for dropping a carburetor screw down the open manifold and hear it tinkle all the way down into one of the cylinders. That t-shirt is actually blank, they said the line was too complicated for the printer to handle. Only got one of those, sure learnt that lesson.
  24. Over the years I've gathered a fair collection of those t-shirts and not only metric.
  25. Available with subs from RARBG Battle of the Somme also available from RARBG and EZTV
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