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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Started by locals or not, is totally irrelevant. The big questions is why all the foreigners that try to stand so high above all the time, do not choose to abide with the regulations? And yes, It will be all about foreigners breaking the regulations during Songkran, because it´s easier to see the dirt bags that openly show their ignorance by breaking them. Just sad that such ignorant people must come to the country. Go home!
  2. Let´s just say that the guy have a slight problem getting along.
  3. Yeah, at least he is right, when he admit that he is not a hoodlum. ???? A little fragile boy with a gun.
  4. Where you live, is rather irrelevant. What I provided was statistical facts, that prove USA was not at a better place than Thailand before. Please provide your decades long history of being better or just put a sock in it.
  5. I just find it very good, that they finally starts to understand that you need money to retire. That´s a giant leap for Thaikind.
  6. Yeah, and you must be from USA, as you react the way you do to that you are no longer better. Then you just take the old card up, and blame others for giving the wrong information. What makes you so sure your own numbers are so perfect?
  7. Check the red days in the calendar. Everything else is people that are extending the holiday by themselves. That is just because of the reason they never grow up, and never can wait for something.
  8. Doesn´t matter what Pattaya do. Songkran still starts the 13th.
  9. No need to do that. The car is in the leasing company´s name, until you have paid it full.
  10. Doesn´t matter. Songkran starts at the 13th.
  11. Yes, it was this one I assume that was extremely important, in a country where the real grown ups can get the real deal more easy that signing up for Netflix. ???? That´s probably why they are banned. No one needs them.
  12. Yeah, as Songkran starts tomorrow, it must be.
  13. That was exactly my feeling for your post I quoted. What did that one add?
  14. I hope you are qualified to make such judgement, or was it just something you needed to spit out together with the morning coffée?
  15. So, you like to look sex movies, right? Good for you.
  16. I can not understand this ongoing question about getting a credit card in Thailand. Thought most people knew they need to have the money to settle in another country. Besides that we have the reason, that it gives a chance to pay everything later or at the end of month. Who the heck want to pay more for something that you are able to buy cash?
  17. Yep, they will always find something to fine you for.
  18. In Thailand everything is legal, or just to pay yourself away from. Yes, why not? Do you see anything wrong with then?
  19. No, it´s a feeling of being superior and entitled, but that always comes down to psychological factors.
  20. No, you are not to early. Just that you failed to deliver your opinion, by being too busy asking others to do it. Of course the guy must have mental issues. No sane person sets another alight.
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