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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. And anyway you managed to make a pointless post. Great job! Why would go on about that. I wouldn´t have done if Professor Phuket just been leaving an opinion like I did from start. Better post your opinion instead.
  2. Get back on topic, instead. You have been presented with hard facts that many countries demand Covid-19 insurance, but still oppose that, laugh at people that post links to the information and say you can only read that Thailand demands the insurance. There can only be three things: You do not understand what you read. You just don´t care what you could read to get the facts. You can not read. As for what it is, I can not care less about. However, it would be nice if you presented some facts that informs us about that all the links you have been given is incorrect, as well as some statement about that Thailand is the only one that demand such insurance. If you are unable to do that, then a suggestion would be that you actually try to read the links given to you and understand the information in those. Thank you for your consideration, and have a nice day.
  3. No, I do not. I based my post on that you excluded "Except for the times when I don't tell the truth", in your post presented as "I never lie" and referred to the same signature. I also based my post on that you seem to not react on facts that are presented to you. I can not for my life see that will be something for the "cops" to have anything to say about. My post was based on your comments here, and not on your life. Why would I be interested in that? It´s not relevant to this forum, but what you post is.
  4. Seems like there is a trend in your life to exclude or miss a vital part of the information.
  5. Up to you. As frequent visitor before covid-19, I have been there enough times to form an opinion based on what I see and experience. What you accept or respect, is totally irrelevant to this thread. I assume the person that started this thread wanted opinions from both sides. I gave mine, but you seem to have more problems with the opinions other posters give. Better heed your own hidden advice in the post above. Give your opinions to the OP. Also, why do you keep repeating that people never been there, just because they do not share your opinion? What do you know about that? We can sum it up by saying like this: The whole population of Phuket is about 500 000 people. In total there lives about 30 000 foreigners on the island. That gives a 6 % foreign population. Kamala is one of the most foreign populates areas in Phuket. So, there´s goes your at least 95 % percentage of Thai population out the window. After that we see it as a whole: In Thailand the population is about 70 million people. There lives approx. 400 000 foreigners in Thailand. That gives a 0,57 % foreign population in Thailand. The only thing you can compare with, to get an advantage in your discussion is Pattaya. A place that holds about 8 % foreign population, if you only consider the resident population. As for Pattaya it is different as it is unique in the meaning of unregistered people in the city. So, before Covid-19, the amount of Thais in the city was about the double of the population. Something that results in a reality of only about 4-5 % foreign density.
  6. Are you sure you looked at the right place. Might be some errors with your location settings on your computer/phone? Which Countries Now Require Health Insurance For Entry | William Russell (william-russell.com) Foreign travel insurance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) And thatwas just two. I really think you need to read better. ????
  7. Nah, we are not forgetting. Just been here to long to bring it in to the discussion every single time. It´s like something that goes without saying. Like it will rain this year. Prayut is going to change direction 50 times before he reach a conclusion that will be wrong anyway. Yeah, and so on.... you will finally get it..... ????
  8. What is it with you? Every comment somebody make, that does not fit your little perfect picture of Phuket. Then nobody know nothing, never been there have no clue about areas in Phuket and the surroundings. Thank you for the grace of being with us on this forum. We couldn´t have asked for a more competent and well adjusted Phuket expert. Now it is like this! If we call a place in Thailand a farang ghetto, that simply means it´s favorite place for foreigners to visit, move to and live in Thailand. I am pretty sure you do understand that if you stop and think before you post. After that it is, as a fact, one of the most foreign populated areas/districts in Thailand based on amount of area as well as percentage of population. Wonder what the answer from out esteemed Professor Phuket, is going to be this time.
  9. You assume something, then get an answer. After that the answer does not add up to your assumption, and then you must post something annoying and irrelevant. Seriously, you need to get a life.
  10. 1. Yes, I do know Phuket well enough. That´s why I can form an opinion. (Actually though everyone know that is a necessity to form an opinion) 2. I do not decide anything. Please point me to the place I decided what you proclaim. What I did post was that it is more genuine than Phuket, but that is to be seen as an opinion and not a decision. (Same here, I was foolish enough to think people would understand that without further explanation. Guess I was wrong.)
  11. Same here! Actually, I am more afraid of keep on living like the world is turning out. ????
  12. I will solve your problem .Tell your wife to not laugh at you. See, how easy it was.
  13. Ok, thank you for the language education. Now I learned that people who can´t use the right words, sometimes use normal instead of prevalent. Was it something more, or is it prevalent that I can go back to the normal world now?
  14. You seem to know a lot. Might your real name be Mr. Towers? Or are you just a common psychic from the island of Saint Croix, like Eddie Murphy once said? ????????????
  15. Please continue delivering on your aspect of time, maybe it will amuse some. What I meant and that you surely understand, is that it was common and normal before, but are quite limited at present time. (Wonder how you are going to twist the time definitions this time)
  16. No, it´s not at all normal from the age of 12. That´s just a lot of rubbish talking. it might have been many, many years ago. However, today it still exists but is not at all something that should be described as very common or normal.
  17. So, the madness is over! Puuh, now it´s at least 1 year left until we once again have to witness pictures of such disgrace to fashion.
  18. I assume the guy will be trilled by her fantastic support. First explaining what happened, and after saying that it might not be like that. Five star support!
  19. I do not know what kind of problem you have understanding. I have visited the island enough many times to collect information and form an opinion. Why would I live somewhere I do not like or see fit? Assumptions again. Yes, I do know that Thalang is in the north of Phuket. However, again you are totally irrelevant with you ongoing assumptions.
  20. That was not what I posted about. I posted about that Phuket looks like everywhere in the western world, with the addition of palm trees and coconuts. FYI, I do not live in Pattaya, as you just pretended to know. Now you can continue to defend you over developed little part of Thailand, and I will get back to my quiet and nice life in the rural areas. You know, where you meet the genuine part of the country you choose to move to. A place where they do not look at you as a money making machine and try to take advantage of your every step.
  21. What a funny response. No single individual, because that is not the job that is connected to his position. He should look at the big picture, represent the country in a prominent, deal making and marketing manner. After that the work description for his position is to overlook the different parts of the government, delegate and collect reports. His position is also a decision making one, to do what is best for the country and it´s people.
  22. If you really wanted a change of life, new country and different surroundings? Nowhere! Phuket is like leaving the western world, but still living in it.
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