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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. I am, as it seems that they overcharged you. They have EMS World, which for documents cost 550 baht. https://www.thailandpost.co.th/un/article_detail/article/11/8124
  2. I am sorry. Not calling you a liar, but I have very hard to believe that.
  3. Seems like you have a lot of experience in this field. How come the police wanted to question you soo frequently? I assume, that was not totally out of no reason at all. And, of course your lawyer tells you not to talk. That´s what they always do, as that is their way to protect you until enough evidence is piling up against you and there is time for a plea deal. That´s like why, they are called your lawyer, as they are there to protect you.
  4. I think you totally misunderstood the whole point of the handout. It was to make people a little bit more self-sufficient as well as strengthen the personal economy situation. 10k handout to poor people, if used in the right way, can make a lot of difference. Unfortunately, they started taking about crypto wallet, but after that, just place it free to use directly in peoples bank accounts. That´s the big mistake, as many poor people also make poor judgement as well as have a drinking problem. Something that makes too much of the handout go that way. What they should have been doing, is to use the app system they already put in place before the 50/50 application. There they could see if people who applied were really eligible for a handout, they could control what it was spent on, by blocking alcohol and tobacco, as well as that system also gave small shops a big boost in sale and that way contributed to the business economy as well.
  5. You would be surprised what 30 baht per day can do for a bad food situation for Thai people. Unfortunately, the money is used for too much alcohol instead.
  6. Yeah, once again we are coming down to dealing with a problem, solving a conflict or just accept the outcome of a bad or negative result. No can do! Better take my own life!
  7. Exactly! it´s to compare with heavy rain. All sensible drivers slow down, but not this idiot!
  8. Just more unhinged people that can´t control their temper nor themselves. Totally lacking the capability to talk about a problem and reach a solution.
  9. Most likely, just another case of bad parenting. Just to hear parents calling their own child for problem child is definitely pointing in that derection.
  10. Really? My father was a swimming teacher during the time I was growing up. I learned to swim at an age of 7 years. Can you please tell me how they should teach a 3 year old to swim? Six year old, might be possible in the western world, but here it will go much slower. What they need to do, is to supervise their children, especially at the age of 3 and not leave them in care of an 11 year old. They also need to put fences around places that might be dangerous for children.
  11. Why is this important, and why are soo many against making something that will benefit the country both financial and regarding employment opportunities? When are the people going to take charge of themselves and make sensible decisions if they should gamble or not. It´s time to stop blame the government and country, by trying to stop them from pushing the country forward. It´s time for all Thais to look at themselves and take control of their lives.
  12. AAAeeeh? Wasn´t this in the top 3 of the worlds most popular destinations? People must truly be insane, for relocating to another country, and put themselves in a situation like this. Hey all Bangkok members! Don´t forget to take on you space suit before taking a stroll in the park.
  13. No of course they wouldn´t. That´s why I answered @BritManToo, that they do not cancel visa or extensions on a whim, because they need a well grounded reason. Hopefully he get a bit humble after IDC check-in. Also, hopefully, they got some more this time and can prove enough evidence and circumstances to get him jailed. because the case is clear. Nobody that isn´t involved in a murder will be uncooperative, deny access to family members nor fail to report a loved one missing.
  14. You sound very old and bitter Richard. Problem at home?
  15. No, but wasn´t that fair reason enough. We don´t need such idiots here.
  16. No, but wasn´t that fair reason enough. We don´t need such idiots here.
  17. To both Bangkok Bank and Krung Thai Bank. Yes, I know the amount you mentioned. I had regular 3 000 euro transfers for 6 month, about 1 year ago, and they never went instant, and always took to the next day. Just the experience I have. Not that I don´t trust you, I might have to do with what country and which banks are included. But , I mean, if it takes 2 days for your transfer now. Yeah, then it is what it is. I guess it´s just to let it take the time it takes or find a better solution.
  18. Banks here do accept checks, but they take a very long time to clear it. Done it a couple of times, and the best time was 16 days, otherwise as @mogandave posted up to around a month.
  19. Doesn´t matter if you are interested or not. Wise normally make Instant transfers of under 1k USD/EURO. If higher amount it, for me, normally takes until the next day. Never had any 2 days if not holiday or weekend. I have never got 3 000 Euros as instant transfer.
  20. No, they can´t, and they don´t without a fair reason.
  21. Is no evidence? How can they arrest him now, then?
  22. No, it highlights severe incompetence and a failing system. he has been hiding in Thailand? For how long? How did he get his residency, visa and permission to stay? Stands nothing about that he lived under false identity. Would have been easy to just follow his route based on passport. After that arrest him when trying to enter or leave Thailand. If not arrested at entry, then they have plenty of opportunity every time he do renewal of extension or a 90 day report. Anyway, It´s never too late. Glad they finally arrested him, and that he might get what he deserve.
  23. I didn´t have to leave. It was my choice to do so, as I did not feel comfortable with the negative changes. You are totally right, as they settle they build their own communities and take a piece of every country they come to. This has been going on for decades now. They don´t care about any laws in any country, as they have their own Sharia, that all countries must accept. They should just be thrown out, back to the ghetto´s they came from. All cooperation and charity should cease to exist. Unfortunately it´s hard to do that, as they sit on enormous oil and nature resources. On the other hand, if they got totally isolated from the rest of the world, they would be forced to trade what they have for what they need. Anyway, it´s actually not sad for me at all, as I found a great country to stay in, and built a family here and business to live a perfectly normal life in a country I now call my home.
  24. So, she is cheating on you. What´s new with that. What bar did you pick her up in. Check that one first.
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