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Everything posted by LoeiI

  1. Yeah but they're still utter Kack, flew with work business class LHT to KL cost about 7k and i could hear the person in the next seat breathing not fit to lace the the ME airlines boots
  2. They say if you want to know who really loves you lock the Mrs and the Dog in the shed for a few hours and see who's pleased to see you when you let em out ????
  3. Speaking to my daughter in the UK and as has been said the booster jabs available (I had 2 AZ in Feb & May) are Pfizer or Moderna I'm off back to UK in mid Jan but not sure if i should try and get a booster here before i go ?
  4. The original Chesterfields were dark leather but agreed not leather as it could result in very Betty Swallocks in this climate
  5. Just in the process of getting a house built in Loei province, the builder says that Homepro is the best but expensive so he recommended Global as far as i can see only Homepro offer a kitchen design service think i will see if there is a local Koncept store and check that out any further advice would be most welcome TIA
  6. Apparently its a bit like country music, the buffalo died, the wife buggered off with a travelling salesman and hes only got 1 decent flip flop ????????????
  7. And i dare say just as many dont want to leave 800k festering in a Thai bank account for eternity
  8. I heard his older brothers already bagged her ????
  9. Bloke says to his mate "took the Mrs out for a meal last night we got in the restaurant and people were shouting Peado, beast, sex case just because I'm 69 and shes 19 it completely ruined our 10th anniversary" ????
  10. So if you paid an agent to get the Non O and the 1 year extension (15 Months) and then deposited 800,000 baht or had 65,000 baht per month coming into a Thai bank account for more than 12 of those 15 months the following year you could do it yourself ?
  11. Sorry forgot to ask where would i get a LFT in Thailand ?
  12. I've done plenty of PCR tests but never a LFT, from what my daughter in the UK says the LFT is a do it yourself test done at home my question is how would you present the results at immigration and how would they know it was you who had taken the test ? I'm curious as they dont tend to take much on trust TIA for any replies
  13. Yes sorry should have been more specific Chum Phae in Khon Kaen province i just clicked on the medconsult link (thanks) I will probably have to go to Bangkok a day or two early for test dependent on how the UK rules pan out
  14. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but is sor por kor land legally owned and could you build a house on it ?
  15. Sorry to jump onto the thread but i fly to UK in Jan and the closest proper town to where i live is Chumpare anybody know the closest place (and any details please) i could get a PCR test fit for flying from ? TIA
  16. Agreed never thought i'd need a shirt over here, must admit i felt a bit better when i saw the Ma in law dressed up like Sir Ranulf Fiennes on a polar expedition thawing out in the sun like an old lizard ????????????
  17. I'm not sure anyone particularly enjoys wearing them but why wouldn't you want to try and stop the spread of the virus if indeed you did have it ?? ????
  18. Diarrhoea in LOS ???? how would you know not had a solid for months .... ????????
  19. Sound a bit like the bloke who slurred to his Mrs "I've just been the toilet right and when i went in the light came on on its own and when i came out the light went off on its own do think I've got superpowers ?" she said "No you've Pi$$ed in the fridge again" ????
  20. Good luck on your return journey ????, went out to eat Mu Kratha tonight in Loei had to put a fleece on car t/c said 17 but felt more like - 17 (Must be getting old) off to UK in Jan probably have to get the thermals out ????, what size pool do you dip in ? and was it expensive to build / maintain
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