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Daffy D

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Everything posted by Daffy D

  1. Some interesting points made. But keep in mind the operating distance of the tracker, and if the bike is stolen and hidden in a shed, having the tracker active only when the ignition is on ain't gonna be much use.
  2. No it won't. Engines run best at their correct temperature.
  3. Not really the same thing
  4. True. Bike batteries are not very big, unlike a car, so if you don't use the bike for a few days the battery may be a bit low. Something to be aware of. Could get a small solar panel to hook the bike up to so you won't have to worry.
  5. Blue Haiter is the way to go. Started to see the mold disappear after just a few minutes.
  6. I fitted one of those to the shopping motorbike, works a treat. Good value, only extra cost is 50bt per month for the SIM card. Accurate to within a few feet. Surprised the wife when I saw she was in Tesco car park and phoned her to get some shopping for me. A bit tricky to fit getting an ignition feed, had to take off the front cowling but no big deal.
  7. Now you mention it I do seem to remember that we used to use the blue one and yes it did have a bleachy smell. Don't know when or why we switched to the color one, possibly because of the smell. Does seem like the colored bottles have less bleaching power. Tomorrow will try to get rid of the mold using the blue , see what happens. Cheers.
  8. So I'm trying to remove some mold from the mastic beading along the back of the sink. Put on some bleach, cover with some rolled up loo paper add more bleach leave overnight and the mold will be gone. This used to work in Farang land but not here. I use Haiter, which I have always believed to be bleach, but it does not remove the mold. Any ideas why Haiter does not work in this case? Is it actually a bleach and what's the difference with various colored bottles ? We use the pink bottles if it matters. Thanks
  9. Does seem like the camera only works on Android or iOS Guess the dog will keep the security contract
  10. Agree, but I'm having trouble getting the App on my PC which is Windows, so can't access or control the camera. Seems the APP only works with Android. Maybe possible to use an Android simulator. It's all getting a bit complicated. Getting a bit to old for this, maybe just forget the whole Idea
  11. Yes I do want to get to see the cameras on my PC.
  12. Thanks for the thought, but it's not free and I don't really want to be paired with the wife and kids devices
  13. I'm thinking of setting up some security cameras around the house. Seems most, if not all work on Wi-Fi. Problem is my computer does not have Wi-Fi, so is it possible to set up my computer to work with both, Wi-Fi and Ethernet ? I have a Wi-Fi modem/router that works with the various phones and tablets round the house. My PC works with LAN connection. Seem to be lots of USB Wi-Fi adaptors available that you just pug in to get Wi-Fi Is it really that simple, and could I just switch between the two as needed?
  14. A couple of disturbing things stand out from all this. In all the years that this has been going on It took a TV miniseries, not even a documentary just a TV mini series to finally get the British Justice system off their asses. But even them it wasn't till the intervention of the Prim Minister and Parliament that finally got some real action. The other point worth noting is that the computer company Fujitsu, for years denied that there was any problem with their Horizon system, yet the government has and is still awarding them multibillion pound contracts. Hope non of them are for defense system
  15. Mr. Bates vs The Post Office The Real Story. - BBC TV documentary Mr Bates vs The Post Office (TV Mini Series 2024) - which kicked the whole scandal off after 15 years of inaction. Both available on Tgx.
  16. OK you got me on that But I was actually replying to Cardano who doubted this model was still available
  17. I also have a Canon iP2700 that's still going after many years. They are a good budget printer and yes still available:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/canon-pixma-ip2700-i4984339050.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.20.2b302caeBHil9x
  18. Mr Bates vs The Post Officeː The Real Story:- Available with subs from TGX
  19. Baals, pronounced Boules Like Bucket and Bouquet
  20. It was not what is the actual case, it's about the basic principle of charging a wrongly convicted person for food and accommodation while in jail. If the living expenses now are deducted from any compensation does not alter the callousness of such a law. Guilty prisoners are not expected to pay. Here's an idea, make them pay for their time in jail from any earnings after release.
  21. Exactly Case recently in UK where an innocent guy was released after many years in jail (can't recall the details just now) and they are going to charge him for room and board for all the years in jail.
  22. Quite right. DiskPark has limitations, as you say it does not make data totally unrecoverable, and you can't boot DiskPark from a flash drive so can't be used on an active operating system disk ("C") but if you just want to clean up a disk for your own use it works just fine.
  23. Some while ago I posted some advice on using Active@ KillDisk to delete all data and partitions from a Hdd. I have used this program several times in the past and it worked well for me. Googling for something else I came across a simple, easy way to achieve the same result within Windows, without any 3rd party program. Simply, it's just a few lines under the Run CMD command and the job's done. Full information on YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfS143DikPE CMD (administrator?) Diskpart List Disk Select Disk (?) Clean Watch the video for the complete sequence
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