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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yeah, say that to the daughter and son that lost their dad or mum. Say it to the mum or dad that just lost their son or daughter. All just because the stupidity to sit outside in a space that is designed for cargo.
  2. Do you have difficulties understanding what you read? I never posted any support for RTP or Thai officials. Never posted they do not engage in corruption or talked about any moral aspects. My post saw the possibility of two sides. If you can´t understand what you read, please refrain from replying to it. Probably will result in 0 posts from you.
  3. Your superior intellect goes far beyond mine. Have a nice day sir.
  4. Exactly! An experienced driver would have checked before turning. Waited for the road to be clear, and after that make the turn over a lane with oncoming traffic. Such driver would also have been using the blinker to show traffic behind that a turn is to be made.
  5. So, no dreams crushed then! Just stupid Brits that don´t understand reality as always and always will be. 😂 Prices go up, during a period of 13 years, but maybe that was something new to Mr Jones. Hilarious!
  6. Being intelligent to me, means being ale to understand, judge, define and act on any possible need.
  7. Also, why do you thank the forum, if you took your own advice? Did you need to see it in writing before you understood it?
  8. So, you took your own advice, that I assume you already posted. Why not continue same thread?
  9. Darn Man! You live in Pattaya/Jomtien. Just suck it up! there are multiple roadworks like this one all over the city. If it is not the roadwork, then it will be bad drivers. You choose to live there!
  10. So you are trying to say the sex for sale, only catered to domestic areas, and said no to international?
  11. It would also be wonderful, if you stop making assumptions on this forum, that has no foundation in reality. Just stop now Mike the Spider. You are embarrassing yourself.
  12. You don´t know that. Just another silly post from an amateur. Ignored! Seems like it´s a trend to come to Thailand and see everything in the same way as the "clique". Now go wear a couple of nylon straps and call yourself Chelsea!
  13. Not have to talk about that at all. the only thing we need to talk about is your lack of understanding. I guess that finalize it all, right?
  14. Yeah, same definition as many foreigners have living in Thailand on exempt entry and tourist visas. Just read the forum man. And, you asked for yourself, but were to busy making fun or too scared to admit that.. Protest in Kazakhstan? of course you never heard of them. Take a look at Google history my man.
  15. I never said he was or is clean. I never said he is dirty and guilty. That was your saying. I tried to show you 2 possibilities, but you are the one choosing to follow your beliefs. How unfounded they might be. Maybe he is paying, maybe he is a part of the scheme. Maybe he is corrupted or maybe he is clean. You don´t know, and neither do I. But your are still the stupid one, walking the one way road without any proof whatsoever. So, you are still the one making bizarre conclusions. As far your question. How long have your been here? Answer: Over 25 years.
  16. Just a bunch of more degenerate propaganda from a person who haven´t go a clue, like the rest of us. Just biased guess work, as 99% of your posts in this forum. Never posted it like I or anybody needs a white knight. I saw it from the perspective out of 0% presented evidence and from both sides, as I also posted, that no one have a clue and we all stand without facts. Again, the way you are posting, is hanging out a person without all the facts and no proper investigation as well as no trial. Just based of your own speculative beliefs with absolutely no foundation in reality. That´s just very stupid to do.
  17. I will take it, the person know what 1di0t was driving the bike. Otherwise the driver would have been sensible and stopped if the person would have asked for it.
  18. Yeah, let people get away, and let them stop police from doing their work, right? Nothing wrong with the police in this case, if you are not going after European way of thinking. Sorry, this is Thailand. Get used to it. The person who died, should have stopped. Then the person would still be alive.
  19. Hopefully they have smashed one upcoming terrorist cell.
  20. Hey, don´t dwell over it. Once I meet a guy in a 24/7 café cooling down after a wild night. He mumbled something hard to understand in a state of far gone. The sum of it was that I found out he had been popping valium and smoking marijuana as well as drinking all night until the morning. I didn´t ask him why, as he seemed to be in exactly the expected state and actually quite comfortable at the same time.
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