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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Hurray! After this discussion we can all have the luxury to get the cheapest price and save 20 baht on every 200 baht fare. For some reason, I start to wonder why a certain kind of people even think about moving abroad, as all they think about is to save 25 cent here and 50 cent there. Must be a terrible life to live under such economic pressure in a foreign country.
  2. No we can´t, but we can remember all the things we wish to.
  3. Have made a lot of transfers for 1,2 - 8 million baht. Not a sound as long as the money goes in to the country.
  4. Oh yeah! You know it´s this little thing called Covid-19 that has been going on for a while.
  5. Yeah guys! I think it has something to do with general and common knowledge. But, who knows? I could be wrong. I know a lot about things that I never used or came in contact with. But, then again. Maybe it´s just me.
  6. You did not know that they have EMS? That´s strange as it has been available worldwide for over two decades, I think.
  7. Yes, you can buy a USB drive from Lazada. The mistake you did was what goes with everything. If it´s too cheap it´s probably not true/good/working. Take your pick. If you buy a HD, USB drive or a memory card for regular prices they will work just fine.
  8. So, that was the first thing you thought about, when living in Thailand. That you might have to pay 20 baht more for an EMS every 90 days. Horrible! I can feel your pain!
  9. Yes, and the estimations are very low. According to recent research to can travel on one seat. That would be an estimated tourism of 36 million.
  10. My assumption would be break failure. It´s never the drivers fault. Same when somebody get shot. It was the gun that malfunctioned.
  11. Thank You Mr/Gen/PM Prayut. See, how easy it was. You can really be nice when you want to.
  12. Don´t have to do that! Both you and me know that it´s a problem staying in Thailand without being married under the age of 50. That´s why I had my opinion about that it´s not strange they ask to see a ticket home after a Covid extension is over. From start they were made to be used for people that couldn´t go home because there was no flights. Now they are, as visa runs before, being used for the wrong purpose. If you think about that, it´s easy to understand why they start asking. After that you can quote what you want. The only thing you will achieve is to show that you do not understand why they were giving extensions from start. To many people are working the system to stay in Thailand, and that only leads to a harder time for those who want to stay according to the immigration laws of Thailand.
  13. Did I say that it was somebody else opinion? Anyway Dr Jack, Thank you very much for explaining to yourself, and the ones that didn´t understand. You also know that much is up to the individual discretion of every single officer, right? Yes, it´s right! It even stands in the Immigration law in many places.
  14. Back to reality! It´s not only Covid-19 that is the reason people looking elsewhere.
  15. It´s a reasonable question to ask for a ticket home. Everybody that do not live as married or on retirement extensions in Thailand needs to go home according to the immigration law. Not anything wrong with asking for a ticket.
  16. Ok, then you explain what is wrong with what he say. You seems to be the expert: So, get on with it now, and only factual information, please.
  17. First, it´s a silly discussion. A 2 year old should not be given a phone. They should be read and talked to before sleeping, by caring and responsible parents. Second, another moron drinking instead of taking care of his family. Third, another fragile ego that can´t take criticism. The always afraid male for loosing face in front of friends and family. Let´s face it. The father had no face from start! Actually the whole head together with the brain was lost at childhood. That´s why he remain at that stage in his adult life as well. Let´s hope he will be given the grace of drinking out of a straw for the rest of his life, in an infant stage. Live for many years and suffer for what he has done. Death or coma is just too easy for this kind of guys.
  18. Hell Yeah! It´s a spike in Hua Hin too. Before they had nothing, and now they have about 10. That´s a spike of 1 000 %!
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