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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. How stupid assumption. Of course I know that, as I have been driving in Thailand for over 20 years. Making yourself silly with a bouncing ball emoji, as well. My comment was because it was a police driving, and they should show more attendance to what happens around them as they are there to protect. Moreover, we do not know if there is any signs tells a different story.
  2. So, if it was an unmarked junction, why are you only posting the police was guilty of careless driving?
  3. Totally correct. Why do they link his death to the US? No other country is responsible for their citizens health. They are so stupid in that country that they don´t understand the effect of burning. Neither do they have the ability to form any kind of governing body. Nobody´s fault, but their own.
  4. Yes, at least I am condoning the violence here, which was basically nothing. He deserved much more.
  5. But, they did something! Good Job! That really helped the statistics.
  6. Would have been more interesting if she was apprehended at 7 Eleven trying to buy sticks and marshmallows.
  7. Yeah, time for another body in the suitcase mystery. Let´s see if we will hear the follow up story on this one.
  8. How good that the caretaker waited until they had beaten him unconscious.
  9. Is that so? I think they have to make up their minds. Are they going to continue prosecute the guy, or are they going to use his abilities to press for action and changes? As usual, if the shoe fits.
  10. Find it very hard to believe that. My first thought will be that they acted on a tip.
  11. Seems like nobody was looking at all. As usual on the Thai roads.
  12. Really! When people put themselves in a shape and condition as this, they should not have to struggle. There should just be a limit. Let´s say we set it at 200 kg, which is far generous. More than that, they will have to order a lorry with a crane all be themselves.
  13. Seems you have a problem understanding the content in the news. Let´s do like this instead. Rent a 1000cc, and test what you see as excessive speed. Just think about the curves.
  14. Nice daughter. Tie daddy up and put him on fire. Sadly, there are no mental hospitals or educated people enough to take care of her. I bullet comes to mind!
  15. That´s what happens when you let people build what they want, pass it in control without checking and let them drive it on the deadliest roads in the world.
  16. Just another one committing kamikaze suicide on wheels!
  17. Awesome! They have attracted exactly the people they want to have. Littering freeloaders and heavy drinkers pissing in the ocean. Good Job Mr. Ngampichet! You have just shown the country, you don´t have a clue what you are doing.
  18. As usual, things are possible to explain to a person. After that, it´s the persons job to understand. Sorry, can´t help you there.
  19. That was an extremely stupid reply! What does high speed tell you? Do smart individuals drive at high speed in the city? Do you have your answers now, or do we need more explanation?
  20. That´s usually what happens, when an idiot ride a 1000cc bike like on a race track in the middle of the city. Don´t you dare blame the road!
  21. Agree! Never said he should be isolated from gen. pop
  22. I like the video. It really zoomed in on the EMS bag very well. After that at 4 a clock in the morning, if it turns out that it´s not alcohol nor speed or both. Then there will only be can´t drive syndrome. And in my book, neither of those reason is worth any sympathy. But, sure, if there is any other reason, then I have to offer a sincere apology.
  23. 25 baht. Yeah, prices go up everywhere. So, I guess it´s not a problem
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