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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Yeah, and interesting that you are so eager to continue the conversation. It´s evening now. Go get your trip.
  2. No Laos have never been closed. Now even the land borders are open.
  3. Yes, I drink because I like what I drink, and don´t ever come and say that non-alcoholic beverages have the same taste. That is soo far out that it´s ridiculous. As you seem to continue to focus on drinking a few strong beer for the reason to get drunk quicker. Then I assume you will not be able to relate to why I drink. However, I will explain it. There is one reason that I on occasion wish to relax with maybe 2 bottles of beer after a week of work or maybe even a Wednesday. At other occasions I take a glass of wine for food. Sometimes it´s a party and of course I get drunk from time to time, but it´s not my general goal. Now we can end it there, as our ideas about drinking differs too much. Means in reality, that I go back to work and you look for the next strong hit the beer can give you. Have a great Sunday.
  4. Maybe you got a discount on the BTS Blue Line.
  5. We where talking about beer, as the thread headline refers to that. After a lot of posters have mentioned a lot of bad and cheap quality beers. Also Chang, as the thread concerns, is one of the cheapest. Here I must also remind you of that you posted drinking for get drunk. Sorry, but that usually what people with problems regarding alcohol does. Also something that leads to drinking on a daily basis. Now, don´t bother about this no more, you are losing out on your getting drunk time.
  6. Thank you for sharing your values of life. Very shallow and materialistic. I guess my values just differ from yours. Anyway, I do understand why you did not have time to work in a good pension or plan for old age. Probably just too busy chasing bed time with super models. For answering you childish assumption. No, I am not a billionaire, but doing really good like it is. Neither have I slept with any super models, or have the urge to feel the unnatural shapes and forms that have been artificially created on their bodies. I have a great family the consist of a wife and two children, and we can afford to give ourselves what we wish for whenever we want it.
  7. You know! If it´s good, it´s just good. Perhaps, judging out of you opening of the thread and second post, might be something you have not experienced. As it is, I have nothing to go back and change. Life´s just been to good.
  8. How do you know that? Did you grow up together and followed him through life?
  9. YES! Follow these simple instructions: Take copy and original of your passport and a proof of residence. Go to the Revenue office. Tell them that you want a TIN-number because you are eager to pay tax in Thailand. Swooosh, and you will have one faster than lightning.
  10. Good Deal! Buy all they have and sell them yourself. Oh, wait now.......don´t forget it´s a fake.
  11. That is one of the saddest quotes I have read in a long time. So, you mean there are a lot of people that comes to Thailand, to find the cheapest beer to just get <deleted> on a daily basis. That´s tragic. Could have done it at home, and saved the real expats the misery of hearing about it.
  12. Not it´s not. I that case it is only you that have not learned how it really works.
  13. Congratulations! Now you have learned how useful a helmet can be. The unfortunate situation is that the possibility of a brain has already been removed. On the bright side, it was useless anyway.
  14. Stupid question. Sane people do not drink beer with ice cubes
  15. Yes, also if they do not like it, they have a better way to tell you that. ????
  16. No, it´s not. Light beer is a beer that has been brewed in a way, that does not give it the same high percentage of alcohol. It´s not the same beer with half deciliter of water added in the bottle.
  17. I can see the percent hunters are out again. Not happy with Chang, why not drink Lao Khao? I mean, if the percent makes it taste better, that must be heaven for a percent hunter.
  18. Seems like you have a jolly wife. Mine would ask if they want a coffee, something to drink or eat.
  19. Nah, probably not, but it might be were the guy got rid of the bag.
  20. Yeah, it´s horrible! I mean, they have so much tourism right now, so they can really afford to be picky. As another part, inappropriate behavior??? I really think it´s high time to clean up the rotten fish behind their own doors, as a first stage to be able to speak. There is a lot of hidden Pla Ra, in the behavior department.
  21. So, I understand you pain and frustration. Don´t you worry, as the days are still 24 hours long and the year consists of 365 days most of the time. Sometimes even longer. Everything else is just an illusion made up by single individuals.
  22. Yep, 82 % from nothing is great! 1 tourist would make up that. However, this makes me wonder if the guy was decapitated.
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